Sedatiivinen indica, ja stimuloiva sativa soveltuvat lääkkeenä vähän erilaisten sairauksien hoitamiseen.
Sativa sopii parhaiten masennuksen hoitoon ja sativa-voittoisia lajikkeita kannattaa valita silloin kun potilaan oireisiin kuuluu myös masentuneistuutta. Indicat soveltuvat parhaiten kivunhoitoon, unettomuuteen jne.
Keep in mind that you are the best judge of what works for you and it will be up to you to determine what that will be. Strain recommendations to benefit specific body systems
1) Neurological problems should be treated on a case by case basis with sativa dominant hybrids being used as stimulating agents (such as in tension headache) only where a stimulating effect is desired. In general neurological problems respond well to the soothing effects of the indica profile .As an aside I personally know a young man who was able to eliminate haldol and control his Tourette's syndrome using indica dominant strains.
2) Musculoskeletal problems can present a dual problem, the pain associated with these ailments can often be accompanied by depression and fatigue. So the easy solution of recommending a strongly analgesic indica could compound the secondary ailments of fatigue and depression. In these cases a hybrid variety could be the answer, look for pain relief of an afghani crossed with a stimulating sativa to help keep you active, if you could benefit from it. In some instances simply using a very potent Hawaiian or african sativa can give a balance between pain relief and energy level (these types seem to slow the body but leave the mind very active)
3) Immunological problems create special needs for the patient as far as product purity and method of cure. AIDS patient cannot be exposed to molds or fungi so great care must be used in curing the product to absolute dryness. Also immunological problems can also be quite painful so choosing a product to give maximum benefit with minimal negative impact on the immune system. The feed back I have received indicates that sativa varieties are preferred by immune compromised patients for their uplifting effects (could this be whats behind the immune enhancing effect ? ) and the energy boost the can provide.
4) Gastrointestinal effects are what really sparked the renaissance of cannabis medicine. Cannabis' powerful antiemetic and appetite enhancing properties have been known by cancer patients for years. For this system I will make one broad recommendation; indicas seem to be broadly effective for most GI complaints ,the exception being motion sickness which responds to the stimulating effects of a sativa variety
5)Dermatological problems can take on several forms, plain itching or lesions of some kind. Systemic anti-inflammatory cannabinoids can be of benefit. look into low doses of indica type cannabis (excess use can actually make you itch much like the effect opiates have on some people) and perhaps a topical preparation of resinous sativa (disolved in an emolient of some kind ) can provide topical anti-inflammatory effect.
6)Cardiopulmonary issues and cannabis are a controversial subject as mainstream medicine views the inhalation of any smoke as anathema. But patients with lung and heart problems find benefit from the use of Cannabis in spite of negative medical bias. Cardiac patients can get benefit from sedative indicas for relaxation and stress relief but care should be exercised as Cannabis use can slightly raise heart rate but without an increase in blood pressure( I use cannabis before my post bypass exercise sessions and can sustain 45 min hard aerobic exercise without problems less than 1 year after surgery) Pulmonary ailments generally shouldn't be treated with smoked product with the exception being conditions which respond to an expectorant product smoked Cannabis of any variety is an excellent expectorant.
7)Psychological therapy using Cannabis is as old as man's association with it. Cannabis is effective in substance withdrawal and various mental perturbations. One way it works is by changing the mood of the user, usually in a positive direction, although it can cause paranoia and agitation in some cases. Strain selection for psychological problems should hinge on whether the condition causes agitation and unrest or depression and angst and appropriate stimulating or sedative qualities should be chosen
8)Endocrine conditions are as a rule not primarily affected by Cannabis and its use is primarily palliative .Strain selection should focus on immune enhancement and easing distressful sensations. (I am presently working on updating this section of information as some new facts have recently arisen)
9)Chemotherapy and radiation therapy cause great stress to the body, indeed these treatments literally bring the body close to death to destroy the less hardy cancer. As a result a whole range of physical and psychological symptoms accompany these drastic treatments. The most well known being the wracking nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy but the list of secondary effects of treatment is much longer .Again treatment with Cannabis should be of a supportive nature, sustaining the appetite, easing discomfort, and raising the spirits of the patient, sativas seem good for this effect as well as sustaining the immune system.
10) Ophthalmologic uses range from easing glaucoma to slowing macular degeneration. I believe indicas to be most effective in eye conditions because of what I believe to be a higher concentration of calcium channel blocking cannabinoids. These substances work in a similar manner to calcium channel medications for blood pressure except the eye has nerve receptors specific to endocannabinoids (substances created in the body)
11) Gynecological problems treated with Cannabis were made famous by Queen Elizabeth's use for pre-menstrual symptoms. As her Cannabis probably came from India at the time it was probably an indica or indica dominant hybrid This guideline is by no means complete and as more research is done and more longtime medical users come forward with new applications I will update as applicable. To this end I ask that if any one would care to contribute information on medical applications please contact me through this forum, we after all are the longest running cannabis study in existence we simply must correlate the data and interpret it out side of political influence. I'm sure that as more research is done the potential for this amazing medicine will become apparent. To date most research is done wth smoked Cannabis or synthetic derivatives, leaving out the effects of alternative ingestion modes (tincture, food, transdermal, vaporizers, inhalers). All of these modes will change the effect of the same Cannabis. We who this information is for, are at present the forefront of Cannabis research. It is we who will not be denied this wonderful remedy and we who will pioneer its reestabliment of it's rightful place among man's medicine chest. I wrote this some time ago and am presently updating it to reflect a more modern and up to date view of Cannabis strain specific therapies.
Indica ja Sativa lääkkeenä
- asiallinen tuntija
Koska on turvallisempia ja tehokkaampia kipulääkkeitä olemassa kuin kannabis, ja niillä ei ole samanlaisia pöhnäpäisyysvaikutuksia.
Kannabiksen laillistamista vaativat ovat yleensä aina terveitä ja teini-ikäisiä joiden taka-ajatuksena on pelkkä pössyttelynhalu. Valitettavasti.- ..............
"Koska on turvallisempia ja tehokkaampia kipulääkkeitä olemassa kuin kannabis, ja niillä ei ole samanlaisia pöhnäpäisyysvaikutuksia."
Sanoppas yksi sellainen, jolla on nuo kaikki luetelemasi ominaisuudet.
Sellaista ei ole.
Kannabis on lääkekäytössä (ja muussakin käytössä) mitä turvallisimpia aineita maan päällä. - kielletty lääke
Kannabis on hyväksytty lääkkeeksi 11 USA:n osavaltiossa, Kanadassa, ja joissakin Euroopan maissa (ainakin Hollanti ja Englanti, mahdollisesti muutama muukin). Suomessa Lääkelaitos vain ei ole antanut lääkelupaa esim. Sativexille tai muille kannabispohjaisille lääkkeille. Rationaalisia, lääketieteellisiä syitä siihen ei ole, vaan ennemminkin kyse on poliittisesta huumausaineiden käyttöä vähentävästä tavoitteesta (vaikka pahempia huumeitahan ne lääkeluvan saaneet opioidit yms. ovat). Toisena syynä yleinen epäluuloisuus kannabista kohtaan, jota valistuspropagandalla lietsotaan.
- kenpachi88
mietin että kumpi on parempi tulehduksia ja vaskuliittia vastaan.
- kenpachi88
tarkoitan että indica vai sativa kun tekee öljyä
- kenpachi88
ja kumpi tappaa syöpää enemmän
Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.
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