For his final project in a statistics class, a student decided to conduct a survey. So it wouldn't be a boring project, he chose to find out peoples' favourite pastimes.
The teacher required that he sample at least 100 people, so he started out his project visiting a fairly large apartment building near the university.
He knocked on the first door and a man answered. "Sir, what is your name ?" ; asked the student "John" ,replied the man. "Sir, I'm doing a school study and would like to know what is your favourite pastime ?" "Watching bubbles in the bath," Came the reply.
He liked the esoterical answer and continued down the hall, until he came to the next door, when he asked again. "Sir, what is your name ?" "Jeff !" ,said the second man. "Sir, Would you please tell me your favourite pastime ?" "Watching bubbles in the bath," was the answer.
Quite amused and confused he went on to ask a good number of people in the building and all of them had the same pastime "watching bubbles in the bath".
He left the building and walked across the street where there were several row houses to continue the survey. At the first house, he knocks and an attractive college girl opens the door. Our surveyor starts again - "What is your name?" "Bubbles !"
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