A sunset on some cliffs



Forenote: I'll be writing this novel in English, as I'm sort of more comfortable with the language, even though I'm purely Finnish and have lived here for all my life. Last time I wrote anything in English, people wouldn't believe it was really me, as they said they'd seen the same text somewhere else. Well, You are free to believe whatever you wish, as this text is not so much meant for you as it is for me. This text is based on real persons and real locations, yet the events have been made up. Actually, they have been fantasized by yours truly more than once, so let's call this text a sort of.. Pressure relievant. Nevertheless I hope you enjoy this as much as possible. So let's get started. /Forenote.

I'm a sucker for goth-style women, and for metal and goth rock music and so on. I guess this "fetish" has been building itself up in me for a while. Only as a little boy did I ever like blondes, and back then the eyes with which I looked at women were different than what they are now. Of course. Since then, or actually, for as long as I can remember, I haven't had a single crush on a blonde. The beautiful blond hair and sky-blue eyes just don't do it for me. My taste has developed on from a simple appreciation to any brunette onwards to being a complete fan of long, black hair, dark makeup and so on - you know.

Now, for a couple months now I've had an optional Finnish course in High School, which was about legendary and important books of history. Actually I don't remember much about the course, because of Her. I hadn't really noticed her before, seeing as he is a year older than me, and so doesn't really go around in the same circles. Nevertheless she was on the course. And suddenly I was OFF the course - Not literally out the class, but I did have a really hard time(the previous two words can also be taken literally.) concentrating on anything on that course.

I had read some of her production from the school yearbook, in the making of which I was involved in. Because of that, her name did have a meaning to me, if only a vague one. She had written the essay of the year. It was about the influence of the media in our lives. There was also an essay about Japanese Haiku-poetry from her in the yearbook. Well, since the first day at our Finnish course, she also had a form. A form that was, to me, completely irresistable.

She was thin. Almost bordering anorexia, but still didn't seem sick. I thought she was perfect, though if we had had more than a few moments of this life together, perhaps I would've tried to let her gain a couple pounds, heh. Her breasts weren't too big, nor too small. Simply perfect, and put to display in a way that was not too vulgar but was still hypnotical to the mind of a male. Her skin was perfect - smooth and pearly white(without any paint). She always had a beautiful scarlet blush to her cheeks after she had come from somewhere. Her hair was also beautiful. A dark, dark shade of red, long and wavy. She wore a corset of black and lilac velvet with leather ropes on the front. It didn't have any sleeves, but she did usually wear some sort of veil of a shirt - I'm not quite sure what the fabric is called, but it resembled a very thin, closely-knit net of black fibre. On the note of "silly habbits", she used to pull the sleeves of the thin shirt down and close them inside her fists. Her arms were thin, but not bony, and she had beautiful little fingers. Her eyes were large, deep, and masterfully shaded with a touch of black make-up. Perfect to linger in. Her face had an unusual form. It was broad, but by no means flat. She had round cheeks, a small nose and sort of mediocre lips. With a blush added to it, it was easy to imagine a porcelain model of her face as a doll's face. Her voice was rich, personal, not at all disturbing in any way.

So, anatomically she was quite perfect. But simple perfection of the flesh isn't enough for a person like me. I see enough of perfect bodies through the media, enough anorectic or bulimic teenage girls trying to fit into smaller and smaller jeans. What did matter was her personality. She seriously wasn't a piece of livestock like some of the other perfect-bodied chicks you see. She had character, and a genuine person. That, in itself, is enough, really, for me, but she was simply even more perfect. She read the same sort of books as I did. She listened to the same music - I lent her a disc of Samael and we even had the same favourite song on CD. It's hard enough to find GUYS that like the same music as I do, not to mention girls. But she did. And she was smart.

I was sold.

Really, she was everything that I could ever hope for in a lady. Or so it seemed, on a superficial sort of note. So, basically she was way too incredible for me to ever have her. There was nothing I could've wanted more than to ask her out, get to know her. So naturally, that was the one thing I couldn't do. I could easily talk to her, but no way could I have seriously get the courage to ask her out. And the course passed. We both got 87 points from the finishing essay of the course, and that was it, from now on we were just doomed for maybe a quick glance and a "hi" while passing by on the school corridor. Even more so because I found out that she was taken. That was a bummer.


