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    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • moZZad
      • Kas kummaa, Thierry Meyssan on Venäjän äänitorvi, 911-trutheri... Tai eihän tässä mitään kummaa ole.
        "What is Voltaire Network?
        Founded by French intellectual Thierry Meyssan..."
        "In 1994, he founded the Voltaire Network..."
        "In 2002, he published a book on the September 11 terrorist attacks—9/11: The Big Lie..."
        "He is a journalist for the Russian weekly magazine Odnako (Однако)."

      • Tää on
        kekek-kekek kirjoitti:

        Kas kummaa, Thierry Meyssan on Venäjän äänitorvi, 911-trutheri... Tai eihän tässä mitään kummaa ole.
        "What is Voltaire Network?
        Founded by French intellectual Thierry Meyssan..."
        "In 1994, he founded the Voltaire Network..."
        "In 2002, he published a book on the September 11 terrorist attacks—9/11: The Big Lie..."
        "He is a journalist for the Russian weekly magazine Odnako (Однако)."

        Vähän selkeämpi artikkeli.

      • kakka särö
        kekek-kekek kirjoitti:

        Kas kummaa, Thierry Meyssan on Venäjän äänitorvi, 911-trutheri... Tai eihän tässä mitään kummaa ole.
        "What is Voltaire Network?
        Founded by French intellectual Thierry Meyssan..."
        "In 1994, he founded the Voltaire Network..."
        "In 2002, he published a book on the September 11 terrorist attacks—9/11: The Big Lie..."
        "He is a journalist for the Russian weekly magazine Odnako (Однако)."

        Mikä on sun pointi kekek, puhutaanko Gladiosta vai Theirry Meyssanista??

        Yritätkö anta vääristetty kuva Meyssan on AINOASTAAN venäjän ääni ja 9/11 kriitikko?
        Mutta laitetaan nyt rehellisempi ja laajempi kuva esiell kaikille, senkin särömies!

        La Protection des homosexuels dans le droit européen de Collectif, Projet Ornicar éd. (Paris), 1993, ISBN 2-910209-00-8.

        L'Intégration des transsexuels de Collectif, Projet Ornicar éd. (Paris), 1993, ISBN 2-910209-01-6.

        Charles Millon, le porte-glaive de Collectif, Golias (Lyon), 1999, ISBN 2-911453-39-5.

        L'Énigme Pasqua, Golias (Lyon), 2000, ISBN 2-911453-88-3.

        Terrorisme en soutane : Jean-Paul II contre l'IVG par le Réseau Voltaire pour la liberté d'expression, L'Esprit frappeur (Paris), 2000, ISBN 2-84405-141-3.

        9/11 The Big Lie, Carnot Publishing (London), 2002, ISBN 1-59209-026-5.

        Pentagate, USA Books (New York), 2002, ISBN 1-59209-028-1.

        Os Senhores da Guerra, Frenesi (Lisboa), 2002, ISBN 972-8351-67-4.

        Foreword (with Jean Ziegler), Le Cartel Bush, Timéli (Genève), 2004, ISBN 2-940342-05-9.

        Politicamente Incorrecto, postface by Fidel Castro, Ciencias sociales (Cuba), 2004, ISBN 959-06-0640-7.

        Foreword (with José Saramago), El Neron del siglo XXI, Apostrofe (Madrid), 2004, ISBN 84-455-0258-1.

        L'Effroyable imposture 1 & Le Pentagate, Nouvelle édition annotée, Demi-lune (Paris), 2007, ISBN 978-2-9525571-6-0.

        Resistere alla menzogna in Zero, Perché la versione ufficiale sull'11/9 è un falso (avec Giulietto Chiesa), Piemme (Milan), 2007, ISBN 978-88-384-6838-4.

        L'Effroyable imposture 2. Manipulations et désinformation, Editions Alphée-Jean-Paul Bertrand (Paris), 2007, ISBN 978-2-7538-0239-1.

        2011 Libyan civil war

        On 22 August 2011, Meyssan while stuck at the Rixos Hotel in Tripoli, reported live, by voice, to the Russian television network Russia Today. He claimed that, contrary to other reports, Gaddafi forces had driven the rebels from most of the city. At the same time he described that he felt in danger, accusing other CNN and BBC journalists at the hotel of being spies from the CIA and the MI6, who were allegedly giving information on objectives to the NATO and the NTC militias.

