Tiesittekö, että pokeri on

taitopeli pitkälti?




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
      • miten ruletissa

        voittaa oikeasti.

      • miten ruletissa kirjoitti:

        voittaa oikeasti.

        Miten siinä voitetaan pitkässäjuoksussa?

        Maalmasta ei löydy yhtäkään rulettiammattilaista.

        Pokeriammatilaisia toki löytyy useampia ja siksi koska se on taitopeli. Ruletista ei löydy koska se on tuuripeli    

      • TAAS paskaa!!!
        Gambler1 kirjoitti:

        Miten siinä voitetaan pitkässäjuoksussa?

        Maalmasta ei löydy yhtäkään rulettiammattilaista.

        Pokeriammatilaisia toki löytyy useampia ja siksi koska se on taitopeli. Ruletista ei löydy koska se on tuuripeli    

        Professional roulette player and roulette strategy creator Kim Larsen, named Vegasdude in gambling circles, announced the launch of a website describing his strategy of winning roulette games. The basic concept of Roulettebucks.dk says that playing roulette in not just a game of luck but is a game of skills as well. Kim says he has perfected his skills during the last 10 years, but now is time to teach other people.

        Roulette, the most popular casino game in most European and American casinos, was invented in the 17th century by the French scientist Blaise Pascal. The modern game is a bit different to the previous versions, but it still looks very simple. The roulette set is a round board with an inner roulette wheel in the centre of it. To start the game the dealer spins the roulette wheel and then drops a little ball along the inner side of the round board in an opposite direction to the roulette wheel. The result comes up with this ball that finally falls into one of its numbered slots on the roulette wheel.

        The roulette game hasn't been considered to comply with any mathematical explanations behind the outcome. Until recently only games such as blackjack and poker has been considered games of skill and strategy. However, Vegasdude’s life is a contradiction to the public opinion.

        Kim Larsen made the headlines when he was barred from visiting four Las Vegas casinos in the same month for winning too much. He became a real legend after he surprised TV viewers with a $10,000 win by playing the inside numbers of a roulette table starting with just $500.

      • miten ruletissa
        TAAS paskaa!!! kirjoitti:

        Professional roulette player and roulette strategy creator Kim Larsen, named Vegasdude in gambling circles, announced the launch of a website describing his strategy of winning roulette games. The basic concept of Roulettebucks.dk says that playing roulette in not just a game of luck but is a game of skills as well. Kim says he has perfected his skills during the last 10 years, but now is time to teach other people.

        Roulette, the most popular casino game in most European and American casinos, was invented in the 17th century by the French scientist Blaise Pascal. The modern game is a bit different to the previous versions, but it still looks very simple. The roulette set is a round board with an inner roulette wheel in the centre of it. To start the game the dealer spins the roulette wheel and then drops a little ball along the inner side of the round board in an opposite direction to the roulette wheel. The result comes up with this ball that finally falls into one of its numbered slots on the roulette wheel.

        The roulette game hasn't been considered to comply with any mathematical explanations behind the outcome. Until recently only games such as blackjack and poker has been considered games of skill and strategy. However, Vegasdude’s life is a contradiction to the public opinion.

        Kim Larsen made the headlines when he was barred from visiting four Las Vegas casinos in the same month for winning too much. He became a real legend after he surprised TV viewers with a $10,000 win by playing the inside numbers of a roulette table starting with just $500.

        voittaa oikeasti. en tosin laita sitä tietoa tälle palstalle. jos oikeasti kiinnostaa niin laita sähköpostiosoitteesi niin voidaan jatkaa siitä.

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