Voitte käydä täälä allekirjottamassa vetoomuksen jotta Madonnan musiikkia alettaisiin taas soittaa USA:n radioissa:http://www.petitiononline.com
- suurempiakin..
ongelmia kuin se ettei madonna soi jenkkien radiossa. Omassa cd-soittimessa soi päivittäin ja olen fanittanut muijaa jo yli 20 vuotta.
- anti-bush
Kyseessä näyttäisi olevan rebublikaanien omistuksessa olevan Clear Channelin boikotti,Madonna on arvostellut Bushia aika rankin sanoin.Tässä artikkeli aiheesta:
Is Clear Channel boycotting Madonna?
Singer’s fans have organized a petition demanding justice for Material Girl
Stephen Chernin / AP
Madonna performs during her concert on the New York leg of her "Confessions" tour. Madonna is known to have strong views about George Bush and the war in Iraq.
By Jeannette Walls
Updated: 2:40 a.m. ET July 25, 2006
Is Madonna the subject of a Dixie Chicks-like boycott?
Songs from the Material Girl’s latest album, “Confessions on a Dance Floor,” have been hits around the world, but hasn’t fared as well in the U.S. Some fans are alleging that radio stations owned by Clear Channel — a company with strong ties to the Republican party — are refusing to play her music because of the pop star’s comments blasting George Bush and the war in Iraq. Madonna has been an outspoken critic of the war and during her current “Confessions” concert tour, makes obscene comments about President Bush. Clear Channel stations were said to be key in keeping the Dixie Chicks’ music off the air after one of them made highly publicized comments about being “embarrassed” to be from the same state as George Bush.
Nearly 5,000 Madonna fans have signed a petition that’s being sent to Clear Channel head Mark P. Mays, accusing the company of keeping the singer off the radio airwaves. “The evidence that there is a boycott from American Radio is too obvious for words ... Madonna rules the planet, EXCEPT for the USA,” according to the petition writer, who went on to note that Madonna holds the two top positions in the United World Chart, but a number of petition signers report that when they request Madonna’s music, they’re told by Clear Channel-owned stations she’s too old or not popular enough.
A spokesman for Clear Channel told the Scoop he had no comment on the alleged boycott. “It's not to say we won't have comment in the future — just not right now,” he said.
- nyt jo....
Miksi asian puolesta pitää tehdä vetoomus,eikö Madonna mukamuuten soi USAN radioissa??!
Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.
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