Has reading a book ever changed your life? Which one and why, if yes?
- Not dramatically, but some of Paulo Coelho's books have made me look at things from another perspective.
Do you prefer to read fiction or nonfiction? Explain your choice.
- Both.
If you could be a character in any novel you’ve ever read, who would you be and why?
- Maybe Brida or the main character in The Witch of Portobello, because they both had healthy views on life and seemed to find happiness.
Has reading a book ever made you cry? Which one and why?
- Some Dragonlance books, as my favourite characters died.
How many books do you read each year?
- Haven't counted, a few.
Have you ever written (or started to write) a book?
- Not really, just stories.
Name one book you had to read but hated, and explain why you hated it.
- I'd say Twilight, but sadly I read it voluntarily... because I felt embarrassed on Bella's half, her self esteem is even lower than mine, and the continuous praising of Edward made me sick. He's such a goodie two-shoes for being a freakin' vampire!
If someone wrote a book about your life, what would they title it?
- Living inside my head
If you could pick a book you’ve read to make into a movie, which one would you choose?
- That never really works out, does it?
What was your favorite book as a child and why?
- Maybe The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe
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