Missähän kohtaa tässä on se koukku..
I am Miss. Djeneba Bamba, from Abidjan Cote d'Ivoire. I need your assistance as a new partner to help me collect my briefcase containing some millions of Euros in your country. My father kept it with the UN worker late Miss. Zahra Abidi so that it would be taken to Sweden for safekeeping as the war errupted in Abidjan, Cote d'ivoire.
My father died shortly after depositing the briefcase with Miss. Zahra Abidi and unfortunately Miss. Zahra Abidi was also killed by a stray bullet on 31st of March. But before her death, she has already concluded an arrangement to send the briefcase to Sweden through a diplomatic means.
Since then, the diplomat who transported the briefcase to Sweden has been calling me for the collection of the briefcase. But I don't want him to return it back to my country because of the political problem here in my country. This is the reason I want you to help me as a partner to meet with the diplomat and collect the briefcase, then keep it for me. Then I will give you the key to open the briefcase after collecting it from the diplomat so that you will take some money from the briefcase and send it to me, then I will join you in Sweden and we shall invest the money together.
I will offer you 20% of the total money if you are able to help me collect the box from the diplomat in Sweden. Please note that the diplomat does not know that the box contains money, late Miss. Zahra Abidi told him it contain Gold and Diamonds.
I want to build trust in you by giving you this opportunity, please be a honest person. If this proposal interests you, please reply by sending me your full name, address, telephone number and other personal information so that I can know the person I am dealing with.
I am urgently expecting your response because the diplomat wants to return to his country in a short time.
Roskapostia luettavaksi ajankuluksi
- maniaboksis
No se antaa siitä laatikon rahoista sitten 20%. Se on se koukku että antaisit henkilötietojasi, jonka jälkeen tulisi joku uus ehdotus. vaikkapa että tarviisi vähän rahaa matkatakseen ruottiin, ja sitten tulee mutkia matkaan ja taas tarvitaan lisää rahaa vaikkapa wu kautta. Tai sitten tulisi pyyntö lähettää kopio henkkareista joten se olisi henkilöllisyyden varastaminen johonki tarkoitukseen.
Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.
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