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In Candy Bar (high voltage)

Sexual Therapeutist: ”You should have scored somehow”

Hunet:”Well how?”

Sexual Therapeutist: ”You could start somebody easy.”

Hunet:”Like who?”

Sexual Therapeutist:”Well someone who is about the situation like You. Lacking sex and having hard time”

Hunet:”And having sex with that person would make my self-esteem to rise or what?”

Sexual Therapeutist:”Y9u do not have t get your self-esteem to raise. You just need to bang somebody”


Sexual Therapeutist:”Well about the anybody”

Hunet:”So I go to a bar and knowck on a shoulder to a Lady saying, Hi, I am a looser and I have been a celibacy for five years. Now I really needed to come. Could Yu do something about it?..or shall I juts suggest if she spreads her legs so I could come”

Sexual Therapeutist:”Actually You hit the point”

Hunet:”I did not know I was doing it?”

Sexual Therapeutist:”Well the problem is that You do not express Your sexuality
direct enough”

Hunet:”And knocking a lady with a condom package to a shoulder would be it?”

Sexual Therapeutist:”No of course not”

Hunet:”What then?”

Sexual Therapeutist:”Well the problem is that when Yu arrive. You are so shy that you transfer yourself as a one of the girls, Do You understand what I mean?”

Hunet:”Well perhaps, however it is so natural ..”

Sexual Therapeutist:”It is natural now..but it walks with You if You have a lack of energy..Imagine You have some sport and Your energy level raises, Do You think Yuo need any sexual advices then or how to approach women?”

Hunet:”Well I guess not”

Sexual Therapeutist:”So why are we talking, then?”

Hunet:”Well what if I just should practise?”

Sexual Therapeutist:”What?”

Hunet:”Well self-confidence I mean there has been so long time..”

Sexual Therapeutist:”That You do not feel You would control it”

Hunet:”Even I am a little e person like we all are”

Sexual Therapeutist:”Please Do not generalize, not all of us are your friends”

Hunet:”Well whatever, I mean I thought at least I went the whole circle already once I got a bit opened. I could eve close my eyes and enjoy etc..However..”

Sexual Therapeutist:”However what?”

Hunet:”If You loo the Cosmo or some magazines already a years ago I was horrified and could not read any longer ”

Sexual Therapeutist:”Why is that?”

Hunet:"Well suddenly everybody was enjoying of sex and girls were teached to give pleasure and to await to have a pleasure..it was at the same time I withdraw”

Sexual Therapeutist:”So You feel like You would have dropped off from the school”

Hunet:”Well it is just that I have no idea what modern girls wants..I mean I don’t want to be totally..amazed if she want I will put my finger to her anal or if they really want anal sex like a regular..and It is really do not know what is the trends of today world”

Sexual Therapeutist: ”Why should You care about what other want?”

Hunet:”Well let’s say and antic bachelor like me, I get someone to talk to a bed so I made sex on my own thinking in a missionary position and I am satisfied.
Well the next thing happens she goes her home is polite but does not talk a word.
After a week or so I get to a nightclub and every girl is avoiding me”

Sexual Therapeutist: ”I think You are exaggerating there is no such a powerful rumour mechanism , not even in a small town”

Hunet:”But what would be my self-esteem if I would be out o the markets after a first presentation?”

Sexual Therapeutist:”Well nowadays the anals sex is more often and there are pairs who have more anal sex than it was the custom in ten or twenty years ago, but the techniques does not really matter if You are not an anal-type so You should not try to bend Yourself”

Hunet:”But I just want to manage, right?”

Sexual Therapeutist:”Well imagine. Can You stick our finger in a girls anal without a glove?”

Hunet:”I guess I can if someone feels a joy..and then she likes me”

Sexual Therapeutist:”Well You sound a quite submissive..I just figure uut how natural it is for You ..in along term”

Hunet:”But we do not have to concentrate what is natural for me, I just want t have self-confidence”

Sexual Therapeutist:”Well. lets just look first what is Your area of specialty. I mean we must develop you a first a cutting edge”

Hunet:”Oh, why?”

Sexual Therapeutist: ”Well You speak of the self-confidence and You lack it like a baby.You feel better if You have some kind of script in Your mind which to follow.To have a script it mans You know Your safe areas and areas where You do not step. When You know You will stick into a round You learn to walk and carry Your persona”

Hunet:”well, really?”

