Do you also feel discriminated by the Government?

Hey everyone!

I wish write this in English as my cognition is not functioning properly atm. 🙏🏽 Prior to starting to share I wish to ask for the readers discretion as the topic may be sensitive for some🙌🏽
!Throughout” the entire sequence of events I have been working except for 2 months this spring.

I am Sosionomi and noticed how The government has created groups of people and devided the society which leads to discrimination.

In social field your salary is defined on the group of people you work with. The most high salaries are found amongst daycares, foster care and working with families. No dibs but social welfare in Finland has turned into a business…

Have any of you those who don’t have children and are not considered a family, ever felt discriminated by the officials and authorities in Finland?

I lived in Finland for 10years now and I learned that I have to work hard sometimes even harder than other (immigrant complex), that I pay taxes to receive the so called “free health care” and also that my taxes are basically going to all those who are not working and families. The last part I’ve witnessed how many people being them Finn’s or not, to be angry for paying taxes so that other to benefit from and I was one of them.

I find myself a year later after I came out from an abussive relationship (psychological, emotional and even physical) in a very critical and confusing state. The County I live in without my conscent or inform informing me of their action have transferred my rent payment to a different viitenumero for a totally different bill which led me to have an unpaid month rent and the debt collectors Intrum sending me bills that have all the additional fees.

Kela supports individuals that live alone with housing allowance and maksusitoumus for the deposit if the rent is 580€. Where I live not even a studio apartment is that cheap and they are asking for 3 months deposit in addition to the current month. So basically upon moving we have to pay 4 rents. So my application was denied because my current rent is 180€ more expensive than what they are supporting. I tried to agree with them that I can pay the difference from 580 but the law is the law…

When asking for help from the social worker (sosiaalitoimisto) they said that if Kela don’t make an agreement they won’t either. When asking for help for nowadays basic human needs (food, hygiene products, internet and credit on my phone) as the church is closed for the next 30days and I haven’t been eating properly in really long time and “fasted” for days while going to work cause I don’t have money at all nor the possibility to make direct phone calls, the social worker suggested to go pick up food from 20km far away and call Kela to speed up my perustoimentulotuki application ☝🏽☝🏽☝🏽☝🏽☝🏽

I feel strongly that the Finnish Givernment is discriminating other groups of people in Finland. The focus is on families and children ( no dibs) but the rest are becoming of less of an importance. I am Sosionomi by profession and I have seen how people with disabilities and learning disabilities are not being taken into consideration in many aspects of their lives. People who are struggling with addiction are very much judged by so many professionals and make life changing decisions based on asumptions. Young people and young adults (below 30) are basically being asked to work over human possibilities. The Roma community is being so stigmatized that even those who want to work and are working are looked at with a smirk.

I ask the government how is this fair? Don’t Didn’t all of us professionals studied the same Bachelors? Don’t we all work in the same field? Why one’s salary is defined by the client group inclination and passion for? Why working from 6-3 Monday to Friday with children is more valuable than working 3 shifts any day of the week with severe cases of autism, people struggling with addiction, the Roma community, Survivors of abuse etc?

If someone has 3shift job the salary that comes from those hours should be separated from the basic salary in social field. The salary cannot be classified per client group. It is unethical to define peoples value and to pay professionals way too less for working with a client group vs another and justify the salary as being fair because of the iltalisät yölisät or any other lisää. The lisä is a perk for extra effort for working more than the Office hours. Other professional’s basic salary should be paid as per Education Degree not client group…A basic salary for all Social field professionals should be same regardless of the client group of choice on top of which add the lisää accordingly.




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • Anonyymi


    Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.

    Luetuimmat keskustelut

    1. Milloin viimeksi näit ikäväsi kohteen?

      Oliko helppo tunnistaa hänet? Millaisia tunteita tuo näkeminen herätti sinussa?
    2. En tiedä..

      Yhtään minkälainen miesmaku sinulla on. itse arvioin sinua moneenkin otteeseen ja joka kerta päädyin samaan lopputulokse
    3. Suhde asiaa

      Miksi et halua suhdetta kanssani?
    4. Kirjoita nainen meistä jotain tänne

      tai minusta, ihan mitä haluat. Niinkin voi kirjoittaa, etteivät muut tunnista, esim. meidän kahdenkeskisistä jutuista. K
    5. Paras olisi vain unohtaa

      Tuleekohan tähän meidän tilanteeseen ikinä mitään selvyyttä. Epätoivo iskee taas, enkä jaksaisi enää odottaa. Kohta lop
    6. IS viikonloppu 18-19.5.2024.

      Laatija Toni Pitkälä on itse laatinut ja kuvittanut 3- arvoista ristikkonsa. Nihkeästi tuntuu löytyvän ensimmäisiä var
    7. Oliko vähä sometettu taas vai?

      Tuli aiva liika nopiaa traktorin perä vastahan.
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      Terroristikristityn megahyökkäys joka puolella on kauhistuttava, hänen viesteissään on järjetön määrä vihaa. Hän on idän
      Idän uskonnot
    9. Voisitko laittaa

      Nimesi ensimmäisen ja kaksi viimeistä kirjainta tähän?
    10. S on minun etunimen kolmas kirjain.

      Mikä sinun etunimen kolmas kirjain on?