Hakkerointi oli SUPO:n työtä...

hyvät veljet osaa.,.





    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • BSF.

      Selvää FSB:n tekemää hommaa..!

      • Hehheh....

        Kun yritän kirjoittaa pidemmin miksi tämä oli SUPO:n työtä niin ei tule viestit läpi... Sinulla tuskin tätä ongelmaa on ollut, kun jaksat jauhaa tuollaista paskaa.

      • prevalenssi

        Evidenssiä kehiin kiitos. Me... olisimme hyvinkin kiitollisia edes murusista. Ota yhteyttä Ranskan suurlähetystöön ja kysy henkilöä vastaoffensiiviselta puolelta. Pyydä audienssia residentin luo. Kiitos. Ei siis presidentin vaan residentin.

    • Totuustuleejulki

      Nibirulaiset, vapaamuurarit ja replitiaanit ovat tuon takana! Jos muuta väitätte, niin olette aivopestyjä SUPO:n agentteja.

    • V.Puustin

      Kerrotaanko missään ruokaan lisättävistä, pelätyistä ihmistä kontrolloivista ja vakoilevista mikrosiruista, jotka mahaan päästyään vaeltavat umpisuoleen ja pysyvät siellä koko loppuelämän ellei tule umpisuolentulehdusta?

      Tällöin joutuu umpisuolileikkaukseen. Lääkäri poistaa vaivihkaa umpisuolen siruineen, ja kun potilas on nukutuksessa, siruttaminen johonkin muuhun elimeen on lapsenleikkiä!

      Näin kaikki tulevat ennemmin tai myöhemmin vaivihkaa ja väistämättä sirutetuiksi.

      Ette voi välttää kohtaloanne!

      • LaD

        Toi on samaa saissea mitä se kuuhörhö selittöö

    • äoihöiuöig

      Mistä päättelet, että kyseinen ryhmä ajaa "yhteiskunnan totaalista muuttamista"
      Sellainen on kautta aikojen ollut hölmöläisten hommaa, enkä usko noita hakkereita tyhmiksi.

      • näen suuryritysten

        ja eliitin alasajon melko täydellisenä muutoksena. Tuon pastebinin tekstin kirjoittaja on kyllä tyhmyydessään omaa luokkaansa, tuo on jo kokonaan parodiaa eikä ollenkaan uskottava kannanotto suuryritysten valtaa vastustavalta ja vapauksia puolustavilta Anonyymeiltä. Vaikka jotkut teistä sioista saattaisivatkin pitää sitä hyvin tehtynä "false flaggina", niin se ei sitä ole... Jos olisin tuon tehnyt poliisin palveluksessa, niin kyllä hävettäisi. Eihän täällä kukaan ota enää tuota lehdistötiedotetta tosissaan.

    • horoperseille:

      5 vastausta eikä yhtä ainutta asiaan liittyvää kysymystä. Hyvin te systeemin horot taas vedätte, aivan kuin kemikaalivana-aiheista keskustelisi...

    • Sama suomeksi ?

      Dear Citizens of Finland, We are Anonymous.

      On Monday 31.10 We have successfully and easily hacked Kansallinen Vastarinta website and
      published the database of its membership application database containing personal datas of some applicants from all around the country. The release is available to everybody at the following URL: http://pastebin.com/ScTSdZPt
      We strongly recommend and invite You to check it out. You may find out Your neighbour or best friend is a dumbass Neo-nazi.
      We have no tolerance for any group based on racial, sexual and religion discrimination as well as for all the people belonging to them and sharing their ideologies, which is the reason why We decided to carry out last Monday's attack. That said, We demand SVK to cease its social and net activities and dissolve immediately: should it not happen, We will continue to carry out attacks to its website in the form We will find more appropriate for our intentions.
      Also, We invite any other similar group to do the very same as soon as possible or We will search for and take down their virtual counterparts - forum, blogs, websites.

