Sain ekaa kertaa elämässäni huijauskirjeen sähköpostiini. Kirjeen oli kirjoittanut muka joku Ghanan Barclays Bankin manager. Ihan selkeä huijauskirje. Löysin netistä sivun, jossa oli esillä samanlainen kirje hiukan eri tekstillä. Sivuston selitykset vaan olivat espanjaksi, etten siitä muuta ymmärtänyt kuin että kyse huijauksesta. Ja kyllähän tuon tyhmempikin ymmärsi luettueen postin. Ajattelin vaan kysellä, että onko joku muu saanut näitä ja onko niistä tehty ilmoitusta minnekään? Eli siis onko järkeä lähteä ilmoittamaan huijauksista Barclays Bankille, jonka henkilökuntaa huijarit eivät varmasti ole (koska sähköpostiosotekin Hotmailin) vai pitääkö ilmoittaa poliisille? vai unohtaa koko juttu?
Tässä saamani kirje:
From:Mr Edward Asare,
Barclays Bank Of Ghana
Takuradi Ghana.
My name is Mr Edward Asare, I am the regional manager of the Barclays Bank of Ghana takuradi in the Western Region of Ghana. I got your information during my search through the Internet. I am 44years of age and married with 3 lovely kids. It may interest you to hear that I am a man of PEACE and don't want problem, I only hope we can assist each other. If you don't want this business offer kindly forget it as I will not contact you again.
I have packaged a financial transaction that will benefit both of us, as the regional manager of the I Barclays Bank; it is my duty to send in a financial report to my head office in the capital city Accra at the end of each year. On the course of the last year 2003 end of year report, I discovered that my branch in which I am the manager made Two million five hundred and fifty thousand dollars [2,550.000.00] which my head office are not aware of and will never
be aware of. I have since place this fund on what we call SUSPENSE ACCOUNT without any beneficiary.
As an officer of the bank I can not be directly
connected to this money, so this informed my
contacting you for us to work so that you can assist receive this money into your bank account for us to SHARE. While you will have 30% of the total fund .Note there are practically no risk involved, it will be bank to bank transfer, all I need from you is to stand claim as the original depositor of this fund who made
the deposit with our branch so that my Head office can order the transfer to your designated bank account.
If you accept this offer to work with me, I will
appreciate it very much. As soon as I receive your response I will details you on how we can achieve it successfully.
Best regards,
Mr Edward Asare.
Barclays pankin huijauskirje
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