A Christmas meal with Finn-Brits in Turku ?


I sent an email to Mr.Paul Whybrow,the chairman of The Finnish-British Society in Turku and asked him to give me information on the society´s activities. He told me that the society has only a few British members in Turku and they would love to get more.

There are only two events left this year : Mike Davies´ talk on Shakespeare and the society´s traditional Christmas meal but I will give you the whole autumn schedule so that those interested in the society can see what the members are doing.

Here´s the message I got from Mr.Whybrow :

Here's the latest on our Autumn events/schedule:

1st up: our secretary has successfully arranged a 'Wine Tasting Evening' for us at the new venue 'Viinille' (on Humanlistonkatu) Friday, October 26th, 18.00
and the board has agreed a deep discount on this one, at just €16 per person, on the normal price of €36, so once again for those of you with a mathematical bent, will no doubt note that this represents an excellent deal on your membership (yep, straight away, two years fee saving!!)
For this outlay, we'll get tasters of 6 wines and eats complimentary to those (either Italian, or possibly 'New World' Australian/South African - let's see)
However, because of the limited space at the place, it will be on a first come basis and naturally, current members get preference: but, if we do finish up with any spare places left, we'll offer to non-members, at €44 membership included (not renewals).

The next day (Saturday 27th), our sister branch, Tampere, has a Gilbert and Sullivan event in Helsinki, with one of their contacts also offering tea hospitality on the way .... for anyone interested in this outting, please contact me so that I may forward your interest onto Tampere's secretary.

Mike Davies' talk on Shakespeare should now be taking place in November; details still to be confirmed, but for those members who enjoyed his presentation last year, and indeed for all those members who like our chat guest speakers, rest assured we are working to settle these matters as and when we can ( e.g. possible Kalevala 'performer' for next year...?!)

NB, this is now this Saturday (10.11) at 12pm at Norssi School in Varisuo

Then, our end of year traditional Chritsmas meal is now settled at Tuorla (on road out to Piikkiö - easily reachable too, on bus 111 from town) on Friday December 14, and should also be of traditional British fayre, kindly offered to be prepared by the institution there, and with the usual 'traditional' cracker (?!), and suggested carol singing, should make a 'merry' ol' time for all. Depending on how many find this absolutely irresistable, members fee will be between €15 and 20
(any non-members also welcome too, at full fee of €25, although we'll offer at €33 inclusive of membership for new members (not renewals!) wishing to join).
Mr. Whybrow also wrote:
"If anyone is interested you will also see that we are welcoming new members by giving them a discount at the Christmas meal ( E8 instead of E10 ). There must be even more of an incentive to join us now,as next year after 5 years running, there is a proposal to up the fee too."

Mr. Whybrow´s contact info : paul.whybrow(at)pp.inet.fi

The Finnish-British Society welcomes all nationalities with active English skills as members !




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • mustahammas

      In my previous message I wrote "I will give you the whole autumn schedule". That should have been "I will give you THE LATEST OF the autumn schedule.

    Ketjusta on poistettu 1 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.

    Luetuimmat keskustelut

    1. Katso: Ohhoh! Miina Äkkijyrkkä sai käskyn lähteä pois Farmi-kuvauksista -Kommentoi asiaa: "En ole.."

      Tämä oli shokkiyllätys. Oliko tässä kyse tosiaan siitä, että Äkkijyrkkä sanoi asioita suoraan vai mistä.... Tsemppiä, Mi
    2. Voi kun mies rapsuttaisit mua sieltä

      Saisit myös sormiisi ihanan tuoksukasta rakkauden mahlaa.👄
    3. Poliisiauto Omasp:n edessä parkissa

      Poliisiauto oli parkissa monta tuntia Seinäjoen konttorin edessä tänään. Haettiinko joku tai jotain pankista tutkittavak
    4. Haluan jutella kanssasi Nainen

      Olisiko jo aika tavata ja avata tunteemme...On niin paljon asioita joihin molemmat ehkä haluaisimme saada vastaukset...O
    5. Onko mies niin,

      että sinulle ei riitä yksi nainen? Minulle suhde tarkoittaa sitoutumista, tosin eihän se vankila saa olla kummallekaan.
    6. Voitasko leikkiä jotain tunnisteleikkiä?

      Tietäisi ketä täällä käy kaipaamassa.. kerro jotain mikä liittyy sinuun ja häneen eikä muut tiedä. Vastaan itsekin kohta
    7. Tietysti jokainen ansaitsee

      Hän varmasti ansaitsee vain parasta ja sopivinta tietenkin, suon sen onnen hänelle enemmän kuin mielelläni. Aika on nyt
    8. Armi Aavikko Malmin hautausmaa

      Haudattiinko Armi arkussa Malmin hautausmaalle vai tuhkattiinko hänet? Kuka tietää asiasta oikein?
      Kotimaiset julkkisjuorut
    9. Haluisin suudella ja huokailla

      ja purra kaulaasi ja rakastella sinua. Haluisin puristella rintojasi ja pakaroitasi. Ei sinulla taida olla kuitenkaan ni
    10. Miksi näin?

      Miksi vihervassut haluaa maahan porukkaa jonka pyhä kirja kieltää sopeutumisen vääräuskoisten keskuuteen? Näin kotoutumi
      Maailman menoa