That I wasn't feeling too good. I had nothing to do, nowhere to go, and no friends available to go out with. The only thing that was good was that it wasn't raining. So I took my backpack, stuffed some Pepsi MAX, a notebook, pencils and such into it, grabbed my coat and took off. I had a special place where I liked to go for some form of meditation, perhaps for a bit of drawing or writing stuff. It was a high cliff over a nearby lake. It was secluded - only a couple times had I seen someone walking a dog there. I liked to sit there and listen to the rustling leaves of the pines, or look at the sunset turning all the autumn colors into crimson.

I was just coming up to the cliffs from inside the forest surrounding it, when I noticed there was something already there. It was a black lump, that I first wouldn'tve thought to be a human, but as I got closer I noticed that it was a girl, only hunched up, curled around her legs, slightly shaking. I could hear her sobs, brought to me by the slightly chilly wind. I got even closer, and then I recognised Her. I walked up, my footsteps soundless on the hard cliffs. I stood behinder, watched her slim shoulders shake, her body rocking rocking forward and back just a bit. Then I knealt, lay my left hand on her right shoulder, and gave a gentle squeeze.

She was too sad to be scared. She just turned her head around, looked at my hand first, then at my eyes, her eyes misty with tears. She used her left hand to try and wipe off at least some of the tears on her face, and she tried to wring her face to level. I took off my backpack and put it on the ground to my right, and then offed my coat, wrapping the long, dark blue, woolen garb on her. I could tell she was cold as well. The autumn breezes had gone chilly, now, and the rock wasn't warm either. I sat down to her right. We looked at each other, and I could see in her eyes she wasn't finished yet. So I spread my arms for her. She hesitated, looking into my eyes, and then threw herself at me, and started sobbing again. I could feel her hot, trembling breath on my chest through my thin shirt as I squeezed her tighter to my chest. We rocked back and forth, my lips kissing her hair.

It took a while for her to dry up. Eventually she stopped shaking, and after a while the sobs stopped coming, too. I eased up my grip on her, and she turned up her face from my chest. Her eyes were flaming red.
"Thanks.. I needed that," she whispered.
"'Twas nothing," I answered, my voice deep with emotion for her sadness. Then I finally realized the awkwardness of us hugging, and let slowly let go of her. "So.. You want to talk about it?" She looked at me with hesitation. " - Of course you don't have to, if you don't want.. Sorry," I gibbered quickly, ashamed for being nosy.
"That's okay.." She assured, having straightened herself up.

We didn't speak more for a while. We just sat there, looking over the water, listening to the seagulls playing at the lake. I was getting cold, wearing only a thin shirt, but I would never have said anything, so she saved me from the trouble. She spread the ankle-long coat over both of us, it was plenty enough without making it uncomfortable to fit under it. She slid her fingers into my slightly sweating hand, and we held hands, still not speaking.

She decided to break the silence. "It's guys.. The trouble," she answered my original question. She was still looking at the seagulls. "Tommy(I'll be using English names for style reasons) dumped me. He was just playing games with me.. All the time," she explained, with a soft, distorted whisper.
"Cara.. You shouldn't be sad over him, if he was just.. Just, you know.." Cara was short for Carolyn.
"I'm not, Sam.. He's nothing. It's just that.. Everytime I find someone he turns out to be an idiot, and he leaves me wondering what I did wrong - what's so bad in me that no-one wants me for what I am," she said, a trace of desperacy in her voice.
"Come on, Cara, it's not that bad.. There are some great guys out there, even if most of us are bastards. You'll find someone who'll really want you, will care for you. Someone who'll worship everything you are, someone who'll love you like I d -" Damn! I hadn't meant to say that. I had wanted to say that, but I wouldn'tve had the courage, if not for accident, like now.

"Like you do?" she said, a quiver in her voice, her gaze darting to look me in the eye.
"Yea.. I mean it -" There was no reason to deny the obvious ending of that sentence. I couldn'tve fooled her anyway, and besides, I wanted her to know. "I love everything there is to you, Cara - You're perfect."

