Well I have been reading hundreds of messages here about this problem so called PAKKORUOTSI and as I understand this is really a big problem for all you hillbillies, am I right?
I have been doing some heavy thinking about this...and her is my final solution to this endless fucking shitproblem.
Swedish is small language compared to the English language for example. However, bigger than the Finnish. And let's not talk about the histoical bullshit.
Well...here is my solution:
Let's end the Finnish language for all time in the future. Really, how big is the Finnish languge out in the world ?? Who the **** needs this hillbilly language anymore, anywhere? Yes of cource, some people may still speak Finnish at home if they really wan't to etc, etc. But let's make English an official language for Finland, end of story. Of cource some finnish hillbillies will be very fucked, but the problems will very soon disappear with this new system, into the depths of history before we even know it. This will be the so called transitional period.
Well to all you fucking finnish hillbillies what do you think about my solution?
And please don't try to tell my any historical bullshit.
last but not least
Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.
Luetuimmat keskustelut
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