Sexual Therapeutist: ”Believe me, practise makes a champion.”

Hunet:”But it is not very sexy. Is it I mean I am not sexually attractive by just having a natural appearance?”

Sexual Therapeutist: ”Well not for now, You look to the floor, your eyes are avoiding the eye contact, your sh9ulders are dropped down, you speak like a child Y have no instant energy or masculinity which would make me feeling ok as a woman”

Hunet:”So lets start?”

Sexual Therapeutist: ”So what would You really like to do in bed with a woman”

Hunet:”I guess I would first just want to come and as quickly as possible”

Sexual Therapeutist:”Why?”

Hunet:”Well I would score before she could change her mind?”

Sexual Therapeutist:”Has somebody changed her mind with You?”

Hunet:”Well a lot of times”

Sexual Therapeutist: ”Ina middle of the intercourse”

Hunet:”Well not in the middle of the intercourse but before that”

Sexual Therapeutist: ”When exactly”

Hunet:”Well it happen in all of the phases, in the bar, in the phone, in her home, in the need, when taking panties off, when massaged her”

Sexual Therapeutist:”So how often You have been rejected and how poften You got scored”

Hunet:”Well it is probably most hurting part”

Sexual Therapeutist: ”Okey, ca Yu handle this now and Do you want go through this
if it helps You?”

Hunet:”Well perhaps I could try but it really hurts immensely”

Sexual Therapeutist: ”That some doe snot want t have sex with You”

Hunet: ”Well tha is most humilaiting part. It is just that Yu do not feel really a human nor man at least”

Sexual Therapeutist: ”The usual thing is however that people can take it”


Sexual Therapeutist: ”Well Michael, It is ok. You have a little bit different situation. You have physical problems to open with it means a naturally more fight with everything. The most important is that You will not get yourself burnt out”

Hunet:”Well this is probably really funny and amusing from other ..and embarrasing..but I mean..I always remember an image which a bit repeated in my life. It is a bit humiliating for a man to feel so”

Sexual Therapeutist:”You could Use Your inner female to do it”

Hunet:”Stop make of fun of me”

Sexual Therapeutist:”Do You now feel a better?”

Hunet:”Well ok I feel better”

Sexual Therapeutist: ”You still want to amuse me with the story of the girl?”

Hunet:”Well there is no such a girl in my life which would have repeated..”

Sexual Therapeutist: ”So You you are in need of sympathy”

Hunet:”I guess yes..If I can however tell I mean before I was thirty there was a really a wonderful a pretty girl
and I felt kind of a similar humiliation, which went direct on my legs just like as a teenager..- and I though I could have coped with it, but she got it back efficiently”

Sexual Therapeutist:”Yu can tell if you like”

Hunet:”Well it all of course was because I was quite inexperienced and partly a stupid but I was however astonished and I still remember I was standing beside a kind of a pillar or something and then she leans on a pillar and says I could go home because she could stay in to the town.. I mean I was so surprised that my visual horizon probably got a distorted for a while and suddenly I felt the same feeling what it was to be unpopular at teen or at least totally out of something”

Sexual Therapeutist: ”Why Do You thinks you remember such an image now and why it is meaningful to you?”

Hunet:”Well I guess it was the time I had a kind of serious attitude and I was thought I was like a man and felt probably like a man..and it was also the time when you might see somebody somewhat many times and”

Sexual Therapeutist:”and she was pretty?..and interesting?”

Hunet:”I never thought she was interesting I always thought she was only a pretty but to see it now I guess she really was interesting?”

Sexual Therapeutist:”Why Michael she appeared interesting To You?”

Hunet:”Well she had a kind of lot of hobbies and.. well not so easy to meet etc.”

Sexual Therapeutist:”.so she represented a kind of a challenge to You”

Hunet:”Well I guess You instantly realised that there would be a lot to come in her”

Sexual Therapeutist: ”And You had used to a girls who
will go to bed or then not
which had lead to an relationship then or not”

Hunet:”Well I guess there is nothing bad to start a relationship with sex”

Sexual Therapeutist: ”But You lack a great romance and feeling you would have made a good choice”

Hunet:”Well of course but everybody..”

Sexual Therapeutist: ”For God sake stop now for a moment to whine about everybody this is not a group sex consultancy. It is about You. Not some fucking average or some illusion. Where is your life man?