She didn't say anything. She just looked me into my eyes, sort of frozen, not knowing how to react. To me, that was a moment of mortifying fear of what she was going to say when she eventually spoke. But she didn't speak. When she finally moved, it was her hand. Her grip on my hand tightened, and then she started slowly moving closer to me. Eventually we were less than an inch from eachothers' faces. I could feel her warm breath on my face, could almost smell the salt of her dried up tears. Then, softly - so softly - our lips met. We tilted our heads just a bit. I felt a vibration moving up my spine, felt my toes tingling. We shifted at the same time, and I slipped my right hand to the back of her neck from under her hair as our kiss deepened.

Her left hand found it's way to my right hip. Her right hand and my left hand were still gripping eachother. My right hand was now in her hair, I rubbed her scalp with my fingers. I licked her lips a bit, but we didn't french kiss. That kiss took an actual couple of minutes, before we finally parted our lips, breathing heavily on to eachothers faces. Our foreheads were joined together. I savoured the moment. I breathed in her sweet scent in long, deep breaths. Then we kissed again, this time it was hotter, more demanding. Our tongues got intertwined as they explored our mouths.

Her left hand tried to pull me closer to her, but I had better in mind. I let go of her right hand, and slipped it behind her back. My right hand I put under the bends of her knees. Then I lifted her up and pulled her over on to my lap. I pulled the long coat to my right, spread it out as best I could, still trying to hang on to the kiss. Then I lay her out on the coat, following her down so I lay over her, still locked in the kiss. My right hand was wandering down her left hip, and on to the outside of her left leg. Today she had deep violet sports pants, for comfort I presume. She also had just a simple top as shirt. As my right hand reached her knee, I moved the hand on to the inside of her right leg, and started going up it's inside slowly, carefully parting her legs a bit. I could feel her tremble at the touch. The tremble went through her body, and I could feel her biting my tongue just gently. A little gasp of breath escaped her lips.

I looked in her eyes, part for gaining her permission to go on, part to just get to see those beautiful eyes again, part for wanting to share the feelings my eyes spoke of. We needed no words. I kissed her again, this time on her neck. I had wanted to kiss that pearly white skin since I had first seen her. Her right hand was in my hair, her left hand on my back. My hand moved higher and higher between her legs. I felt her warm, soft crotch through her slippery sports pants. She inhaled sharply, but silently. Still, I heard her. I lifted my head from under her chin, saw her lips, which were parted just a little. My right hand kept moving up, now to the rim of her pants, then higher again. I slipped it under her shirt, and went to kiss her on her sweet lips again. I felt her abs contract at my touch, I could feel her body quivering. She shifted her lower body a bit. I lifted her up, to a sitting position, and then slipped my left hand under her shirt also.

I pulled up her shirt, and our lips had to part for a while. She shivered at the chilly wind, and she took to unbuttoning my shirt. She only had the patience to unbutton a single button, then she ripped the rest of the shirt open. We pressed against eachother again, finding warm solace against the wind in eachother's embrace. My hands groped around for her bra clamp. When I finally found it, I got it open pretty quickly. I got rid of the bra. I lay her back down on the coat, now again kissing her neck, and moving southwards to close up on those breasts, which were every bit as perfect as I'd imagine them to be, if not somewhat frisky at the cold. Her nipples were hard. I sucked the right one in my mouth, and played with it with my tongue. She moaned.

My right hand slipped down under the rim of her sport pants and her thongue, where my fingers met a wet, shaven little slit, and a rock hard clit. A shockwave went through her as my thumb pressed on and rubbed her clit. She pushed up her pelvis, trying to rub her cunt against my hand. I pushed my middle finger inside her slit as deep as it would go. She moaned out loud and her hole body shook at the feeling. But I pulled my hand out, a slight snarl of disapproval left her lips.

I took hold of her, and rolled out on to my back, pulling her on top of me. We kissed her again, then she started moving downwards, kissing my neck, chest and tummy as she went. Her nimble, pretty little fingers unhooked my belt, unbuttoned my pants, pulled down my fly within a second, and then she was pulling off my pants together with my underwear with them. I helped her by kicking off my shoes and lifting my pelvis a bit. My cock pounced out from under my black underwear she had taken off. I was excited by now, and my cock was rigorously waiting to get to a warmer place than this air.

