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Steve alkaa käyttää heroiinia ja joutuu vaikeuksiin. Hän varastaa perintökoruja Amberilta ja jää kiinni. Steven ja Millien suhde päättyy siihen paikkaan ja Millie hakee lohtua PJ:n sylistä.
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Season 4
"The End's Not Near, It's Here", the series finale of The O.C.
"The End's Not Near, It's Here", the series finale of The O.C.
The fourth and final season began on November 2, 2006 in the United States, and featured a total of 16 episodes. The season begins with everyone coping with the death of Marissa Cooper. Ryan has moved out of the Cohen household and become a cage fighter to deal with his anger. Summer begins attending Brown University, where she throws herself into environmental activism, and avoids calls from Seth, who stays in Newport and finds a job at a comic book shop. Marissa's younger sister Kaitlin returns to Newport from boarding school and starts attending Harbor. Julie, meanwhile, hires a private detective to track down Volchok, who had fled to Mexico. She plans to have Ryan take revenge on Volchok, presumably by killing him. Ultimately, with Seth and Sandy's help, Ryan allows Volchok to turn himself into the authorities. Ryan subsequently moves back in with the Cohen's. In the meantime, Taylor Townsend, who is previously thought to have been in Paris, attending the Sorbonne, secretly returns to Newport after impulsively marrying a Frenchman, who then refuses to grant her a divorce. Ryan helps her by posing as her lover to get her husband to agree to the divorce, after which she and Ryan begin a romantic relationship. After releasing rabbits from a laboratory, Summer is suspended from Brown for a semester and returns to California where she and Seth reconcile. Julie Cooper begins a relationship with wealthy Texan businessman Gordon Bullit, however, she soon becomes conflicted when she falls for Ryan's biological father, Frank, who was released from prison. Near the end of the fourth season, Kirsten becomes pregnant with a baby girl, and she and Sandy consider whether Newport is the right place to bring up another child. A powerful earthquake hits Newport, during which Ryan is injured, although with the help of a blood transfusion from Seth, he survives. Unfortunately, the Cohens' house is beyond repair.
The series finale documents the characters' lives six months after the earthquake. It is shown in a conclusive flashforward that Seth and Summer wed, Julie remains single and graduates from college, Sandy becomes a Law professor, and Ryan becomes an architect. The series concludes with Ryan reaching out to a troubled teenager just as Sandy did for him.
[edit] Specials
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Niin löytyy. :D- mirrivaan
öö...summer ja seth menee vikassa jaksossa kihloihin,ja oon nähny pätkän jostain maanjäristyksestä tai vastaavasta. kirsetn ja sandy saa lapsen. :)
Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.
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