Art Stipend is for independent research like in universities.
Artist normal month payment and art work is for the rest of artists.
There is a lot of work in social fields like prisons, hospitals, old houses, kindergartens, privet homes and more
Art Worker looks after the freedom of existence, humanity, well being, creativity, artistic look, health, joy, happiness...
by doing art and free will projects. He is like social every place tool to use, general human saver.
Society should take artist and payment for him a lot more actively in the government budget.
Till now, art has been left away from budget and active important life of society.
Artist has to realize his importance in society, that his role is to bring humanity into very technocratic modern life.

Big part of every country budget eats military practice.
Money from art payments goes for war making, war equipment and payment.
Military (army-police-secret agency) must be volunteer and not forced.
Military is a profession as artist is it's own profession as well.
Person has to choose his profession freely and not pushed by government.
Before that World has to Globalized and countries stop make war
and stop being egoistic.
USA is not ruler of the world, but every country in the world should sit in one parliament.

One Global State
Freedom to Move
The Citizen Payment

Rainbow is Love and Peace despite Age, Sex, Race, Social status position.
Rainbow is not Lesbo and Gay, because it is no sense to say that rainbow (raduga) belongs to lesbo and gays.
Rainbow is peace and love.

Future is in Art making, when population will grow and self expression will be important. Art is safe way to express itself. It is more safe than making war. Violence kills but art could be beautiful. Creativity is over human. It is eternal. It is up from human's itself. It has no beginning and it will not have end. It is always present and it means the same as life.

Art and Science goes together.

But Art should have it own money that are enough for existence.
In the Human Rights it is said that everyone should get enough money for survive: food, home, clothes, family.
Art were long, thousands of years suffering from the government pressure, from poverty.
Now is time for better life for artists.

Must be World Wide artist association with it's webpages, where every artist will put his own artwork representation.
The style, how art is made is less important, is it realism or what, because in the Global World all the methods of doing art are free in use. That is the best part of our time. Our times has free all the way of self expression and question of what is the correct art is not so strict. History is full of art styles to use according what art collector and order wants. That is artists professionalism to represent full scale of Art knowledge for the Art buyer.

Young artist should be taken without the difficult cultivated selection into art associations.
World Art Associations are helping to act internationally in the residence, money payment, exhibitions, studies traffic and are looking for the rights of every artist. Art by itself wants to be international.




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)

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