      On Friday 4.11, We decided to join the international operation #AntiSec and externally
      supported the hacking of several Finnish websites' databases containing personal and sensitive info of thousands of citizens residing in Finland and temporarily released them on the web. We published the info of 16,000 people, yet do You think every hacker announces everything they have hacked? We certainly have not, as We sit on a larger amount of info that have been leaked. What if We had not told You? What if We had never published them on the net? What if somebody else – hardcore criminals or anybody up to commit something illegal, had got them? No one would be aware of this theft, You would not be aware of it.
      We care about digital security and We decided to see whether Finnish authorities, companies and institutions offer their users a proper security and safely treat and store their info. Sadly, We found out they never did. Getting into websites and databases was as easy as cutting butter with a knife: all We have used were elementary SQL injections, something everyone can do by simply searching for an SQL injection manual on the web.
      That said, because such companies and institutions seem to have been too much lazy all the time to work on the security of their virtual properties, We will not say what We have targeted and hacked and We will leave them the fun of finding it out. The time of cicadas is over, it's time to start working like an ant.

      We are Anonymous Finland and We have been watching over You and our country for long time.
      Finland is a great and beautiful country and We know that at the eyes of a foreigner it may well appear as a place almost close to perfection: excellent welfare, health and education systems, low crime rates and almost absent corruption, a place without stains, "white" like the snow covering it during winter time. Yet, We know that under the snow lies a smelly, dark puddle of mud that is making it less white, little by little, day after day.
      Unlike most of You, We do not live on clouds and We do not believe at all that this country is white.
      We can see see this dark mud pretty much everywhere and We do not like it. We are sick of it and We cannot take it anymore.

      - We have seen a massive increase of racism among large layers of the population and national politics, as well as of violent verbal and physical actions towards foreigners. We have seen the birth of groups and political movements and apparition of political figures who support racist ideologies and foster and encourage racial hatred through flamboyant rhetoric, people and movements who – and We are absolutely sure of it – would switch from words to extreme violent action towards foreigners if they had the means to do so and a massive support at their back. As history has showed too many times, the step from words to horrible crimes is very easy and can happen any time and anywhere, even where You may find hard or impossible for it to happen. And if You think We are making an exaggerated statement, then We invite You to read SUPO Anssi Kullberg's words recent words on the matter published on Helsingin Sanomat: "Kullberg is concerned about the spread of anti-Islamic hate speech: 'The danger is that it might provoke the other side'".
      We invite all the people living in this country to do all they can to isolate and denounce
      extremist groups, their activities and statements.

      • Please suomeksi :(

        We invite all the people living in this country to do all they can to isolate and denounce
        extremist groups, their activities and statements.

        - We have seen a massive spread of illegal actions and corruption perpetrated by certain
        Finnish companies inside and outside the national borders. We have seen foreign lands by
        locals being expropriated through local proxy authorities in order to carry on with their
        business, as well as a large resort to underground and underpaid labour in many and different work environments and witnessed in some cases the death of exploited workers

        - We have seen political parties and its members to fade away from their voters and people
        and not to work properly on matters of extreme and important necessity for the people living
        in Finland, from measures to support unemployed and those who struggle to make it to the
        end of the month with their low salaries. In times where more and more people are joining
        lines to get basic foods at charities, in a country where thousand of people affected by
        disabilities live with less than 600€/month and with state support benefits still low despite a higher cost of life compared to a decade ago, We cannot accept to see MPs voting to increase their salaries and discussing to raise the remuneration for the President. Honestly, We cannot accept at all even the current salaries, too shameful high for a duty – serving and representing citizens – that should be considered not as a 'job' but as a 'public service'

        - But above all, We have seen how a large, massive majority of the people living in Finland
        simply do not care about all this. We got saddened and negatively impressed by seeing and
        realizing how careless they are, regardless of their age and social position, and We found out that the 'as long as it doesn't bother my backyard, I don't care'-mentality is strongly and deeply permeated in them

        Because of all this and many other things We will explain in our incoming operations, We at
        AnonFinland have decided to be silent no more and take action by starting #OperationValkomaa.
        Our brothers in arm, armed with our Lulzbrooms, will target and carry out attacks on all those who, with their words and actions, give a contribution to make the dark puddle of mud bigger and larger and infect this land We love and care about.

