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    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
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      • rautarouva............


    • Moneytalk$
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        Benjamin Breeg was born in London on September 3rd, 1939.
        After the deaths of his parents in a house fire in September, 1947, Breeg was sent to an orphanage in the East End. The cause of the fatal fire, to this day, remains unexplained. Breeg himself was present in the house at the time but escaped unharmed.

        He was a bright child but very solitary, prompting one of his carers at the orphanage to state: "He has the demeanour of a child who seems to bear more weight upon his shoulders than any person should. What goes on behind his eyes makes one wonder what's troubling him." As well as his academic interests, Breeg also became interested in The Bible and expressed a desire to join the clergy.

        Breeg was fostered by three families between 1947 and 1950 but each time, he was returned to the orphanage, unable to settle in any of the new homes that had offered to raise him.It was on his tenth birthday in 1949, that he began to experience nightmares that he himself later described as "the most vile and tortuous I have ever endured." Despite this, he went on to develop incredible talent as an artist and produced a large number of drawings, sketches and paintings. However, none of these survive and are believed to have been destroyed by Breeg himself. To this day, no one knows why. The subjects of these paintings, however, supposedly caused great consternation and distress among those who Breeg allowed to view them.

        The verdict of one close friend who saw some of Breeg's work is as follows: "He says he paints what he sees. If this is true, I can only thank God I have no window into his mind."

        Breeg's first job on leaving the orphanage, in 1954, was at a local Undertakers, where he was given the task of engraving headstones. His interest in the Bible had by now turned into what a colleague deemed to be "obsessive". He lived alone and little is known about his life between 1955 and 1959 other than that his interest in joining the clergy diminished. His obsession with the Bible, however, did not.

        Breeg travelled widely between 1960 and 1970, visiting many different countries. Living for two years in Haiti before travelling to Eastern Europe where he lived between 1966 and 1969. He was forced to flee from Romania in 1969 following local Police investigations. He returned to England in March 1971. Upon his return, he was offered a position with the International Institute of Paranormal Investigation which he accepted.

        Breeg wrote four books between 1971 and 1977. None of these, as far as can be ascertained, remain in print. All, however, concern the sights and cultures Breeg experienced while travelling. The emphasis in all four volumes is on the Occult practices of the countries visited.

        Benjamin Breeg disappeared from his home on June 18th, 1978. All efforts to locate him proved unsuccessful.

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    1. 530
    2. Aamuseuraa/rehevää naista

      uhkean rehevät m-xxxl naiset/rouvat/pari 18-80v kutsu luokses 31.1 aamusta päiväpanoille 32v hetero mies.oon innokas nuo
    3. 24h Kirppis

      Olen muuttamassa paikkakunnalle ja mietin olisiko tälläiselle liikkeelle tarvetta alueella?
    4. Suomessa eletään liian pitkään

      "Ihmisten on kuoltava" Asiantuntija varoittaa: Suomi ei ole valmis siihen, että niin moni elää pitkään: ”Kaiken täytyy
      Maailman menoa
    5. Kerotakaa joensuun kontiolahden paiholan laitoksesta jotain

      Mun kaveri joutuu paiholan laitokseen nyt lähi aikoina niin voisko ihmiset kertoa minkälaista siellä on tarinoita jne ja
    6. Olen niin haaveillut

      Sinusta. Ollut hullun rakastunut. Ajatellut kaikkea mitä yhdessä voisimme tehdä. Mutta ei ei yhtään mitään. Usko vaan lo
    7. Sun ulkonäkö on

      Kyllä viehättävä. Kauniit piirteet. Todella sievät. Ja olemus on ihana. Olet tehnyt vaikutuksen.
    8. Oletko koskaan

      Tavannut/tuntenut ihmistä, jonka kanssa vuosisadan rakkaustarina olisi ollut mahdollinen, mutta joku este tuli väliin?
    9. En voi ottaa

      Jos ikinä aiot ottaa yhteyttä, niin tee se nyt. On aika, kun todella todella tarvitsisin sinua. Naiselle.
    10. Näyttääkö kaivattusi

      Miten hyvältä ❤️