Vapaa kuvaus

Luontoa lähelle tahtova,

omia polkujaan kulkeva.


Kotimaa: ---

Koulutus: ---

Ammatti: Muu

Siviilisääty: ---

Lapset: ---





  1. Täällä näkyy sisältöarviointia (review)

    "The discussion of pollen analysis from the A.D. 79 level (Ch 7, Dimbleby and Grüger) is one of the most interesting chapters, although the exploratory work was disappointing. Dimbleby's scepticism in 1972 as to the value of studying samples from garden soils was justified to some extent. (The reasons are: low pollen numbers because of decomposition in fertile garden soil; cultivated plants and weeds from the same family may be indistinguishable e.g. chysanthemums and groundsel; and some plants were not allowed to flower and so are not present in the pollen sample.) However, his unexpected discovery of olive pollen in trial samples led to further research, which was greatly assisted by advances in technology during the l980s. As a result we now have much more detailed information as to the trees, shrubs, grasses, weeds and ferns found in formal gardens and (from wind-blown pollen) in the surrounding area. Some of these findings have already been published in Gardens I and II. The number of tables may appear somewhat daunting to the non-specialist, but the explanation of methodology and helpful notes on the main taxa make this chapter easily accessible. "
  2. Kirjelmöinti usein about yhtä turhaa kuin Ahmadinejadin kirje Bushille.. lähinnä täydellisen luottamuspulan takia.

    Muutos tapahtuu paljon kerkeämmin jos n.s. omat koirat purevat. Omia uskotaan eri tavalla, näin kävi mm. netmissionin kreationistiwebbisivulle johtaen muutokseen, kun netmission.fin foorumilla uskovatkin arvosteli sitä virheistä.

    Joku uskovainen esitelmöitsijä sanoi töykeästi jippii-foorumilla~: "En ole tullut tänne keskustelemaan vaan saarnaamaan". Ehkä se on samalla asenteella..