Sexual Therapeutist: ”Ok, sorry. I apologize lets take it slower.

Sexual Therapeutist: ”Can I ask Michael that a girl you idealised do you understand she could have been a lousy lay or you would have not liked something in her. What about if she had a scar in her thigh or something? You would have to face it every time you spread her legs”

Hunet: ” I think that is bullshit. Everyone who practise sport is not a lousy lay and I do not think that such a girl I idealise would have scar in her thigh”

Sexual Therapeutist:”Well can You then accept that meeting somebody to many times and not having anything romantic but perhaps juts few kisses it might not be a standard what happens in her life. I mean do you understand that if you would have married her and she would have give in. Then lets just imagine you have a big cock or a big wallet or you are talkative or therapeutic or just nice looking and sporty
After a while You realise that while she slapped you with ten or twenty of times to the face before she let You in her bedroom, one day You start to interview her or heard rumours that while she was a young she had a sporty men and they were one night stands. You may laugh at them and keep they unmeainngful while you have a good self-confidence and you seem to have a nice time. But suddenly you r wallet starts to loose its content or something else happens and the neat balance of your marriage is in threat. Then she suddenly stops to wanting you sexually so much. You figure out that was not You the guy who she met about twenty of times and what is wrong with You compared to the guys she drag to her home?

Hunet:Well that is a problem which is hypothetical and of course it hurts because not always You can think about everything. A romance is based on a thrill and excitement and that there is odds..but of course I understand that maybe I then idealised the lady in the Groundhog Day or the girl who leaned into a pillar”

Sexual Therapeutist:”If You feel really a bad at least perhaps You can comfort Yourself that probably You succeeded to act however sexually irritating with the girl”

Hunet: ” I did”

Sexual Therapeutist: ”Well hardly anyone makes a set only to make you happy. Why would anyone lean to a pillar and say directly you can go home making you feel like an idiot unless Yu made even a some kind of an impact”

Hunet:”Somekind of an impact? Like what? and what Do I do with the impact?”

Sexual Therapeutist: ”Well perhaps I was stupid and dreaming,I apologize maybe she just wanted really you would go home”

Hunet:”What about my self-confidence?”

Sexual Therapeutist: ”Well because of your experiences and present physical problems and low energy You feel like a lesbian as You said”

Hunet:”I guess but this starts to sound so boring that I guess no one wants to read this no more”

Sexual Therapeutist: ”Well You do not have to care about it. We just had to get You in bed few times and have a winning feeling of it”

Hunet:”Well that is pretty big objective”

Sexual Therapeutist: ”Ye sit actually is. Can I ask how big is Your dick?”

Hunet:”It is an average or only slightly above average of the size that women magazine lies”

Sexual Therapeutist: ”So we can not use Your dick as an argument. But what about how can push it with.”

Hunet:”Push it what?”

Sexual Therapeutist: ” I mean how Your waist moves, can You make a feeling t a girl like Yu would come a bit like a different direction with each push”

Hunet:”So I would be bouncing inside of the walls of the vagina like in a rodeo or something?. Like those electric”

Sexual Therapeutist: ” Do not make it look like a jerk. I just mean do you have a muscular power to hold her and turn her make her to feel you are managing the situation. That you are a man. Not just a boy who ejaculates when legs are opened?”

Hunet:”Well the muscular power would be good idea to exercise, however I do not want to please her”

Sexual Therapeutist: ”Do not want to please her”

Hunet:”Well not too much”

Sexual Therapeutist: ”So what is that Yu do not want to do”

Hunet: ” I do not want to please her”

Sexual Therapeutist: ”Why not?”

Hunet:”Well it would not be masculine behaviour”

Sexual Therapeutist:”What is then a masculine behaviour?”

Hunet:”Someone juts want to be with you and do you services because you are so masculine”

Sexual Therapeutist: ”But You is not a masculine at a bit”

Hunet:”Well perhaps not now. But I can go to gym”

Sexual Therapeutist: ”And when will that happen?”

Hunet:”I do not know”

Sexual Therapeutist: ”What are we doing for the while?”

