You don`t consider the note a serious affair. "Dozen similar letters are received from Russia monthly". Are you trying to kill us all ?
What a fucking you mean
- timo_tei
This recent child-kidnapping is a hidious crime against russian people. Finlands goverment should return this poor kid to his mother immediately. It is most terrible crime to violently abduct child from mothers arms.
- that,
this family could be reunite at least at some level and the boy could live freely with the both mother and father in harmony. It won`t take much. But this kind of cases should not affect anyway to the relations between Finland and Russia. Of course our cervant broke the rules, but should be forgiven..
- from Finns
We Russians are the strongest nation on the Earth, despite Finland is just a little pile of poo under our feet. We do we let those uncultivated barbarians humiliate us? They think too much of themselves? I think we should send some troops to free Finland from those Finnish-dickhead hypocrates and take the land back to our control. Everyone knowing history knows that Finland is not and is not supposed to be anything more than a Russian province. If we let them be a grand duchy from mercy, they should be very thankful for that since they even didn't deserved that.
- David and Goljat
from Finns kirjoitti:
We Russians are the strongest nation on the Earth, despite Finland is just a little pile of poo under our feet. We do we let those uncultivated barbarians humiliate us? They think too much of themselves? I think we should send some troops to free Finland from those Finnish-dickhead hypocrates and take the land back to our control. Everyone knowing history knows that Finland is not and is not supposed to be anything more than a Russian province. If we let them be a grand duchy from mercy, they should be very thankful for that since they even didn't deserved that.
..weak point, this, "The one who draws one`s sword will fall on it."
Just remember the Winter war, the war against little Finland and toll of communists. The God was and is on the side of us.
- egad
in English when you don't know how to do it correctly?
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