It's wishes were granted as Cara, giving me a smile, first, closed her lips around it's mushroomy head, and then let them slowly slide down the shaft, while also sucking it hard. I could feel her tongue circling my cock. The sensation was wonderful. I could feel the first shockwave of pleasure searing out from my toes and flying up straight to the nerves on the back of my neck. I squeezed my hands into fists. She began bobbing her head up and down with my cock in her mouth, her right hand playing gently with my balls. I groaned with my teeth clenched, and slid my right hand fingers deep into her dark hair. I didn't press on her - I didn't want to make her uncomfortable in any way.

After a while of this incredible vacuum pleasure, she turned herself around, bringing her incredible bottom over my face. Co-operating, we got her pants and shoes off quickly. "Lick me, now, Sam.." I felt her close on my cock again. I didn't need to be told twice. The sight of her beautiful cunt, only covered with a few pale hairs, would have been enough to drive me nuts even without the smell, which was intoxicating in itself. I massaged her clit with my right hand, and buried my face in her sweet taste, licking long strokes from the bottom up, occasionally dipping my tongue down her silky, tight hole. I could her her deep breath of pleasure from between her sucking noises as I caressed her cunt lips with my nose.

I took my left thumb, dipped it in her cunt to get some lubrication, and then slowly began rubbing her butthole, and eventually started pushing my thumb in there. She froze, clearly she was taken by surprise. But as I didn't stop licking her either, she loosened up after a while at the feeling of pleasure my tongue was creating in her pussy. My thumb was inside her up to the first joint now. I think she liked it. At least she sucked on me harder, and the moans escaping her mouth from time to time were louder.

I couldn't take any more of this. I told her to stop, and I slipped out from under her, rolling her on her back. I had to straighten out the jacket a bit, as it tended to crumple up from a lot of wrestling. I reached for my pants, I had my wallet and a condom in the pocket. I unwrapped the condom.
"Sam.. I don't think we should.." she tried to say. But it was too late for that. I knew she wanted it as well. Although that was irrelevant. I was too heated up to stop, even if she didn't like it.
"Shut up," I grunted. "You want this as much as I do." I hopped over to her and gave her the condom. "Now get it on."

She looked hesitant, perhaps she really didn't think we should. 'If she doesn't want to, I'll make her,' I thought, but I didn't need to. She made her decision, and rolled back my foreskin, rolling the condom over my cock. I moved myself between her legs, spreading them out. I gave her pussy a couple of licks, and then moved on up, kissed her on her lips, giving her a taste of her own juices. She seemed to like it. I pushed my cock on to her lips. Slowly I bore down deeper. She broke the kiss to moan out loudly at the feeling. Her legs closed around me. I kept on pushing, and I was almost to the bottom now.

I started moving back and forth, slowly, savouring the feeling of extasy. She moaned even louder, sobbing out something. I took it to mean harder, and started pushing up the pace. It felt incredible. I was already having yellow dots swimming in my eyes, and my temples felt like they would explode out of sheer pleasure. I started hammering her faster and faster, down to the bottom and up to the top on every stroke. I crouched lower, grunting, breathing deeply into her beautiful ear, which was blazing red. I slid my arms under her, pulled her tight in to me, hammering away faster and faster again. She bit my ear, actually pretty painfully, but it didn't matter, it was just a stimulant. I kept pushing as deep and hard as I could. The silky walls of her warm tunnel were squeezing over my cock in rhythm, she had been practicing her lower abs.

I felt the pressure stack over inside my balls, I felt the orgasm start, tingling, then wooshing over me starting deep at my toecracks, moving upwards like a shockwave. But I slowed down pushed my upper body up to look in her deep, black shaded eyes, started controlling myself, as I'd practiced often. I could feel Big O swimming up and down my body. I closed my eyes, bit my lip, savouring it. I had to stop in order not to come too soon. "Mmmh.." I hummed, breathing deeply. Then I pulled out from her.

