Miksi "luomismuseossa" käydään?

Suurin osa (81%) AiG:n Kentuckyn "luomismuseon" vierailijoista näyttää olevan evolutionisteja, joita motivoi paikalle mahdollisuus näyttelyn pilkkaamiseen. Tavallaan tuo on ymmärrettävää - niin pilkkaisin moista "museota" minäkin, jos sinne eksyisin.


Mutta miksi tuota roskamuseota pitäisi mennä paikan päälle pilkkaamaan, kun saman voi tehdä ilmaiseksi esim. netissä?

Asia on kuten museon johtaja Dan Connolly sanoo: ""I hear them all snickering. What’s so funny about Jesus riding his trusty steed dinosaur? Or feeding his pet crocoduck? It doesn’t make any difference though. The bank still accepts evil sinners’ money just the same. I just hope they think it’s funny enough for a second or third trip""

Tässä kohtaa se suurin tyhmyys ei siis olekaan kreationistien leirissä kuten yleensä.




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • LOL. News that's ALMOST reliable.

      • Hysh

      • illuminatus kirjoitti:



      • Sorry :)

    • Oliko tämä avaus illu huumoria, vai haksahditkos nyt itse?

      "Free Wood Post is a News Satire website. It is an online satirical take on current affairs featuring fake stories about politics, pop culture, and the marketplace. The website has been emerging and growing since the fall of 2011 and has been featured and debunked by several sources including; Snopes.com,[1][2][3][4][5][6][7] Forbes.com,[8] UrbanLegends.about.com,[9][10][11] as well as several others. Free Wood Post has a readership of over 5M views and counting."


      • Tuo "johtajan lausunto" on täysin vastustamaton :-D

      • illuminatus kirjoitti:

        Tuo "johtajan lausunto" on täysin vastustamaton :-D

        Mike Zovath, senior vice president of Answers in Genesis which owns and operates the museum, said the new attraction is designed to help the museum appeal to a wider audience.

        “Look, there are only so many people out there willing to believe this horseshit. Seriously. Even in Kentucky. So we’re trying to spice it up a bit to bring in the extreme sports type crowd. Because they smoke a lot of weed and might actually accept some of this while they are stoned. It’s our best hope at this point. We’re kind of desperate.”


      • illuminatus kirjoitti:

        Tuo "johtajan lausunto" on täysin vastustamaton :-D

        "Tuo "johtajan lausunto" on täysin vastustamaton :-D"

        Tämä oli vielä parempi:

        “Look, there are only so many people out there willing to believe this horseshit. Seriously. Even in Kentucky. So we’re trying to spice it up a bit to bring in the extreme sports type crowd. Because they smoke a lot of weed and might actually accept some of this while they are stoned. It’s our best hope at this point. We’re kind of desperate.”

      • moloch_horridus kirjoitti:

        "Tuo "johtajan lausunto" on täysin vastustamaton :-D"

        Tämä oli vielä parempi:

        “Look, there are only so many people out there willing to believe this horseshit. Seriously. Even in Kentucky. So we’re trying to spice it up a bit to bring in the extreme sports type crowd. Because they smoke a lot of weed and might actually accept some of this while they are stoned. It’s our best hope at this point. We’re kind of desperate.”

        Tulikin tuplana.

      • illuminatus kirjoitti:

        Mike Zovath, senior vice president of Answers in Genesis which owns and operates the museum, said the new attraction is designed to help the museum appeal to a wider audience.

        “Look, there are only so many people out there willing to believe this horseshit. Seriously. Even in Kentucky. So we’re trying to spice it up a bit to bring in the extreme sports type crowd. Because they smoke a lot of weed and might actually accept some of this while they are stoned. It’s our best hope at this point. We’re kind of desperate.”


        Hahaa :)

    • Museo onkin trollausta!

      • En tiedä onko tuo "museo" trollausta, mutta ainakin se on sisällöltään täyttä hevonpaskaa, jonka ainoa todellinen funktio on kusettaa tyhmiä ja turvata AiG:n taloutta.

    Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.

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      70 plus
    5. Herätät kyllä

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    6. Mitä haluaisit sanoa

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      Miehelle kysymys.
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      Nousta sängystä keittämään kahvit. ☕ Hyyvää huomenta. Hyyvää huomenta. 🎄❤️😊💫⚜️🐺