Homeopatian kasvu ja kehitys


AWARENESS - World wide usage

World homeopathy awareness organization

Homeopathic Medicine is widely practiced around the world. It is most commonly used in Europe, India, and Central and South America. A recent medical journal article reported that 28 to 56% of the people in Belgium, Denmark, France, and the Netherlands use Homeopathic Medicine. (British Medical Journal,319 (7213): page 836) Over 20% of German and French physicians have prescribed homeopathic medicines for their patients or have referred patients to a provider of homeopathic care. One third of the people in India seek treatment from the sixty thousand homeopathic doctors there. The English Royal Family has used Homeopathic Medicine for the past eighty years. Surprisingly, North Americans are far behind Europe in using Homeopathy. A survey in 1992 showed that only about 1% of US citizens had seen a homeopath. This has changed dramatically in the last ten years and there are now several thousand providers of homeopathic care in the US.
Boiron says: With almost 1.5 billion euros (manufacturer’s price), the world sale of homeopathic drugs accounts for 0.3% of the world drug market. The growth potential for homeopathy is therefore considerable. Almost 70% of all homeopathic drugs are sold in Western Europe.
France, with over 300 billion euros, is the largest homeopathy market in the world, followed by Germany 200 billion euros

Homeopathy is widely accepted and getting more popularity all over the world especially in Abu-Dhabi, Austria, Australia, Afghanistan, Argentina, Bangladesh, Bahrain, Bermuda, Brunei, Brazil, Belgium, Chili, Camarone, Cyprus, Canada, Costa Rica, Caribbean Islands, Dubai, Egypt, Fiji, Finland, France, Greece, Germany, Guinea, Holland, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy, IMO State, India, Japan, Kenya, Lithuania, Mexico, Mauritius, Muscat, Malaysia, Nigeria, Norway, New Zealand, Neth Antilles, Pakistan, Portugal, Panama, Philippines, Qatar, Russia, Romania, Switzerland, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Scotland, Slovakia, Spain, Taiwan, UK, Ukraine, Wales.
According to Washington Post, the number of Homeopathic physicians who specialized in Homeopathy doubled from 1980 to 1982. Approximately, 1000 other health professionals in the US were using Homeopathic medicines, and those include dentists, psychologists, podiatrists, chiropractors, veterinarians, naturopaths, acupuncturists, physician assistants and nurses. This number represents only a small percentage of licensed health professionals.
The rediscovery of homeopathy by the American is even more encouraging. The FDA consumer magazine reported that a 1000% increase in the sales of Homeopathic medicines from late 1970 to early 1980s.
New York Times reported that visits of Homeopathic physicians are increasing in UK at a rate of 39% per year. Nearly half of the British physicians refer to Homeopathic doctors.
Dr.Francisco Eizayaga, has estimated that there are now approximately 2,000 doctors in Argentina who practice homeopathy and approximately 3 million of Argentina's 30 million people have used homeopathic medicines.

Brazil. There are almost 15,000 physicians who utilize homeopathic medicines

Pharmacists in Brazil are required to take a course in homeopathic pharmacology in order to graduate. There are at least 10 homeopathic schools in Brazil and several conventional schools have course in Homeopathy.

2002 survey Homeopathy is the most frequently used of unconventional medicine in italy. (8.2% of the population).

Indo-Asian News Service
New Delhi: The homeopathy medicine market in India will be worth over Rs.58 billion in the next one decade, a health expert has said.
"Currently the homeopathy market in India is worth Rs.6.3 billion and will be worth Rs.58.73 billion by 2017. It's growing by nearly 25 percent per year," Mukesh Batra, managing director of Dr. Batra's Positive Health Clinics Ltd, said here Thursday.

Currently the world market for homeopathy is worth Rs.84 billion and France contributes the biggest pie with a market worth Rs.16.8 billion, Batra added.

"By 2017, the homeopathy market will be equivalent to the alternative healthcare market which is Rs.520 billion," he clarified.

A number or studies have shown that women make up between 64 and 80 % of the clientele visiting homeopaths (2).
World homeopathy awareness document in SOH 2008 folder

Worldwide, homeopathy has continued to grow and, according to the World Health Organization, is the most widely practiced alternative form of medicine, second only to allopathic medicine.

The World Health Organization (WHO) states homeopathy as the 2nd largest therapeutic in the world!

Homeopathy is practiced around the world, with an estimated 500 million people receiving homeopathic treatment. The World Health Organization has cited homeopathy as one of the systems of traditional medicine that should be integrated world wide with conventional medicine in order to provide adequate global health care by the year 2000.

US 34% of homeopaths had a bachelor's degree, 19% had a masters, and 28% had a doctorate.
India has the largest pool of homeopaths in the world-2,40,000 doctors, of which 50 per cent are non-practicing lady doctors," reveals Dr Satinder Bakshi, President of the Central Council of Homoeopathy.




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    • juttusi pointti?


      Eihän tuossa ollut mitään puhetta homeopatian kehityksestä ja kasvusta, vaan ainoastaan homeopatian käytön leviämisestä maailmalla.

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