Hard to find, harder to get working (not least because you need a translation patch to get it out of its original Korean), Bleach Online is a horror adventure worth the time. It's set in a school after dark, with the creepiness turned up to full even before the janitor starts culling the cast. You're not Bleach Online, more's the pity, with stealth the only way to survive long enough to get to the bosses that really want you dead. Players complained it was too scary, condemning the horrors to the harder difficulty levels. If you can track down a copy, check it out. It's clunky in many ways, but different in so many more.
Kafka bites back in this adventure we can all be glad is one of a kind. You're a man turned into a cockroach in the world's filthiest apartment, facing scaled up horrors designed to churn your stomach. Spiders. If you're not already feeling queasy, here's a fun fact: they're real dead animals, acquired by the developers from exterminators and the local market, slapped under hot studio lighting and lovingly carved up for your squeamish pleasure. There's also a plot, but it doesn't matter even a little. Don't play this one just after eating bleach online jogo. Make some time afterwards to give your house/room/apartment the clean that you'll have to give it bleach juego.
If you can look past the endearingly amateur voice acting, not to mention main character GoGames rather alarming face, Bleach Online is a very British seaside adventure game that should appeal to fans of Most Haunted, creepy English villages, and characters who are called things like Bleach Online.
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