We Finnish people are jealous of the people of Venezuela, because you have a president who is able and willing to close such a TV-channel that is infiltrated by an American henchmen and broadcasts both pure imperialistic hate propaganda of the USA and lies of the European Union.
We Finns have to watch for instance such a bullshit news from channels of YLE TV1 and MTV3, apart from the fact that nobody believes most of these stories in news. Unlike your President, our President is powerless, but she has subtly just protested against the politics of the Finnish media.
That is why we express: Long live the President of Venezuela ! Hurrah, Hugo Chavez !
Long live the President of Venezuela
- Fidel Castro!
¡Cuba, el único territorio libre de América!
- Nambaryn Enkhbayar
Why are there so few news from Mongolia?
- Evo Morales!
(Y su chompa a rayas)
- Gilberto Kassab
Ansioitumisen maksimoitumisen vuoksi.
- Rauno Haapanen
Really great leader!
- manolito
Free Manuel Noriega!
- in Finland
You should consider using the Finnish health care system. I'm sure that the doctors could change your medication, since it obviously doesn't seem to work. The next level of your sickness might be that you start admiring the achievements of Stalin and Hitler.
- Paxel
Change some people's political opinions by committing them to mental hospitals and medicating them heavily, I mean.
Is that what you're suggesting?
- JakeJake
Wau! I didn´t know there´s still people like you in Finland. I was expecting all finns being more or less a mix of rightwing socialdemocrats.
Consensus, you know...
Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.
Luetuimmat keskustelut
Miehille kysymys
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Olen tosi outo....
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- 991248
Hommaatko kinkkua jouluksi?
Itse tein pakastimeen n. 3Kg:n murekkeen sienillä ja juustokuorrutuksella. Voihan se olla, että jonkun pienen, valmiin k1201099