Olemme Brooklynissa asuva amerikkalais-suomalainen perhe ja haemme au pairia kahdelle pojallemme (6 v. ja 4 v.) marraskuun 2014 lopusta lukien. Alla on englanninkielinen hakuilmoituksemme.
An American-Finnish family looking for an au pair to work in New York
starting at the end of November 2014
We are an American-Finnish family living in New York City. Our current Finnish au pair is moving on after spending two years with us and we are looking for a new au pair to look after our two sons (6 years and 4 years old). We would need the person to start at the end of November 2014.
The position offers:
• a furnished private room in our renovated brownstone house located in Park Slope, a family-oriented part of Brooklyn in close proximity to Manhattan and other hip Brooklyn neighborhoods (such as Williamsburg and Greenpoint), with access to all amenities in the house, including cable television and internet connection in the room;
• a U.S. cell phone;
• market rate compensation taking into account experience of applicant and requirements of the federal au pair regulations;
• two weeks of paid vacation; and
• process managed by a recognized au pair organization (Au Pair in America), which provides ongoing support to au pairs once in the United States and organizes events for local au pairs throughout the year.
We expect our au pair to:
• have proven substantial (minimum 200 hours) experience caring for children other than family members, with prior experience as an au pair or nanny (‘perhepäivähoitaja’) a plus;
• be 18-26 years of age;
• be a native Finnish speaker and proficient in English;
• commit to the position for a minimum of 12 months;
• be unafraid of the demands and challenges of taking care of two active children, including being responsible for their daily activities (e.g., school drop-off and pick-up, hobbies);
• be a responsible person with initiative, ability to think and work independently;
• have a high school diploma ('ylioppilastodistus') or another secondary school diploma ('toisen asteen ammatillinen tutkinto'); and
• be a non-smoker (when on duty).
If you are interested, please send a cover letter stating why you are interested in the position, together with your resume, to us at [email protected]. If we believe you could be right for the position, we will approach you to arrange an initial interview via Skype or traditional phone (haastattelu voidaan järjestää toiveiden mukaan myös suomeksi).
The deadline for applications is May 31, 2014. Of course, the sooner we receive your application, the sooner we can approach you to schedule a potential interview.
Thank you.
Etsimme au pairia (New York City, USA)
- Rea19
Heippa! Tarvitseeko tulevalla au-pairillanne olla ajokorttia?
- Isäntäperhe
Au pairimme ei tarvitse ajokorttia.
- mmeemms
In what language do you prefer the application?
- Isäntäperhe
Olemme saaneet suuren määrän erinomaisia hakemuksia ja päättäneet tämän vuoksi sulkea haun ennen toukokuun lopun määräaikaa. Suuret kiitokset kaikille hakemuksen lähettäneille.
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