        We at Anonymous Finland release our first demands:

        - The immediate cessation of all the activities, virtual and live, carried out by extremist and racist civil and political groups and parties and their dissolution

        - The immediate cessation of any verbal, psychological and physical racist action and
        harrassment towards foreigners in any environment, public and private

        - The immediate cessation of violent verbal rhetoric by certain political parties and Mps and the resignation from Eduskunta of all the MPs who have already distinguished themselves
        with harsh, disgraceful racist statements. Also, We invite the rest of the MPs – as well as the members of the government - forming the current legislature to think twice before to do the very same. That say, We invite MPs Mr Jussi Kristian Halla-aho and Mr Teuvo Mauno Kalervo Hakkarainen to immediately resign from their positions, as their presence at Eduskunta is an offence to the high reputation of the institution of Parliament, the country and its people.
        We are even ready to hack an airline company and get You a one-way ticket to Nauru – as
        We are aware the first likes it – but please, get out of Eduskunta.

        - The immediate cessation of illegal practices of any sort by Finnish companies, enterprises and business of any size both inside and outside Finland, the respect of the rights of their workers and a fair, legal economic treatment of the same

        - A more serious commitment by the Finnish Government in working on the raise of the
        amount of social benefits You offer to Your citizens - especially those concerning
        unemployment and low wages. Also, We demand the Finnish Government to work on an
        approve on a law that sets the salaries for MPs and government members at €2,500 and the
        salary for the President of the Republic at €3,000. We think it would be quite a fair step from You, as well as a form of respect for people who have few or no money to enjoy a good life as You do. You could even make sure to win the elections for the next two decades by doing that! We are sure You will not experience a harsh life of deprivations with such pays.

      • stuxnet+
        Please suomeksi :( kirjoitti:

        We invite all the people living in this country to do all they can to isolate and denounce
        extremist groups, their activities and statements.

        - We have seen a massive spread of illegal actions and corruption perpetrated by certain
        Finnish companies inside and outside the national borders. We have seen foreign lands by
        locals being expropriated through local proxy authorities in order to carry on with their
        business, as well as a large resort to underground and underpaid labour in many and different work environments and witnessed in some cases the death of exploited workers

        - We have seen political parties and its members to fade away from their voters and people
        and not to work properly on matters of extreme and important necessity for the people living
        in Finland, from measures to support unemployed and those who struggle to make it to the
        end of the month with their low salaries. In times where more and more people are joining
        lines to get basic foods at charities, in a country where thousand of people affected by
        disabilities live with less than 600€/month and with state support benefits still low despite a higher cost of life compared to a decade ago, We cannot accept to see MPs voting to increase their salaries and discussing to raise the remuneration for the President. Honestly, We cannot accept at all even the current salaries, too shameful high for a duty – serving and representing citizens – that should be considered not as a 'job' but as a 'public service'

        - But above all, We have seen how a large, massive majority of the people living in Finland
        simply do not care about all this. We got saddened and negatively impressed by seeing and
        realizing how careless they are, regardless of their age and social position, and We found out that the 'as long as it doesn't bother my backyard, I don't care'-mentality is strongly and deeply permeated in them

        Because of all this and many other things We will explain in our incoming operations, We at
        AnonFinland have decided to be silent no more and take action by starting #OperationValkomaa.
        Our brothers in arm, armed with our Lulzbrooms, will target and carry out attacks on all those who, with their words and actions, give a contribution to make the dark puddle of mud bigger and larger and infect this land We love and care about.

        We at Anonymous Finland release our first demands:

        - The immediate cessation of all the activities, virtual and live, carried out by extremist and racist civil and political groups and parties and their dissolution

        - The immediate cessation of any verbal, psychological and physical racist action and
        harrassment towards foreigners in any environment, public and private

        - The immediate cessation of violent verbal rhetoric by certain political parties and Mps and the resignation from Eduskunta of all the MPs who have already distinguished themselves
        with harsh, disgraceful racist statements. Also, We invite the rest of the MPs – as well as the members of the government - forming the current legislature to think twice before to do the very same. That say, We invite MPs Mr Jussi Kristian Halla-aho and Mr Teuvo Mauno Kalervo Hakkarainen to immediately resign from their positions, as their presence at Eduskunta is an offence to the high reputation of the institution of Parliament, the country and its people.
        We are even ready to hack an airline company and get You a one-way ticket to Nauru – as
        We are aware the first likes it – but please, get out of Eduskunta.