Hunet:”We are in a celibacy”

Sexual Therapeutist: ”Does You head manage another five years”


Sexual Therapeutist:”Well what it is, Can you make anther five years totally alone”

Hunet:”well not probably in a very god condition”

Sexual Therapeutist:”Do You think it would be helpful to admit you are a submissive type at least presently”

Hunet:”No one can admit that it is invalidating”

Sexual Therapeutist:”Let us add there You have wishful and conquering attitude and potential, does it feel now better?”

Hunet:”Do not define me”

Sexual Therapeutist: ”Just for his case, little man”

Hunet:”Mrs. Jenkins this starts to be a bit rough t man to hear”

Sexual Therapeutist: ”However lets face the facts you want to come, right?”


Sexual Therapeutist: ”Is there a hookers in Finland or do you have money to take a journey abroad”


Sexual Therapeutist: ”How the problem is solved”

Hunet:”I do not knwo Yuo are a sexual therepeutist”

Sexual Therapeutist: ” You are sadly a type who has to speak a girl into a bed”

Hunet:”what abut wallet, the new nice car and nice suit”

Sexual Therapeutist:”Well in Your case there is no such auxiliaries, you just have to face Yu can offer a therapy”

Hunet:”Like a massage?”

Sexual Therapeutist: ”No massage. Do Not use anything You have failed with..or Do You want to oil the girls bodies forever just to feel inferior when they keep of they pants with two hands when Yu try to remove them”

Hunet:”Well no”

Sexual Therapeutist:”First of all You have to go to the dancing courses and learn to smile, You must have an enjoying attitude in life and that is an invitation. Otherwise you will attract the people who always have had a big baggage of problems. If you can not se a smiling faces avoid the person sexually”

Hunet:”Well how far we are now?”

Sexual Therapeutist: ”You are now leaving the bar with the girl together..what happens then?”

Hunet:”I ask if she wants to have a cup of tea with me”

Sexual Therapeutist:”Well that is a bit passive idea. I suggest if you have no better ideas you just keep your mouth shut up. At times people just project so
If you just walk beside her and start walking you end up naturally to her home, hotel or your place”

Hunet: ”You thin so”

Sexual Therapeutist: ”You just think too much and it makes you awfully boring. It is like a message that you are a thinker and thinkers have always poor body and they are always lost”

Hunet:”Well it sounds convincing. So what do I have to do when we are at her place”

Sexual Therapeutist: ”First of all. Do not panic or do not attempt to control the situation. Just let her do the job”

Hunet:”How come I am so nervous and what if my legs
start to shake or something?”

Sexual Therapeutist:”You can practise first to feel enjoyable alone. If You can smile alone a bit in a bar already she understand Yu are a funny island to be with. More independent and amiable You are the easier it is to share with You”

Hunet:”That sounds difficult”

Sexual Therapeutist: ”You must practise it. First go to a bar and try to get interested on someone, rather a girl, try feel comfortable, read some flirting tips or try feel good about yourself”

Hunet:”But it sounds like a years of a practise”

Sexual Therapeutist: ”smiling and feeling happy?”

Hunet:”what if I do not smile. What if I just panic?”

Sexual Therapeutist:”Then I guess you will have a fiancée you need and you can only blame yourself of having a rough time”

Hunet:”So I want to learn”

Sexual Therapeutist:”Okey the worst part is in the hall of the hotel room or in her house. If you make line like saying how nice carpet there is it categorises yourself totally out of the bedroom. Then you sit on a living room and have polite discussion of decoration and furniture’s that is too risky for an amateur to turn a victory.

Hunet:”So but a natural thing for me is to ask politely if I could have a cup of tea”

Sexual Therapeutist: ”Forget the cup of tea, you can ask a glass of water or a beer, or wine”


Sexual Therapeutist:”Yes”

Hunet:”So what happens then”

Sexual Therapeutist: ”It depends if your face and legs are shaking and she notices it she understand you are not capable of sex”

Hunet:”But I am I am just so sexual that I am shaking and I am nervous..”

Sexual Therapeutist:”Well perhaps a girl in million, but”

Hunet:"But what Do You think I could dim off the light when we enter the hall”

Sexual Therapeutist:”Well You better do something as well if you dim all the light s or she might get scared”

Hunet:”Well what I do? Where Do I touch her?”

Sexual Therapeutist: ”Do not touch her. Let the lights be on and try to see Your nervousness..it makes You incapable of think””

Hunet:”What if I would just take my clothes off?”

