No Damage or Injuries in Bulgaria from Black Sea Earthquake

August 5, 2009

There is no damage or injuries currently reported from the relatively strong earthquake that shook Bulgaria Wednesday morning.

According to the European-Mediterranean Seismological Center, the earthquake was of the magnitude of 4,7 on the Richter scale with an epicenter 61 km east of Varna, 24 km east of Kavarna and 20 km southeast of Shabla.

The shocks have been felt the strongest in northern and northeastern Bulgaria as well as in taller buildings in the capital Sofia.

The data about the registered quake is still being processed.

Eyewitnesses reported for Darik radio that some older houses in the Black sea town of Shabla and the hospital in another coastal town- Blachik have been very slightly damaged.

The Civil Defense in the Black Sea capital Varna announced they currently do not have any information about damage in the region. The shock, however, triggered interruptions in the internet, cell and stationary phone services in the city. The same problem has been reported from the city of Razgrad.

The head of the Crisis Headquarters in the Danube city of Ruse also informed that there has not been any registered damage or injuries.

The earthquake did, however, cause moderate panic and made people leave their offices and upper level apartments.

The tremor has been registered in the so-called Shabla epicenter known with some strong earthquakes in the past.

The Wednesday earthquake in northern Bulgaria brought memories of March 4, 1977 when a strong earthquake caused mass destruction in northern Bulgaria.

The epicenter was in Romania's mountainous area of Vrancea, home to a major fault line that has seen dozens of quakes in recent years.

The 1977 7.6-magnitude quake killed more than 1,000 people in the Vrancea area when dozens of buildings collapsed.

In Bulgaria, the Danube town of Svishtov suffered the most damage when two apartment buildings collapsed, killing 120 people. Buildings in may other northern cities and towns also suffered significant damage.




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • 5 August 2009 | 11:41 |

      5 August 2009 | 11:41 |

      Earthquake measuring 5.0 on the Richter Scake was registered in the Black Sea, the Bulgarian Academy of Science announced.
      According to the data of the European Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC) the magnitude of the tremor was of 4.7, reported at 10.49 a.m. local Bulgarian time.
      The earthquake was felt in the towns of Pleven, Novi Pazar, Ruse, Varna, Nikopol, Svishtov. Veliko Tarnovo. Silistra, Sofia – FOCUS News Agency readers alarmed.

      • strong earthquake

        strong earthquake struck the northeastern region of Bulgaria at 10.49am, registering five on the Richter scale, Nikolai Miloshev has said, head of the geophysical institute at the Bulgarian Academy of Science, as quoted by the Focus news agency.

        The tremor's epicentre was in the Black Sea, south-east of the Kaliakra Horn, 63km north-east of Varna and two km beneath the surface of the sea. Seismologists are now working to determine how far and to what extent the earthquake was felt around the country.

        According to Dnevnik daily, the earthquake had a magnitude of 4.7 on the Richter scale. People in the area have said the tremor was felt strongly in Dobrich, particularly in single family houses and even on lower floors of apartment blocks. Reports say that the tremor was horizontal.

        There are no reported structural damages or injured people as a result of the tremor

      • maanjäristys bulgaria
        strong earthquake kirjoitti:

        strong earthquake struck the northeastern region of Bulgaria at 10.49am, registering five on the Richter scale, Nikolai Miloshev has said, head of the geophysical institute at the Bulgarian Academy of Science, as quoted by the Focus news agency.

        The tremor's epicentre was in the Black Sea, south-east of the Kaliakra Horn, 63km north-east of Varna and two km beneath the surface of the sea. Seismologists are now working to determine how far and to what extent the earthquake was felt around the country.

        According to Dnevnik daily, the earthquake had a magnitude of 4.7 on the Richter scale. People in the area have said the tremor was felt strongly in Dobrich, particularly in single family houses and even on lower floors of apartment blocks. Reports say that the tremor was horizontal.

        There are no reported structural damages or injured people as a result of the tremor

        Bulgariassa kesät ovat yleensä kuumia ja talvella sataa lunta. Mustanmeren rannikko muistuttaa ilmastoltaan Etelä-Euroopan Välimeren alueita. Talvella vuoristoseudulla liikuttaessa tulee autoon varata kettingit, nastarenkailla Bulgariassa ei saa ajaa. Teiden kunnossapito talvella vuoristossa vaihtelee suuresti paikkakunnasta riippuen. Voimakkaat ja runsaat sateet aiheuttavat niin maanvyörymiä kuin tulvia.
        Bulgaria on seismistä aluetta ja maajäristyksen mahdollisuus on aina olemassa. Maanjäristyksen sattuessa tulee säilyttää rauhallisuus. Maanjäristyksen alkaessa on parasta pysyä sisällä ja hakeutua heti turvalliseen paikkaan (huoneen vahvimmat kohdat) ja vältettävä tulitikkujen ja kynttilöiden käyttöä järistyksen aikana. Jos olet ulkona järistyksen alkaessa, pysyttele poissa rakennusten ja voimajohtojen läheisyydestä ja jos olet autossa, pysy sisällä. Järistystä ei tule koskaan aliarvioida. Järistyksen päätyttyä kaikkien on poistuttava heti rakennuksesta vain portaita pitkin. Väentungos voi olla vaarallisempi kuin itse järistys.

    Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.

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