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Breaking News

Mr. Janne Huttunen has made a discovery which seems to suggest there is a
link between time and the events. This means practically the predictability
of the things. All of them.

The revolutionary claim of. Mr Huttunen´s being universally true with mass and energy* characteristics would mean the scale of findings which would change our view of our world; resulting Scientific and Cultural Revolution.
* (note for consumer reader: in this text mass and energy is = “events”)
Mr. Huttunen reminds one should not get jumpy, however. He says things has never progress too fast in the nature from human perspective and is very unlikely to do so now either.
He says he has tested the framework as many fields of life that he is convinced the theory has potential already to estimate with meaningful accuracy every phenomenon put under a study. Mr. Huttunen has already studied extensively such a life areas like: weather, natural catastrophes and the anatomy as well as a behaviour of a human in various contexts.
He says the new tools are able to discover and predict issues which is kept presently fully imaginable to be known advance, such as which goes to predict the thought and processes testified by the human´s body movement and expressed language in relation to another human objects.
Mr. Huttunen says while his most extensive study; regarding tornado touchdowns works well as a verification the most interesting is the capacity provided to more complex studies, which can appears when studying the most complex nature´s phenomenon;ourselves.
Mr. Huttunen says he would never be here to express these ideas unless he would have a sexual psychological need to feel unsatisfied to be able to go further in a field of a science. He suggests the human anatomy and behaviour or nature´s rich expereinces and offers the best testground due to a abundance of a variables to study at hand forces to find new perspectives for a scientist who is able to exploit sensory-deprivation in a celibacy.
Mr. Huttunen adds he was able to transform the sexual power and the use of a vocabulary to the bridging technique he names “contextuality*”. The practical result was a huge creation of a test hypothesis leading to expereiments and statistical tests. He says these statistical test seems to be able to show there is proven level of a predictability with somewhat remarkable accuracy e.g. of what kind of human anatomy and behavior will appear on a certain time location.
Mr. Huttunen who has studied the psychological,anatomical and sexual or alternatively artistic needs of a human specie for years says he is able to evaluate what kind of flesh and bones is to appear to a certain time location and what kind of thoughts, intentions and following expression are likely to find as well. He says the interesteing perspective from th epoint of a creativity was found that most difficult it was to guess what happens when human is expressing alone. Instead when there is added more humans the outcomes were the limited basket to choose. Mr. Huttunen who uses due to a validity a lot of photograph and film materiel says this probably this is not culturally contexted issue but reveals probably how much traditions must be accepted to artistic creations to made them commercial.

Mr. Huttunen says while after his theory and empric verification phase will end withj sufficientInterest accpetred by the audience he likes to go and study the same with smaller group behaviour of a real life. He is planning a group test of a size of a one hundred participants at least with number flags in their back to be able to follow how freely people will choose the sex parners,when the official culture will allow and suggest for it.

He says currently he is able to predict the human behaviour by writing script beforehand and see if it keeps together with realised events. This he has done by using films and actors. The details of the expression can be predicted and he is willing to give samples of this by request. In here to give preliminary ideas for a consumer purpose the paths which can be predicted can also simplified to a bigger category level which are e.g. choosing alternatives of the direction of basic expressions like
If the outcome of a people or even person/event appearing together is e.g. a hostile, friendly, authoritative, sexual, or to choose from the categories of set decorations like iuf the scene will appear on inside/outside, city/countryside what kind of clothes people will wear, what colors are dominating on a set etc.

* please read for this more by the links offered in reading guides.

Mr. Huttunen says the trustworthy of the predictability comes not only from the organized manner to solicit statistical data of random studies but verifying this against unchanged solid framework from nature. The framework here is the depictor of a time which hardly could have more weight and solid timetables over our lives;the solar system and universe with its totall mass
orbiting around us.
Mr. Huttunen says he has proved already a lot of the correctedness of the framework with his single tornadostudy he has launched on autumn 2005 with an applied product EWTAS (Early Warning Tornado Alarm System) which he claim is able to track down already in a meaningful amount the periods when tornado risk is extremely high or very low further to suggest whether to make an evacuation decision or not.

However while such an issues have been difficult to accept Mr. Huttunen says he has worked so many years that obviously he achieved a competitive edge which
means the communication gap is huge as well. Mr. Huttunen says he would be pleased to see people might feel interetsing to write about this by their own terms and language while he is not probably the best writer to depict and tell this matter while it is so self-evident for himself.