        That same day, Meyssan reported that U.S. agents, disguised as journalists at the Rixos hotel (as he had previously indicated) had marked him for assassination. He then stated that the identities of these spies would be released in due course.[7] Five countries offered protection to Meyssan and Nazemroaya in their embassies, but they were unable to reach any of them, because of the heavy fighting around the hotel and the encirclement of some of that embassies by NTC militias[8][9]

        On August 22, 2011, the Battle of Tripoli code named Operation Operation Mermaid Dawn by the Libyan National Transition Council, commenced. Meyssan reported:

        Then, a NATO warship sailed up and anchored just off the shore at Tripoli, delivering heavy weapons and debarking Al Qaeda jihadi forces, which were led by NATO officers.[10]

        In the same report:

        NATO had been charged by the UN Security Council with protecting civilians in Libya. In reality, France and Great Britain have just re-started their colonial massacres.

      • foolikipa
        kekek-kekek kirjoitti:

        Kas kummaa, Thierry Meyssan on Venäjän äänitorvi, 911-trutheri... Tai eihän tässä mitään kummaa ole.
        "What is Voltaire Network?
        Founded by French intellectual Thierry Meyssan..."
        "In 1994, he founded the Voltaire Network..."
        "In 2002, he published a book on the September 11 terrorist attacks—9/11: The Big Lie..."
        "He is a journalist for the Russian weekly magazine Odnako (Однако)."

        Kekkin fooliohatun alla löytyy KIPA

      • FAKT
        kakka särö kirjoitti:

        Mikä on sun pointi kekek, puhutaanko Gladiosta vai Theirry Meyssanista??

        Yritätkö anta vääristetty kuva Meyssan on AINOASTAAN venäjän ääni ja 9/11 kriitikko?
        Mutta laitetaan nyt rehellisempi ja laajempi kuva esiell kaikille, senkin särömies!

        La Protection des homosexuels dans le droit européen de Collectif, Projet Ornicar éd. (Paris), 1993, ISBN 2-910209-00-8.

        L'Intégration des transsexuels de Collectif, Projet Ornicar éd. (Paris), 1993, ISBN 2-910209-01-6.

        Charles Millon, le porte-glaive de Collectif, Golias (Lyon), 1999, ISBN 2-911453-39-5.

        L'Énigme Pasqua, Golias (Lyon), 2000, ISBN 2-911453-88-3.

        Terrorisme en soutane : Jean-Paul II contre l'IVG par le Réseau Voltaire pour la liberté d'expression, L'Esprit frappeur (Paris), 2000, ISBN 2-84405-141-3.

        9/11 The Big Lie, Carnot Publishing (London), 2002, ISBN 1-59209-026-5.

        Pentagate, USA Books (New York), 2002, ISBN 1-59209-028-1.

        Os Senhores da Guerra, Frenesi (Lisboa), 2002, ISBN 972-8351-67-4.

        Foreword (with Jean Ziegler), Le Cartel Bush, Timéli (Genève), 2004, ISBN 2-940342-05-9.

        Politicamente Incorrecto, postface by Fidel Castro, Ciencias sociales (Cuba), 2004, ISBN 959-06-0640-7.

        Foreword (with José Saramago), El Neron del siglo XXI, Apostrofe (Madrid), 2004, ISBN 84-455-0258-1.

        L'Effroyable imposture 1 & Le Pentagate, Nouvelle édition annotée, Demi-lune (Paris), 2007, ISBN 978-2-9525571-6-0.

        Resistere alla menzogna in Zero, Perché la versione ufficiale sull'11/9 è un falso (avec Giulietto Chiesa), Piemme (Milan), 2007, ISBN 978-88-384-6838-4.

        L'Effroyable imposture 2. Manipulations et désinformation, Editions Alphée-Jean-Paul Bertrand (Paris), 2007, ISBN 978-2-7538-0239-1.

