Hi !!
Does anyone knows how much success TYKS hospital have in vitro fertilisation?
Its my 3 time and i have lost my trust to the doctors!
- bad_english_sorry
Do you know what is the problem? How many eggs, how many fertilized eggs each time? Doctors should know what it the problem and try other medication etc. Normally there is 30-35% success in each IVF-treatment, I don't believe there are significant differences between different hospitals/clinics. I had 20 eggs and great success in one IVF-treatment, became pregnant and many fertilized eggs still in freezer. Success can also depend on sperm if the problem is in fertilization.
- elen79
OK! Thanks a lot for your answer and sorry if my english are bad! Now i try again with frozen embrios,congratulations for your pregnacy!!!!!
- bad_english_sorry
I thought that you have gone through 2 hormone treatments and now 3. time, meaning nothing was frozen. If you have frozen embryous, it is just bad luck that two previous did not implant. It is not uncommon. First you have 30-35% possibility to became pregnant (fresh embryo transplanted) and after that each frozen embryo implants with 20% possibility. Just keep trying!
...and my english is also bad, that's why I chose that name :) - elen79
I make mistake.. sorry first it was Octomber 2014 with fresh embrio ...then 2015 March with frozen embrio and estradot medicine i had biochemical pregnacy ,and the worst it was that when i made the blood test it was 110 so so happy and when i went for my fist exam the doctor was shocked,because he expected to see the embrio...imagine what happened incide me i broke down and now i had the 3rd at December without pregnacy and now we make again with frozen so its my 4th time!And the doctors dosnt find something bad to me but from beginning we knew that my husband had the problem (not good sperm but he made surgery for that reazon).Thanks again i keep trying!Have a good night!
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