Kertokaahan minulle millainen sää tapaa olla New Yorkissa aivan huhtikuun lopulla ja toukokuun ekalla viikolla?
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Ilmat alkavat lämmetä meikäläisittäin jopa kesäsiiin lukemiin Vapun tienoilla, mutta sää voi olla vaihtelevaa.
MM. tällaista tietoa löytyy googlaamalla New York weather April May
Average High - 60°F / 16°C
Average Low - 45°F / 7°C
April is a transitional month in New York City. Winter has faded and Spring is slowly raising the temperature. April can be a rainy month and late season snow storms have dumped the white stuff on the city in the past, so keep a good eye on the weather if you're planning on visiting during this month.
You may not need heavy winter clothes in April, but you will still need to dress warmly.
Average High - 71°F / 22°C
Average Low - 55°F / 13°C
Spring-like temperatures arrive in the North East in the Month of May. The weather should be warming up nicely, and this is a great time to visit New York City. Rates are still low and the masses of visitors have not yet arrived.
Bring a nice jacket and long sleeve shirts and blouses. It may get warm enough for short sleeves, so you might want to pack one or two pieces.
April is more likely to be in the 45-65 range; consider yourself blessed if it gets beyond 70, which can and does happen, but usually means a thunderstorm following. An April "heatwave" is one of the best times to be in NYC.
Spring in New York City is the best time to be in the city, without doubt. Spring usually means less humidity and temps between 50-80 degrees, though June occasionally sees a 90 degree day. An occasional humidity soaked heat wave can strike, but it usually feels nice the first time around. Spring is all about eating al fresco and enjoying the low humidity.
April marks the beginning of Spring in New York City, making it a wonderful time to visit! Early April can still be chilly, so pack some warm clothes and your umbrella but don't let it keep you from visiting during April, or else you'll miss out on celebrating Easter, celebrity sighting at the Tribeca Film Festival and the Cherry Blossom Festival at the Brooklyn Botanical Garden.
May is a wonderful time to visit New York City, as the weather is perfect for spending lots of time outdoors during your trip (whether you want to go on a New York City Walking Tour or just enjoy a picnic in Central Park) without the summer crowds. - Ikkunavelho
Tässä viime kevään lämpötilat. - 14
Kuka sen osaisi ennustaa? Talla viikolla oli maanjaristys ja loppuviikosta on tulossa hurrikaani. Ei tavallista mutta tapahtui kumminkin.
- loma mielessä
Kiitos kaikista vastauksista, niin ja kukapas sitä koskaan tietää mitä luonnonvoimia eteen tulee. Mutta osaattekos vielä kertoa milloin kirsikkapuut ovat kukassa New Yorkissa?
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