I turned her round again, made her show me that incredible view of her beautiful ass again. It was indeed incredible. I took my cock in my left hand, my right hand I put on her right shoulder. I guided myself in slowly again, easily finding the right slot. I moved my left hand on to her back, and pressed it down to make her arch it. She looked incredibly beautiful there. My right hand I slid slowly under her hair, then took a tight, almost violent grip and pulled her hair up. I slapped her left asscheeck, now starting to ram her with long, deep, powerful strokes with animalistic passion. She swung in my pace, moaning and puffing out her pleasure, as she massaged her clit with her left hand.

I gave her a couple more firm, painful slaps, continuing to move in and out slowly, watching myself, watching her incredible body sliding back and forth over my cock. I moved my left hand to caress her left breast, my right hand still in her hair, pulling her head up. This went on for a while. Then I pulled her up, her right hand off the ground also, so she was on her knees. I wrapped my right hand around her chest, my left hand around her abdomen, and I started fucking her fast, strong. My abs slapped against her ass, and she used her left hand to pull me deeper inside her.

She was almost screaming now. I could feel her start to have her orgasm. I felt her muscles contracting against my cock, sucking it. I could feel it in my hands, her little body shaking like she had a seizure. I could hear it in her voice as she screamed her overwhelming passion to the dark forest near us. The sun had set already. Neither of us had time to feel sorry for missing the sunset, though. We were 'occupied'.

I started to move very slow now, delaying her moment of ecstatic relief. She came for minutes, the instant of her pleasure driven on and on by our slow, rhythmic dance in the darkening night. She moaned, whimpered, cried of her joy. Then her radiating orgasm skyrocketed, she screamed at the top of her lungs, her face carmine red. She screamed and shouted, and then fell limp on my hands.

"You're not going soft now, bitch," I growled at her, pulled her against me and started banging her like an animal. My right hand gripped her left shoulder, my left hand gripped her right hip, and they gripped hard. I could feel her flinch at the pain, but soon it was forgotten from both our minds as I pumped on and on like a lunatic. Then I started to come, again. My every muscle contracted, I bit her right shoulder and fucked on as hard as I could. Vaguely I could feel that she was having a second one as well, her cunt was convulsing around my throbbing cock again. When I finally came, I felt as though every nerve in my body was going to explode out of pleasure. I roared out into the night like an animal, I even felt like an animal. A beast, strong, powerful, at the height of my senses and potence, raping this fragile little human. My roar grew to exponential measures. I'm not sure, if it was just the shockwaves of the orgasm, or was the whole rock cliff shaking, trembling at my furious pleasure. Finally I shot my load inside her(or rather, inside the condom), still pushing on like a powerdrill.

She had come as well, as I had felt. We rolled on the ground, exhausted, soaked in our mixed sweat, still caressing eachother, now gently, like the soft lick of the winds. We lay there, looking in eachothers eyes, both smiling of satisfaction and pleasure. "That was wonderful, Sam.. You went wild. I thought I was going to burst," she said. I just nodded, I was too exhausted for anything more than a nod.

It took us at least 30 minutes of just laying there 'till we had enough strength to get up. My legs were still trembling. It was almost pitch dark already, in the forest. The sky was made of velvet blue clouds. The gulls had stopped playing, they were off somewhere trying to keep warm, perhaps hiding from the furious bear at the cliffs. We got clothed. I offered her a drink from the Pepsi bottle I had in my pack. Looked like I didn't need any of those drawing papers and equipment on this expedition, then. We kissed a long goodbye, before we went our separate ways.


"Look, Sam, I don't think we ought to see eachother anymore."
"But.. Cara?"
"I know it was amazing, but that's just what it was. A fuck. Let's not make anything out of it. I'm sorry, you just aren't my type and all, and I'm really not in a good position in my life to start a relationship."
"I understand.. Well.. I guess this is goodbye then."
"Yes.. I'm sorry, Sam, but you'll find someone who'll really want you, will care for you.."

I couldn't believe it. After what we'd shared, she dumped me off, and even consoled me with my own line. I really had loved her. But I guess she was just playing a game with me. I would've wanted it to be more.

