Newropeans is the first trans-European political movement which has run for European elections in 2009 in several EU Member States with the same name, the same programme and the same objective. In the june 2009 European elections Newropeans has presented its programme in France, Germany and the Netherlands.
Our aim is to help turn the EU from a bureaucratic top-down project into a democratically managed political entity. Today, we are facing a profound political crisis and a lack of political leadership in the EU which risks undermining the success of integration. We think that fresh ideas and necessary changes this time will not come from the national governments or Brussels. Newropeans brings new ideas to the EU and is a tool for citizens from throughout the EU to have their say in European affairs. Newropeans will only exist for fifteen to twenty years, the time for the democratisation to be achieved.
Newropeans is currently represented in 12 EU countries. Every month, our network grows. We are totally independent from the EU and national institutions. Our movement is built and financed entirely by our members and supporters.
Who we are
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