        - The immediate cessation of illegal practices of any sort by Finnish companies, enterprises and business of any size both inside and outside Finland, the respect of the rights of their workers and a fair, legal economic treatment of the same

        - A more serious commitment by the Finnish Government in working on the raise of the
        amount of social benefits You offer to Your citizens - especially those concerning
        unemployment and low wages. Also, We demand the Finnish Government to work on an
        approve on a law that sets the salaries for MPs and government members at €2,500 and the
        salary for the President of the Republic at €3,000. We think it would be quite a fair step from You, as well as a form of respect for people who have few or no money to enjoy a good life as You do. You could even make sure to win the elections for the next two decades by doing that! We are sure You will not experience a harsh life of deprivations with such pays.

        Dear Citizens of Finland, We are Anonymous.

        Anonymous Finland will not stay idly and will monitor the development of the situation. We will be watching You and We sincerely invite You neither to consider us as a joke nor to underestimate our requests, mission and purpose. We will actively challenge all those who will continue to feed the dark puddle of mud menacing our country by causing very bad butthurts to You. We will stand and strike in defence of all the people living in this country.

        People of Finland, the time for justice has become and We invite You to support and help us in carrying out our mission. We are here for You. Join the revolution and enjoy the lulz.

        We are Anonymous Finland
        We are Anonymous
        We are Legion
        We do not forgive
        We do not forget
        Expect us


        IRC: irc.anonops.li #anonfinland / irc.anonnet.org #anonfinland

    • v12v

      tänään on amerikoissa sensuroitu sivuja ..voitte itse huomata en laita linkkejä.

      Eliittiä harmittaa vietävästi kun kaikki saavat anonyymina kirjoitella palstoille kaikenlaista (lue faktoja).

    • tarina jatkuu:

      Dear Citizens of Finland, We are Anonymous.

      Today November 12, members of Anonymous Finland have voted and approved the support of Anonymous' worldwide Operation Green Rights, a series of actions in defence and safeguard of the environment, and decided to start a spin-off of the same in this country, as part of our Operaatio Valkomaa.

      The love We have for this land and its unique nature is limitless and as citizens of this country it is our duty - civil and moral - to do the utmost to protect and defend it. Sadly, not everybody agree with this and commit themselves to screw, pollute and destroy it: by doing it, these people decided to join that dark puddle of mud that is menacing Finland and its society and that We are fighting and trying to knock down and wash away.

      Talvivaara Mining Company Plc (Talvivaaran Kaivososakeyhtiö Oyj) has been carrying out massive and dangerous mining operations in Eastern Finland so far to the detriment of the local natural environment and people of the communities living in the Lake Hakonen area and nearby the Talvivaara mine.
      Waste water from the mining site may have affected ground water in the whole area, has brought so much sodium sulphate into the lake that its water has turned into brine and reduced its oxygen content, an action that in the course of the years will cause a gradual change the flora and fauna of the wilderness lake; dust caused by mining works is carried by winds for kilometres and turns the snow black when falling on the ground and the powerful smell of hydrogen sulphide coming from the mine is affecting the health of the locals. To understand the vastness of the environmental damage perpetrated by Talvitaara, the polluted water from Salminen flows via the lakes Kivijärvi and Kalliojärvi toward the Oulujärvi waterway covering a distance of 50 kilometres, the emissions from the mine can also in waters in North Savo, 177 kilometres away from the mine site, and the mining works have managed, for the first time ever in Finland, to create sea conditions in an inland lake, an event that finds its previous in the Southern Italian region Campania, where Camorra (Neapolitan mafia) managed to do the same - albeit with different actions - by getting sea water to flow into Volturno River.
      For years, Talvitaara has hoodwinded the communities living around Lake Hakonen by promising that extraction of metals would exclusively involve a closed cycle and that nothing would spread beyond the mine area. For years, they have have been vastly exceeding the maximum emissions allowed by the environment permit (130 milligrams per cubic metre) by emitting waste water containing 8,000 milligrams of sulphate per cubic metre. And shamelessly they applying for permission to raise the emission levels. This means simply killing the Finnish environment, and the longer Talvitaara continues with its outlaw, selfish and carelessless behaviour, the more the damage will grow.