Afternote: I recommend trying Lisa Gerrard and Pieter Bourke's song "Broken" for the afterglow. I really did enjoy writing this. This is a fantasy about a person I know, and one that I did have a terrible crush on, yet I know that she's taken, so I instead just wrote this story for myself, and now am publishing it for you. All names and locations have been changed. Except for the Pepsi. What I tried to achieve in this text was that it could be equally enjoyed by men and women. I don't believe I did very well with that, because I hardly described the "myself" -aspect of the story at all. But ladies and gents, I would like your comments on how enjoyable this was for you, and please include as much info of yourself as well, so I know which group I'm not pleasing. You're welcome to send me suggestions about how to improve my future stories by e-mail. You could also try sending requests, I'll see if any of them please me so I might write a new one.

Thank you.




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • MUu

      Joo. Olinpahan taas hätäinen. Postasin tekstin kun sen valmiiksi sain, ja nythän huomasin että se on täynnä kirjoitusvirheitä ja puuttuvia sanoja. No, yrittäkää sietää.

      Pahoittelen myös "incredible"-sanan liikakäyttöä.

      • MUu

        Ja lisäys jälkikirjoitukseen.

        Tarkoituksena oli myös saada kirjoitus kuvaamaan jotakin muuta kuin silkkaa aktia. Halusin myös yrittää pysyä tarinassa edes vähän pidempään kuin pari riviä aktin jälkeen, joka on harmillinen juttu nykyään novelleissa.

      • MUu

        ... I assumed this system to show my e-mail address out when I typed it, but I guess it didn't. [email protected]


    • ammuu

      jos kerran kopioit niin kopioi edes kunnolla.

      Ja opettele englantia !

      • MUU

        Tuollaista paskaa sitä viime kerrallakin heiteltiin. Vaan eipä kukaan osannut linkkiä toimittaa. Minkäänlaista, saati sellaista josta olisi voitu TODISTAA tarinan olevan kopio.

        No, olen edelleen sitä mieltä, että sillä ei ole minulle väliä uskotteko. En minä siitä pahastu, itse kuitenkin tiedän tarkkaan kuka sen kirjoitti. Voitte kuitenkin miettiä, että mikä helvetin syy minulla olisi kopioida jotain tarinaa jostakin muualta ja väittää omakseni? Ei minulla ole täällä nimeä tai kasvoja, joille kunnioitusta keräisin, joten miksipä valehtelisin.

        Sinä, kuitenkin, olet minulle yhtä kasvoton kuin minä Sinulle, ja siksi Sinun mielipiteelläsi ei ole minulle käytännössä mitään arvoa.

      • MUu
        MUU kirjoitti:

        Tuollaista paskaa sitä viime kerrallakin heiteltiin. Vaan eipä kukaan osannut linkkiä toimittaa. Minkäänlaista, saati sellaista josta olisi voitu TODISTAA tarinan olevan kopio.

        No, olen edelleen sitä mieltä, että sillä ei ole minulle väliä uskotteko. En minä siitä pahastu, itse kuitenkin tiedän tarkkaan kuka sen kirjoitti. Voitte kuitenkin miettiä, että mikä helvetin syy minulla olisi kopioida jotain tarinaa jostakin muualta ja väittää omakseni? Ei minulla ole täällä nimeä tai kasvoja, joille kunnioitusta keräisin, joten miksipä valehtelisin.

        Sinä, kuitenkin, olet minulle yhtä kasvoton kuin minä Sinulle, ja siksi Sinun mielipiteelläsi ei ole minulle käytännössä mitään arvoa.

        I've got to hand it out to you, though, for only writing 2 sentences in poor Finnish, yet still being able to contradict yourself like nothing.

        (If you didn't get what I meant:)

        Täytyy sinua kuitenkin siitä onnitella, että vaikka kirjoitit vain 2 lausetta surkeaa suomen kieltä, onnistuit silti kompastumaan itseesi.

        Yhteen hengenvetoon väität minun kopioineen tarinani, silti valitat, että minun pitäisi opetella englantia.

        Way to go, pal.

      • ÄÄÄRRRR
        MUu kirjoitti:

        I've got to hand it out to you, though, for only writing 2 sentences in poor Finnish, yet still being able to contradict yourself like nothing.

        (If you didn't get what I meant:)

        Täytyy sinua kuitenkin siitä onnitella, että vaikka kirjoitit vain 2 lausetta surkeaa suomen kieltä, onnistuit silti kompastumaan itseesi.

