Hei ! Myyn Footprintin SOUTH AMERICAN HANDBOOK 2007-oppaan. Hinta 15 €.
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"Intro: The oldest guidebook bout South America has reached its astounding 82nd edition. Having sold over a million copies says something. This is the preferred guide to South America by serious travelers.
-There are 1580, mostly Bible paper thin, pages packed with information on any possible destination on the continent and have been refined by nearly a century of fine tuning.
-Includes sections on the Falkland Islands and Antarctica.
-Most complete (quantity-wise) listings of hotels, restaurants, museums, parks, activities, tour operators, guides, and transportation compared to any other guidebook.
- Many maps in two different styles; the smaller black and white city map and the colored regional maps that are as good as that torn, folded up thing you’ve been carrying.
-Only a few pictures at the very front of the book.
-Advertising is mixed in with much of the text.
-Short on detail, particularly background information, history, etc.
Authors: Editor and Contributor Ben Box has been in charge of the South American Guide since 1989 and has worked on the South American guides even longer. He has authored a number of other Footprint books on South American destinations as well. He is one of the most qualified South American guide writers around.
Other: The South American Handbook book has been used by throughout history by famous explorers and adventurers such as Graham Greene who called it “the best travel guide in the world.”
Opas Etelä-Amerikkaan matkaaaville
- las callejuelas
Joo, mut Lonely Planetin v. 2008-9 ilmestyny, up-to-date, "First Time in South-America" on ajankohtasempi, kertoo enemmän siitä millanen ko. maanosa on tänä päivänä.
Ehkä paras yhdistelmä ois nää molemmat.
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