Mr. Huttunen refers he is attaching the theory into the traditions by adding the content of time and location characteristics to E=MC2.
He refers this should be a more than a motivating goal to update Einstein to this century. He is also pleased this time however, thanks not the atom bomb or equivalent is a possible byproduct.
Mr. Huttunen says he went as much as possibilities through in his mind to secure this innovation will not end up to an similar rivalry as the theory of an einstein. While probably with this theory and empirics it is question of non-threatening information he has been used to go a safe lines and ended up to make a decision to release information for all parties simultaneously.
He can not rationalise this would be good industry practise in science while naturally it makes financial loosers and puts up a pressure for enhancing collective good, which is a perspectual thing. Howveer Mr. Huttunen says he perosnally belive the convictions he had during this study meant that this science should be protective not destructive or a violent at first hand.
He continues while we all know the self-evident is the overload of the idealism must be put away to survive, also while currently Mr. Huttunen depicts he lives quite harsh and very simple life where is not time to dream, however he admits that very probably he would never be affected to the sensitive information if he would have gone too much in Adult mode and would have lacked the child in side of us wanting a safe world, humanism and societal idealism. The objective is that the ideas came during the period when he says he was more sensitive and playful.
Mr. Huttunen suggest the underlying motivation to get a full scale study was an interest to understand the human relationship and putting it into a bigger context persons relationship to a nature.He further continues to able study or be in a relationship to the other human or a nature means the belief of having idealism. He suggest if there is no idealism left to the people, people can not relate to each others more but on sexual basis and switching basic services. In such a culture terms like "love" lost its thesaurus meanings mand become very tangible and definable item. Mr. Huttunen says if there is something to personally himself to learn about it has been when the impossible or “love” lost its meaning it means also a lack of study and education to next generation grow more humane. Or perhaps with intellect either. World needs probably impossible words like “love”.

Mr. Huttunen says he lacks natural understanding of other people businesses and tries not to give ideas for politics which is beyond his knowledge. Instead as a father of The Theory of The Sequences he would like to give realistic and trustworthy ideas to people to build a world of their own. He likes to remind all innovations seeks applications in all life areas. This means they goes to a military as well. No innovation is an exception in that regard. However military and defense questions dveloping as well as any does not have to mean violence. Possible prediction capacity developing through years at level where crisi situations might be expected may mean more time for negotiations and forgivness rather than heating the crisis periods when they come by sudden.


Whether the probable predictability capacity would mean fatality Mr. Huttunen says not.
According his expereince and studies it is the question of optionality never the fatality.

Still however it is true the most probable option can be calculated if the area of geographical expression and the objects expressed there can be predicted to very limited sample. Such things where things are pretty predictable happens rather in movies not in real life.

Whether the energy studied here can be altered by consious effort Mr. Huttunen answersthe "conscious manipulation" is already a normal life mean exitisng all of the time and does not change with this theory.

Mr. Huttunen believes his statistical finding relating time and events will lead to a discovery the logical next episode in the theories of physics. He has conceptualized this expectation into his theory; The Theory of a Sequences. He says as much as he is as statistician capable to provide, he puts biology and physics of a life in simplistic. The life events are understood by the four basic concept of mass(M) energy (E) time (T) and location (S).
Putting it available for everyman, which is Mr. Huttunen´s perspective of the modern science,the simple formula which makes us probably capable to plan better in advance by learning to adapt to nature´s cycles would be P(M)=TSE

Here the predictability (P) of any event (M) (i.e. mass) would known by the time location (TS) characteristics depicting the energy (E) i.e. the mass (M). For the common reader knowledge Mr. Huttunen points out in the Theory of The Sequences the energy which is identifiable with specific time location characteristics is further identifiable with mass characteristics; like color (C), form (F) and weight(W).
This would mean a formula in a popular mode as P(M[CFW])=TSE which again tells why the anatomy or any scenario with landscapes or artificial man-made objects is recognizable.
The optionality he speaks follows as well the priority of predictable order***
***(If You wish to read for these please go to pay sites and read more about this from reading guides)
Already Mr. Huttunen is capable to track down tornadoes with meaningful accuracy in advance, which would mean timetables to evacuate or not to evacuate at least months, probably years at advance, depending how much the framework so far experimented contains predictable time cycles. If there is unpredictability or uncharted time cycles that of course Mr. Huttunen can not answer after being able to work only through samples.
Mr. Huttunen attempted to launch his information already during Katrina-Crisis on autumn 2005. Mr. Huttunen says he expected natural inertia, but not unreasonable resistance.
While he was knocked out by the traditions he would like to knock back and remind people die constantly in tsunamis, earthquakes and floods following the guidelines of traditions, which has not provide help.

He says if he would really interested of human´s as a study objects it would be interesting to find out how most of the people even in research institutes has suggested he is introducing a pink elephant. Even before any evidence is laid on a table. Mr. Huttunen keeps quite irrational asttitude of the people pretty sad proof of the civilaisation and how it has brainswashed a capacity to think indepepndently for many.

Mr. Huttunen refers the key in a findings lay in the cyclical memory which can be calculated with exact precision to a certain time location. While mass/energy characteristics can be calculated or at least estimated along the fixed and practically from human perspective unchanged natural laws
Mr. Huttunen anticipates the finding very well may lead to the accuracy which would mean the landfall of the new theory in physics as well. Mr. Huttunen is a statistician and remind he is naturally unable to continue from
these findings more than as a business.
Mr. Huttunen´s attitude to the use of science is pragmatism. He says his statistical findings are already as strong that there should not be any hindrance to start to exploit them as soon as possible in business and in science.
The web pages here attempts to give information making anyone able to verify and learn more of the research findings and the related theory initiated.
Please open the "reading guide" -link (find from top left corner of this page) to find more of the issue.
To note: some materiel in these pages might be inappropriate for kids to study alone.




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