laatua ja erikoista löytyy. Hyviä ostoskatuja ovat muun muassa Kärtner Strasse, Kohlmark ja Graben.
Paradise for Shopping Addicts
Review of SCS - Shopping City Süd (Vienna) s-bahn nach Vösendorf
Ihaninta löytää kauppa, jossa kuositetut vaatteet löytyy eri malleina ja voit ostaa osat erikseen. Jos kangas ja laatu mielyttää
Housut ,jakku, hame, takki. Puhun saksaa ja myyjätär teki kaikkensa vaatettamiseeni. He saa vat myynnistä boniukset ja siksi niin palvelualttiita. However, it often is quite full, especially on Fridays and Saturdays. By public transport, take the tram (Badner Bahn) which leaves at Opera in the city centre, and it will take you about 35 minutes to arrive at the Shopping City Süd. A BRIEF HISTORY A short section, because most modern shopping centres do not have any interesting history. The SCS was originally built in 1976, and many ...
...(and still is) the largest shopping centre in Europe. The total property is 230,000 sqkm, the length of the main building is 900 meters, and there are approx. 3,000 meters of shopwindows to look at. SHOPS On the two floors of the main building you will find about 300 shops of all different sizes, from very small boutiques to extremely large department stores. I don’t think there is any kind of shop which is not represented here. Some classy shops
Review of SCS - Shopping City Süd (Vienna) by Morgenhund
Advantages: wide range of shops with better stock levels than many in-town branches
Disadvantages: hassle to get there - takes a good 30 minutes from the city centre
Lot of the stores in SCS do have outlets in town, most of the outlets are not as big as this. My reason for going initially was to see if the P&C (Peek & Cloppenberg) outlet had a different selection of clothes to the store in the Mariahilferstraße (see separate opinion!) although generally the selection was pretty similar. I went to Eduscho and Tschibo (there are branches in town on practically every street!) to see if they had got any of the things ,also take a trip to SCS to relax, as there is a 9 screen multiplex cinema, a fitness centre, snooker/pool centre and a bowling alley, not to mention “Nachtschicht” which is a meat market/nightclub. Nachtschicht often has SMS clubbing nights
Kunnon Loden takki , on aina iätön ja muodikas
ei edullista mutta
Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.
Luetuimmat keskustelut
Olen tosi outo....
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