        Yhteen hengenvetoon väität minun kopioineen tarinani, silti valitat, että minun pitäisi opetella englantia.

        Way to go, pal.

        Suomessaa ku olkllaa niin puhutaan saatatata suomea ÄÄrRRräärd ..
        Yritä päättää missä mennään?

      • paska
        MUu kirjoitti:

        I've got to hand it out to you, though, for only writing 2 sentences in poor Finnish, yet still being able to contradict yourself like nothing.

        (If you didn't get what I meant:)

        Täytyy sinua kuitenkin siitä onnitella, että vaikka kirjoitit vain 2 lausetta surkeaa suomen kieltä, onnistuit silti kompastumaan itseesi.

        Yhteen hengenvetoon väität minun kopioineen tarinani, silti valitat, että minun pitäisi opetella englantia.

        Way to go, pal.

        Älä nyt viitti edes kirjoitella tällästä tänne

      • Pommie
        MUu kirjoitti:

        I've got to hand it out to you, though, for only writing 2 sentences in poor Finnish, yet still being able to contradict yourself like nothing.

        (If you didn't get what I meant:)

        Täytyy sinua kuitenkin siitä onnitella, että vaikka kirjoitit vain 2 lausetta surkeaa suomen kieltä, onnistuit silti kompastumaan itseesi.

        Yhteen hengenvetoon väität minun kopioineen tarinani, silti valitat, että minun pitäisi opetella englantia.

        Way to go, pal.

        "I've got to hand it out to you, though, for only writing 2 sentences in poor Finnish, yet still being able to contradict yourself like nothing."

        Ei millaan pahalla MUu, mutta on aika kouluenglantia - ei sita mita puhutaan tai kirjoitetaan. Lainaappa pari englannin kielista pornolehtea jostain ja lue pari juttua, niin ymmarrat :)

        Muuten kylla ihan hyvin teini-ikaiselta :)

        "Joku joka osaa englantia"

    • kakkaperse


      • Pommie

        Eihan kukaan voi kopioida noin huonosti ??

      • Enkuli
        Pommie kirjoitti:

        Eihan kukaan voi kopioida noin huonosti ??

        Tylsää enkkua, no offence. Tarina ja kielenkäyttö ei sovi yhteen.. Liian skolaenkkuu tollaseen stooriin. x/

        Ja toinen asia.. Ensin väittää tarinas rakastavansa, ja sitte ois valmis raiskaamaan ja tappamaan.. Riiiightt....

        Get a life, will'ya?

    Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.

    Takaisin ylös

    Luetuimmat keskustelut

    1. Tykkään sinusta tosi tosi paljon

      Siksi en pysty sisäistämään sitä, että se ei ole molemminpuolista. Sattuu liikaa. En osaa käsitellä sitä tunnetta, koska
    2. Mikä sai sut ihastumaan

      Mitä tapahtui?
    3. Kaupan kassalla kannataa olla kylmä käytös

      https://www.is.fi/taloussanomat/art-2000010488540.html "19-vuotias Minja ja 59-vuotias Anne työskentelevät sillä todelli
    4. Mitä tehdä asialle?

      Jos laitan deitti-ilmon "40-vuotias nainen etsii seuraa" niin ketään ei kiinnosta (korkeintaan paria runkkaripenaa joill
    5. Mitä helvettiä pakolaisille pitäisi tehdä RAJALLA?

      Jos Venäjä työntää rajalle pakolaisia ja tekee Suomelle selväksi että heidän puolelleen ei ole pakolaisilla asiaa - mitä
      Maailman menoa
    6. 79
    7. Ethän syytä itseäsi

      siitä miten asia menivät. Mä en antanut sulle tilaisuutta.
    8. Hyvää heinäkuuta

      Hyvää huomenta ihanaa. 🦗🌾☔🤗🌻❤️
    9. Olen pahoillani mies

      Olen surullinen puolestasi, ettet saanut kaipaamaasi naista. Yrititkö lopulta edes? Teistä olisi tullut hyvä pari
    10. Olet mies varmasti peto

      Makkarin puolella. 🤤