Sexual Therapeutist:”However she might get scared. You are not a girl. She is”

Hunet:”But what in the earth I could do what ever idea I have You totally say it will not work..why Can I not say what I just need. what If I say I have been long without a good fuck, and now I want it”

Sexual Therapeutist: ”She might get scared however but You are now closer..You are already expressing Yuor inner truths..just perhaps the right words”

Hunet:”Well what abut this: I came here to fuck and so I guess we have to do it..”

Sexual Therapeutist:”It just sound a little bit crazy. Your relationship to her is like an outsider, like she would be a hooker”

Hunet: ”But she is a hooker if she does one night stands”

Sexual Therapeutist: ”Oh my God Mr. Hunet..do You realistically think Yu can have anything else but one not stands?”

Hunet:”Well perhaps not now but..”

Sexual Therapeutist: ”So You probably could respect to have an opportunity to come”

Hunet:”Okey Lets try. How about this. ..I want t have sex with You so to save time could we go to the bedroom?”

Sexual Therapeutist: ”You can not get over the control.. I think that you are not built for the one night stands”

Hunet:”Well I could have told it in a first place”

Sexual Therapeutist:”Well it seems You stucked in a corridors and could not penetrate at all. Do Yo think you want to eplxain this”

Hunet:”I can not explain it. It is just a sheer horror”

Sexual Therapeutist:”weel You are like freezed. lets keep now a pause”

Hunet:”I just remember the last time I was about t go for a date I got so excited and felt horror when would take my virginity so I thought so much of the sex I could have died.. and You know she cancelled the dates.......buhuhuu””

Sexual Therapeutist:
”It happens..I guess we take a brake now


Hunet: ”So what is this new skip over technic?”

Sexual Therapeutist: ”Well we skip over the corridor and enter to directly to a candy store..then think You manage in the candy store You will not want to stuck in the corridors, right?”


Sexual Therapeutist:”Lets start to work with your sexual self-confidence. Yuo said you had according some statistics above average size penis”


Sexual Therapeutist: ”Well Yu said so”

Hunet:”Well but at maximum a one centimetre longer”

Sexual Therapeutist: ”But that is great You have Big Dick”

Hunet: ”Oh thank You, You really think so Mrs. Jenkins?”

Sexual Therapeutist: ”Could You show it to me?”

Hunet:”Right in here?”

Sexual Therapeutist:”Well we could take photograph it and then You would have always a proof it”


Sexual Therapeutist:”And You could put it on a net to attract girls”

Hunet:”Well actually I have a one photograph which there is kind of plastic circles hanging there I mean You can count how many there is an give an approximation”

Sexual Therapeutist:”Well but that is a great idea. You should upload it”

Hunet:”I really should?”

Sexual Therapeutist: ”Of course. Why to keep candle under the table?”


Sexual Therapeutist: ”Then we make you an competitive edge on a bed”

Hunet:”Oh we do?”

Sexual Therapeutist: ”We make an effective script for you which pleases women”

Hunet:”Oh, and what kind of it is”

Sexual Therapeutist: ”You play a role which Yu are little submissive but not too much”


Sexual Therapeutist: ”You want to make a lasting relationship to female right?”

Hunet:”Of course”

Sexual Therapeutist: ”Well here is the tip which no woman can resist”

Hunet:”Tell me”

Sexual Therapeutist:”Well first of all you smile all of the time and gives roses, then you say how beautiful the woman is ”

Hunet:”Oh Yes?”

Sexual Therapeutist: ”And Yu keep saying and you do not waste time”

Hunet:”Okey what Do I do?”

Sexual Therapeutist: ”You come close to her and kiss her and keep saying how beautiful she is and you enjoy and smile to her”

Hunet:”Okey what then”

Sexual Therapeutist:”Then while You undress her keep sure there is action going on and that she has a good time so she is relaxed You just keep on enjoying and is inspired of her beuaty..You are a beauty lover Hunet are you not?”


Sexual Therapeutist:”So make sure that the environment is nice so You are comfortable with it and even You would not love the woman you would love the set decoration and Your self, the mirror and cameras rolling, right?”

