Will this "Abilify" me or not?..and if not, who will compensate?
Having difficulties to get time in internet here is short extract news of my situation:..............................................
My family has directed on 10th Feb 2007, while residing in Spain, the attention of a doctors of psychiatry leading me to stay at the moment at the mental hospital (soon to be transferred to ”open hospital” [called in Finland ”kuntoutuskoti”])
The period , which has sustained already 7 consecutive months and in such has grown pretty challenging, is first one in my life to spent prisoned/asylum. This would not realised without a quite peculiar situation, story which might be presented later.
However, at the moment to further describe the rather awkward present situation, from medical perspective, my only medication is ”Abilify”-medicine 1 pill per day, which I see hopeful. Then however, the diagnosis is more than loose and belongs to undefined ones. My psychiatrist has stated her opinion the remedy would be to accept diagnosis. However, this is extra difficult while diagnosis is as loose as it is and few of the criterias of it is shown to fullfilled with none of the sound basis with example or logic.
Due previously mentioned nasal and upper airway( post-surgical) problems* (written earlier in internrt) which are presently ”psychiatrised”I face extra difficult situation and have find 100% true loosing gradually my health due insufficient breathing indoors, wit presently offered/forced hospital/open hospital conditions.Situation which needs quick resolvement.
(After the failed surgeries of 2005,2006 I slept winter 2005-2006 outdoors in Finland, while the winter 2006-2007 in Spain. This was due nasal/upper airway drying (after among other things removal of uvula and failed nasal operation), therefore best climatical circumstances found near the sea and warmer athmosphere than Finland... say what´s the problem the very "one-eyed" psychiatry goes and "psychiatrised" even such facts as these..)...
to be continued...
Janne Mikael Huttunen (270467-XXXX)
Pakkohoidon rajanveto
ja yhteiskunnalliset kustan...
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