A bell tolls in the Ivory Tower of Heaven
'tis time for the angels to pray
A bell tolls in the Ivory Tower of Heaven
The angels should now return to the fray
A bell tolls in the Ivory Tower of Moon
'tis time for the fae to dance
A bell tolls in the Ivory Tower of Moon
The fae must escape sun's glance
A bell tolls in the Ivory Tower of Sun
'tis time for the living to mourn the dead
A bell tolls in the Ivory Tower of Sun
The living go home and lay down to bed
A bell tolls in the Ivory Tower of Death
'tis time for spirits to roam the land
A bell tolls in the Ivory Tower of Death
The spirits return to bone and sand
A Bell tolls in the Ivory Tower of Life
'tis time for the trees to reach the sky
A Bell tolls in the Ivory Tower of Life
The trees lie low, wither and die
A bell tolls in the Ivory Tower of Time
The Beginning of All will come to pass
A bell tolls in the Ivory Tower of Time
The End foreseen through ages past
All at once I hear the rings
It's my turn to toll
And so again I toll the bell
In the Ivory Tower of Hell
The Ivory Towers
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