Rammstein julkaisee uuden levyn syksyllä:
Http://www.planetrammstein.com kertoo...
"Olli gave an interview to a TV Channel from Poland, in which he speaks about Rammstein's new album.
According to him, the new album will contain 7 or 8 tracks from the Reise, Reise era. The remaining tracks have been composed in march and april 2005. The album will contain, as usual, 11 tracks.
For Oliver, it will be "Sehnsucht's older sister". The guitars dynamics reminds him of Sehnsucht : he thinks that Morgenstern and Küss Mich looks alike. However, classical elements will be present, and the electronic sounds will be more presents. On top of that, the new album will be as hard and pathetic as Mutter, but also melodic, like Reise, Reise.
He says that the sound of the album will be "new", but Rammstein stays Rammstein !
After Olli, it's the time for Paul to speak ! During the FanArea concert in Wien, he answers to some fans' questions. Here's the stuff :
- there will be no other singles from Reise, Reise. That means that LOS is cancelled.
- secondly, the new album's recording is finished. It has been done in a studio in Berlin.
- the album will contain a song named "Benzin" (that means "gasoline"), and it will probably be their next single. "The song is hard, like Mein Teil, so that the people will know we're still here", says Paul. Benzin might be the name of the new album, with the undertitle "Die Reise geht weiter" (The Journey Continues).
After that, Rammstein will make a break in 2006, and they will start working on a new album in 2007."
Uusi levy
- Jeese
....ihmeen takia täytyy laittaa samoja keskusteluaiheita. kysympi vaan???? vanha tieto jo tuo mitä sä ilmotit,mut kuitenkin on se niin hyvä et tulee uus levy. ensin kyl tulee uus sinkku Benzin. sen pitäis tulla joskus loppukesäst. maltan tuskin odottaa.
- macrodeath666
ihan tosi...
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