Myy moottoripyörää nimellä "Viktor Werner"
Kysyin missä pyörä on miten kauppaa tehdään. Kuulostaa hiukan epäilyttävältä.... Osassa sähköposteissa hän kirjoitti erittäin huonoa englantia ja yhtäkkiä näin hyvää:
We will use a online service and i will explain you the steps of the transaction.
You can test the bike for 5 days ( i think is enough time to inspect and to decide if is a good bike) until i will take the money.
I want to do this deal in a safe way for the both of us. The safest way will be for this deal to be handle by an online service company like i have told you. This system provides protection for both buyer and seller. This is the safest and easiest way to do business. Let me explain how the online service system works.
1) The buyer and seller reach an agreement, and you must to register to (i will place the transaction and after that you will check the transaction and you will approve it.)
2) The buyer pays the online service company
3) The seller is then notified to ship the item to the buyer (in my case the bike is in the online service and they after you will make the payment will shipp the bike to you)
4) The buyer receives and inspects the item, and agrees or refuses the item
5) The seller is paid by the company, if the buyers agrees to buy the item after inspecting it.
This way you can inspect the motorcycle before actually purchasing it. If you are not 100% satisfied with the motorcycle, you will inform the company and they will send you back your money. I cannot be paid until you are agree with the bike.
You can test the motorcycle in any way you want for 5 days, and if you are not satisfied with it, you will inform the company and they will inform me, and i will send the transport company to pick up the motorcycle from you.
I am sure that once you will get on this motorcycle you will fell in love with it.
The system i proposed is easy, fast and reliable.
This is the website of the company that will handle our deal.
You can see the FAQ here
Like i have told you I all-ready sent them the bike and all the bike documents for inspection. They will also provide a legal frame to our deal.
Please e-mail me all your questions or concerns.
PS: I will pay all the company fees and you will pay only the price of the bike.
Have a nice day, Respekt.
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