Hulda Clarkin haastattelu aiheesta:
Jan Matthews: Are parasites involved in osteoporosis? I mean, is this a nutritional problem? I notice that some people absorb calcium more than others do. I think you mentioned, for instance, when you drink milk if you don't excrete liver bile it's very difficult to absorb calcium.
Dr. Clark: Yes, but I think it is largely a dental problem through its toxic effects on the thyroid and parathyroid glands. I have found that the dietary intake of calcium or even vitamin D is not nearly as large a force on your calcium level as how your thyroid and parathyroid glands are doing. So, if you get those two tissues on slides as well as parathyroid hormone and calcitonin and thyroxin as representatives of these organs you'll find that if there is Clostridium bacteria in your parathyroids, your calcium level drops very, very seriously. And that is probably the basis of the low calcium levels that we see in people's blood test results. We do blood tests for everyone we see and we've probably seen two thousand patients in the last couple of years. Even when patients have no calcium disorder and consider themselves okay in that area (they may be a cancer patient but not concerned with a calcium problem), very often we do see a low level of calcium (something like 8.6 or 8.7 instead of 9.2 or 9.3 - where it should be), and it is always a toxin or bacterium in the parathyroids. It may be malonic acid, Clostridium bacteria, copper, cobalt and vanadium or other metals such as thallium or mercury in the parathyroids.
Rauhasten tarkempi sijainti..
"The Role of Calcium in the Human Body...
and how the Parathyroid Glands Control ALL Calcium Levels in our Bodies."
"To provide strength to our skeletal system. Everyone knows that calcium is used to make our bones strong, but this is really only half the story. The bones themselves serve as the storage system that we use to make sure we will always have a good supply of calcium. Just like a bank vault where we constantly make deposits and withdrawals, we are constantly putting calcium into our bones, and constantly taking calcium out of our bones... all in small amounts... with the SOLE PURPOSE of keeping our calcium levels in the blood at the correct level. Remember, the MOST IMPORTANT role of calcium is to provide for the proper functioning of our nervous system--not to provide strength to our bones--that is secondary."
Bakteeri niskassa olevissa rauhasissa
- Heikki
Hulda Clark on jo vuosia pyrkinyt selittämään, että kaikki mahdolliset sairaudet aiheutuvat loisista. Tätä kaiken näytön vastaista väitettään hän esittää ilmeisesti ainoastaan edistääkseen "loisia häätävän" zapper-laitteensa myyntiä. Kyseinen laite on rakenteeltaan varsin yksinkertainen, eikä sillä voi olla mitään yhteyttä sen enempää loisiin kuin erilaisiin sairauksiinkaan. Kaiken toimintansa vuoksi Hulda Clark on joutunut jatkuvasti tekemisiin viranomaisten kanssa. Siis: pelkkää huijausta.
- asiaa..
> Kyseinen laite on rakenteeltaan varsin
> yksinkertainen, eikä sillä voi olla mitään
> yhteyttä sen enempää loisiin kuin erilaisiin
> sairauksiinkaan.
No sen voi itse kukin kokeilla rakentamalla kyseisen laitteen muutamalla eurolla.
> Kaiken toimintansa vuoksi Hulda Clark on
> joutunut jatkuvasti tekemisiin viranomaisten
> kanssa. Siis: pelkkää huijausta.
Tai sitten todellinen uhka lääketieteen nimissä tehtävälle rahastukselle?
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