      We at Anonymous Finland are simply pissed off and decided to join the struggle against Talvivaara: We officially declare war to You and start Operaatio Screw Talvivaara. We stand in solidarity with all the citizens affected by Talvivaara's action and polluting activities and We support them in protesting against this corporate abuse. Anonymous Finland will not stand by idly and let these environmental atrocities continue.
      Anonymous Finland will, over the course of the next weeks and months, use the powers We posses to spread attacks on You. We invite all the people of the communities affected by Talvivaara's activities and the rest of the Finnish people to take the protest to Eduskunta and show that You are as mad as hell and You are not going to take this shit anymore.
      We are actively seeking leaks to expose the corruption Talvivaara is possibly involved in and further wrongdoings perpetrated by it. To do this, We need Your precious help: get in touch with us on Twitter or IRC chat to share all what You know and material You have or can get that can help us to achieve this purpose, We are actively seeking leaks and You are the only who can make it happen. Upload them on the net and pass it to us.

      Spread the word on the net about the harm that is being caused by Talvivaara. Share it by using the tag #FUtalvivaara and #opScrewTalvivaara.

      Talvivaara mine's works are a major step backward in the effort of the country to keep itself as clean and respectful of the environment as possible. Anonymous Finland will not suffer this without a fight, and Operation Green Rights and Operaatio Screw Talvivaara will always support the rights of the people to live in an unpolluted world and unpolluted Finland, and aim to help safeguard it for the future.



      We are Anonymous Finland
      We are Anonymous
      We are Legion
      We do not forgive
      We do not forget
      Expect us

      • ei kyllä vieläkään

        vakuuta... Vaikka yo. vinkistä viisastuivatkin.. Aivan kuin Suomessa ei olisi muita suuryhtiöitä kuin Talvivaara... Ei sanaakaan pohjavesiämme varastavista yrityksistä, jonka mainitseminen on poliittisesti epäkorrektia. Laittakaa nyt paremmaksi...

    • itse epäilen

    Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.

    Luetuimmat keskustelut

    1. Aikakone-yhtyeestä tuttu Maki Kolehmainen kuollut

      Kuoli tänään aamuyöstä nopeasti edenneeseen sairauteen. Hän oli 58-vuotias.
      Maailman menoa
    2. Se viime kohtaaminen

      Oli naine vähän sellainen kohmea. Nopeasti yritin etsiä merkkejä sinusta mutta en saanut mitään ilmi. Ajattelin että ny
    3. Mitä kehon osia

      Olet kaivatultasi nähnyt ja piditkö näkemästäsi?
    4. Ihan rakentavassa mielessä

      Haluaisin nainen kysyä sinulta ja myös itseltäni että mitä me oikein odotellaan? Olisiko aika jo käydä edes treffeillä?
    5. Kuinka paljon merkkaa naisen ulkonäkö

      Parisuhteessa ykeensä kysynnvaan Onko kaunis nainen oarempi vaihtoehto kun tavis
    6. Taidan olla ihan sairas

      Kun mietin jo meidän yhteisen lapsen nimeä 😄
    7. 48
    8. Luin jostain että skorpioni

      Naiset parhaita rakastajattaria…. Pitäneekö paikkansa?
    9. Pitäisikö alkaa

      Treenaamaan että sulla tippuu silmät päästä kun näet minut ensi kerralla, nainen. 🤔
    10. Olen sinusta nainen

      Oikeasti tosi ylpeä. Tunnen sen miten kehity ja opit säätelemään omia tunteitasi. Se on aina hieno piirre ihmisessä.