Mariah received the Make-A-Wish Foundation's Wish Icon Award at the seventh annual Make-A-Wish Foundation ceremony held at The Beverly Hills Hotel in Hollywood on Friday, November 17th.
Kelli Seely, president and CEO of the Make-A-Wish Foundation of Greater Los Angeles said, "We are delighted to have the opportunity to recognize such prominent members of our community for their involvement in supporting wish fulfillment for children and their families. It is particularly exciting to honor Mariah Carey with the Wish Icon award for her extraordinary generosity and her many wish granting achievements throughout her career, those we are honoring tonight have brightened the lives of many children and the family members who love them."
In addition to her multi-award winning career as a performer and songwriter, Mariah has also been a committed volunteer for the Make-A-Wish Foundation. She has personally granted dozens of wishes for children from across the country. Many children have taken Mariah's place at music awards shows, thanks to her generosity. Carey also donates to help grant performing arts/music wishes; she has donated in the six figures to fund more than 20 wishes. The pop legend was also willing to take the stage for the Foundation when it celebrated its 25th anniversary.
Mariah Receives Wish Icon Award
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