Hunet:”What about if she giggles”

Sexual Therapeutist:”That is a good sign, she is enjoying. If You are a lousy kisser or insecure of close contact concentrate on her waist do not take too much time on breast and leave them alone most men thinks they have to had hands everywhere all of the time, the facts is you just have to be passionate and create emotions and then make extra long service not too long to be submissive but make sure she enjoys your tongue and fingers. Look at while her face and decide when to stop. If there remains a secret she wants to see you again the you can continue however you wish it does not matter. To see her again You can practise more learn to control her and does not give everything or get submissive but see the real thing that You must serve her. You are servicemen. An army man Hunet? Right. So serve Your
Lady use your tongue and mouth and let her adapt an idea she is about to have something with you”

Hunet:”What about anal?”

Sexual Therapeutist:”Do Yo want to lick her anal?”

Hunet:”No definitely not”

Sexual Therapeutist:”So do not try anything which You are not gong t carry through. No anal sex if you do not want it. Hold the line from the right to the need. Deny her to experiment with you. Experiment is a kid stuff. Your strategy is to get the ship into a course. She will adapt whatever kind of sex, if she feels she credits. It is only a matter of time”

Hunet:”What about when can I come?”

Sexual Therapeutist:”Come what?”


Sexual Therapeutist: ”When ever You feel like to d not let women to dominate Your physic. If You want to have 45 minutes session You want it if at times 5 minutes that is enough. It is just enough you make her come every now and then but not too often, after a week or two Yuo are dominating a relationship and that gives you a self-confidence”

Hunet: So I finally have to be only a man?

Sexual Therapeutist: Only a man.

Hunet: And that is enough for her.

Sexual Therapeutist:Wrong attitude. Of course it is enough for her . You are the man who led the ship. The female orgasm does not happen in bed only it is a wholesome issue the foreplay take 24 hours and more masculine You are the wet they came. The female orgasm is like a thin air, it is sad and it is weak half of it is an emotion and other half faking it.


Sexual Therapeutist: I should now. I am a sex therapeutist.

Hunet:Well thank You Mr. Jenkins. You saved my day.

Sexual Therapeutist: Thank You Mr. Hunet Too.

Copyright 8th of December
Mr. Janne Huttunen

www.jannehuttunen.com (verifiontiavulle on tarvetta Herra Kupilan sivuilta löytyvää materiaalia koskien. ks. myös suom24/tiede/matematiikka




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • Jippii

      jeeee te teitte sen, pistätte niinsanotusti suomi24 sivut uuteen uskoon, tästä tulee varmaan englanti24 sivut, viekää noi englesmanni kielet viineriin täält suomi sivuilt

    • enska

      jos suomi ja savo ei käy jätä koko sivut unholaan!

      • satunnainen_lukija

        ehkä voisit tuota kielioppia parannella ennen kuin kirjoittelet englanninkielisiä tarinoita yleiselle palstalle. Ei ehkä oikea palsta sun tarinalles.

    Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.

    Luetuimmat keskustelut

    1. Melkein lähetin viestin.

      Onneksi tulin järkiini. Mukavaa kesää
    2. Sulla on nainen muuten näkyvät viiksikarvat naamassa jotka pitää poistaa

      Kannattaa katsoa peilistä lasien kanssa, ettet saa ihmisiltä ikäviä kommentteja.
    3. Ikävöimäsi henkilön ikä

      Minkä ikäinen kaipauksen kohteenne on? Onko tämä vain plus 50 palsta vai kaivataanko kolme-neljäkymppisiä? Oma kohde mie
    4. Liikenne onnettomuus

      Annas kun arvaan -Nuoriso -Ajokortti poikkeusluvalla -Ylinopeus
    5. Kuka jäi auton alle

      Kuka jöi kantatiellä auton alle eilen
    6. Oli kyl kunnon reissu

      Jopa oli bileet hotellissa! Kunnon menot ja Kuhmon rytkyt liikenteessä. Onneksi ei ollu tuulipukua päällä! 😂👍🏻
    7. Muistatko ensimmäisen kahdenkeskisen hetken

      kaivattusi kanssa?
    8. Vähän pelottaa

      Että ten suuren mokan. Tämä muuttaa nyt liikaa asioita.
    9. Plösö ja synttäriruusut

      Joko Plösö sai hommattua ne 100 ruusua sankarille vai vieläkö sankarin odotus jatkuu?
      Kotimaiset julkkisjuorut
    10. Tiedätkö autereen?

      Se on vähän niinkuin sinä. Eräänä päivänä se hehkuttaa eteerisenä, laiskan hauen tavoin. Toisena se iskee kuin nälkäinen