mikä mahtaa olla oc. ekan kauden dvd:llä oleva piilotettu ominaisuus? olen nyt muutamaan kertaan levyt katsellut, mutta se ei ole vielä sattunut silmiin
1. kauden dvd
- uskop
The OC Easter Egg
Alternative versions
On disc three in the episodes section, highlight The Links and press right. A small 'oc' will appear. Click on it and get an alternate ending to The Links with an introduction by the creator.- uskop
Extended Scene:
Insert the Second Disc of the DVD set and from the Main Menu go to the 'Episodes' selection. Once there highlight the episode 'The Outsider' and then press the RIGHT key on your remote control once. The 'OC' logo will appear and give you access to an extended scene of Seth talking to the lobsters.
Provided by Dan Kinem
Alternate Ending With Intro:
Insert the Fourth Disc of the DVD set and go to the 'Episodes' section, accessible from the Main Menu. Highlight the episode 'The Links' and press the RIGHT key on your remote control. You will now have access to the alternate ending of the episode with a brief introduction from Josh.
Provided by Dan Kinem
'The Links' Alternate Ending:
From the Main Menu go to the 'Episodes' section and highlight the menu entry for 'The Links.' Press the RIGHT arrow key and the "OC" logo will appear. Now press the ENTER key to see a deleted scene from the episode.
Provided by Craig
Deleted Drinking Scene:
From the Main Menu go to the 'Episodes' section and highlight the menu entry for 'Pilot.' Press the RIGHT arrow key on your remote control to highlight the microphone. Press the RIGHT key once again and the 'OC' logo will appear. Now you can press the ENTER key to see a deleted scene from the first episode of Seth Cohen drinking.
Provided by Dan Kinem - uskop
en mene vannomaan että toimivat nordic (R2) versioilla.
Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.
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