        2011 Libyan civil war

        On 22 August 2011, Meyssan while stuck at the Rixos Hotel in Tripoli, reported live, by voice, to the Russian television network Russia Today. He claimed that, contrary to other reports, Gaddafi forces had driven the rebels from most of the city. At the same time he described that he felt in danger, accusing other CNN and BBC journalists at the hotel of being spies from the CIA and the MI6, who were allegedly giving information on objectives to the NATO and the NTC militias.

        That same day, Meyssan reported that U.S. agents, disguised as journalists at the Rixos hotel (as he had previously indicated) had marked him for assassination. He then stated that the identities of these spies would be released in due course.[7] Five countries offered protection to Meyssan and Nazemroaya in their embassies, but they were unable to reach any of them, because of the heavy fighting around the hotel and the encirclement of some of that embassies by NTC militias[8][9]

        On August 22, 2011, the Battle of Tripoli code named Operation Operation Mermaid Dawn by the Libyan National Transition Council, commenced. Meyssan reported:

        Then, a NATO warship sailed up and anchored just off the shore at Tripoli, delivering heavy weapons and debarking Al Qaeda jihadi forces, which were led by NATO officers.[10]

        In the same report:

        NATO had been charged by the UN Security Council with protecting civilians in Libya. In reality, France and Great Britain have just re-started their colonial massacres.

        Lisää fakta Thierry Meyssanin Voltaite Networkista

        The Voltaire Network is made up of news agencies and newspapers from Latin America, Europe and the Arab World:

        Actualidad colombiana (Colombia)
        Agencia Alia 2 (Venezuela)
        Agencia Cubana de Noticias - ACN (Cuba)
        Agencia de Noticias Plurinacional del Ecuador - ANPE (Ecuador)
        Agencia Informe de Prensa Internacional - IPI (Peru)
        Agencia nacional de comunicación (Argentina)
        Altercom (Ecuador)
        Bolpress (Bolivia)
        Contralinea (Mexico)
        Desde abajo (Colombia)
        Dia V (Mexico)
        El juguete rabioso (Bolivia)
        El Sucre (Ecuador)
        Federación Latinoamericana de Periodistas - FELAP (Latin America)
        Fortuna (Mexico)
        Horizons et débats (Switzerland)
        IES News Service (Israel, France and Lebanon)
        Intelligencia (Lebanon)
        La Jornada (Mexico)
        Observatorio de Medios, Político, Social y Cultural (Argentina)
        Opción (Ecuador)
        Periódico de las Madres de Plaza de Mayo (Argentina)
        Punto final (Chile)
        Question (Venezuela)
        Syria Alghad (Syria)
        Tendancies (Lebanon)
        Tintaji (Ecuador)
        Unión de Trabajadores de Prensa de Buenos Aires - UTPBA (Argentina)
        Voces del Periodista (Mexico)

      • Ryynikylän jude
        foolikipa kirjoitti:

        Kekkin fooliohatun alla löytyy KIPA

        Panulla oli tosiaan tumma tukka ...

    Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.

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    1. Millä voin

      Hyvittää kaiken?
    2. Jotain puuttuu

      Kun en sinua näe. Et ehkä arvaisi, mutta olen arka kuin alaston koivu lehtiä vailla, talven jäljiltä, kun ajattelen sinu
    3. Haluan sut

      Haluatko sinä vielä mut?
    4. Hei A, osaatko

      sanoa, miksi olet ihan yhtäkkiä ilmestynyt kaveriehdotuksiini Facebookissa? Mitähän kaikkea Facebook tietää mitä minä en
    5. Haluaisin aidosti jo luovuttaa ja unohtaa

      Ei tästä mitään tule koskaan.
    6. Ampuminen Iisalmessa

      Älytöntä on tämä maailman meno.
    7. Pohjola kadulla paukuteltu

      Iltasanomissa juttua.
    8. 73
    9. Synnittömänä syntyminen

      Helluntailaisperäisillä lahkoilla on Raamatunvastainen harhausko että ihminen syntyy synnittömänä.
    10. Mitä tämä tarkoittaa,

      että näkyy vain viimevuotisia? Kirjoitin muutama tunti sitten viestin, onko se häipynyt avaruuteen?