British media broadcast the documentary: Communist China's Olympic Lies

Communist China's Olympic Lies

British media broadcast the documentary: Communist China's Olympic Lies
Associated Press Zhou British report) recently, the British Channel 4 TV (Channel 4) the popular program "has not been reported in the world" (Unreported World) China's problems reflect a broadcast news documentary "Communist China's Olympic Lies" (China's Olympic Lie) . Tablets, the reporter interviewed the ground in front of a state visit to the Letters and Visits Office people, the Olympic compulsory relocatees, Beijing suburbs specialized detained visit prisons, and other public and the people revealed a Communist authorities do not want to see the real China.
Letters and Visits Office: to prevent people petition
Channel 4 reporter Hartley (Aidan Hartley) came to the front of Beijing State Letters and Visits Office, where there was a several hundred from various parts of China petition, as well as large number of security and plainclothes security.

Reporters pointed out that China is here every day, in the event of human rights violations in miniature, in accordance with Chinese law, if people feel that their cases have not been reasonable trial, they have the right to petition, but here, no one to listen to people's grievances visit.
Here is the State Letters and Visits Office, which is these people can petition to visit the end Many of them are coming here to travel thousands of kilometers petition, but from their
Here is the State Letters and Visits Office, which is these people can petition to visit the end Many of them are coming here to travel thousands of kilometers petition, but from their statements, their grievances no one is ignored, they are very disappointed. Visit one of these people see a foreign correspondent, immediately started to complain of grievances, and the difficult process of redress.

At this time, security personnel there, the reporter asked to see the documents, these security to a translation called "traitors" because he brought foreign journalists here.
The reporters feel that the authorities appeared to him was very embarrassing, because "they did not want to let the whole world see that the situation here." Security and plainclothes security reporter to stop filming and to prevent material to the public to visit reporters. The reporters feel that the security measures here it seemed that the purpose is to prevent people from the higher authorities.

Reporters pointed out that the Chinese Communist authorities have said that foreign journalists can be unrestricted for Beijing residents interviewed, but security is telling him, in an interview in front of the Letters and Visits Office, the need to get permission.

Reporters left helpless, but still continued to keep up with the visit to the material to him, the reporter left, hands already have a thick pile of materials, because "these people are desperate, they can not believe that their own government can solve their problems, had to rely on the foreign media."
Reporters heard that the General Assembly and representatives of the Chinese Communist Party in the forthcoming Olympic Games, were to visit the drive away from the streets, but there are still many people visit the underground tunnel to sleep. These people see the reporter's visit, immediately produced the photographs, described the experience of being forced demolition, they had their own homes, but forced removal by the local government, also suffered from the developers hired thugs assaulted, they now can only sleep on the streets.

162 residents face mandatory demolition

This reporter went to the Olympic main venue from the "nest" only a few hundred meters of a residential area, where 162 residents are facing a mandatory demolition destiny. District downstairs notices column wrote, the residents of this district, two floor residents need on the day in an interview with reporters to move out, if they refuse, will receive a second warning, if still refused, they will be forced demolition. Notices also pointed out that in order to re-development is a road with the Olympic Games to make way.
Residents here said that armed police will be dispatched to mandatory demolition, removal from the compensation fee is very low, therefore, they decided not to move, they know the relevant laws will resist demolition.

One resident was pointed out that the "Chinese people, some people, in order to save face, in order to do all these foreigners do."

Reporters pointed out that such a situation occurred in Beijing within the framework of the whole, some sources pointed out that about 1.5 million residents were forced to relocate because of the Olympics, and all these things happened, not on behalf of any of these organizations forced the relocation of the residents.

Due to resist demolition by beatings and imprisonment

Reporters wanted to interview some of the victims of the Olympic compulsory demolition, but few people dare to come forward on experience. Liu An Army (phonetic) is one of these, he called the reporter to their dilapidated now living in the small rooms.
Let reporters am very surprised that, as opposed to mandatory Liu An Army demolition, and was labeled as disabled. Liu An army spoke of her own experience, he was sent by the developers of the four mob beatings, his back was stabbed four knives, his head beaten four long sources, both legs and one arm fracture.

Since then he continues to higher authorities, was sentenced to two years imprisonment, because "disrupted public order." In prison, he was tortured by police strike, he was forced to stand for three days, not allowed to sleep and eat, and he collapsed, police poured cold water on him wake up, and then tortured.

Resident Representative attack

The reporter continued to face a mandatory demolition of residential buildings interview. Half of the residents there have already moved out, but still refused to remove half. Developers have been empty for the migrant workers moved into the room, residents in front of the windows problematic migrant workers, urinate, the environment is very bad.

Residents of the buildings scenarios even worse. Developers to force the relocation of residents, water electricity to the residents, but also damaged sewage pipes, sewage on the first floor of residential buildings cross flow and stench, although residents in the front with brick垒起a small barrier, but sewage still flow into the room, we can see that when the number of sewage.
Not only these, the West-Resident Representative Wu (phonetic) in the road home was two unidentified people overthrown, and his arms and legs injured, he doubted this matter with him on behalf of the residents of the refuse removal. Subsequently, two other residents on behalf of the developer received threatening phone calls, saying if they did not move, will encounter the same thing.




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    1. Melkein lähetin viestin.

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    5. Tiedätkö autereen?

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    7. Muistatko ensimmäisen kahdenkeskisen hetken

      kaivattusi kanssa?
    8. Oli kyl kunnon reissu

      Jopa oli bileet hotellissa! Kunnon menot ja Kuhmon rytkyt liikenteessä. Onneksi ei ollu tuulipukua päällä! 😂👍🏻
    9. Vähän pelottaa

      Että ten suuren mokan. Tämä muuttaa nyt liikaa asioita.
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