Hello all!
I'm the Deputy President for JCI Cosmopolis in Helsinki. JCI Cosmopolis is an English speaking chapter of Junior Chamber International, a worldwide non-profit organization for young professionals and entrepreneurs. We focus on developing as individuals through leadership training, promoting entrepreneurship, community contribution and international experience.
On the 2nd Wednesday of every month JCI Cosmopolis and A21 Cocktail Lounge hosts a networking event for professionals in the Helsinki region.
The aim of the event is to create a relaxed environment to meet interesting new people and expand your social and professional circle.
More information here:
All the best,
Jason Wright
Networking for Internationals in Helsinki
- accurately
Just think.. is there any problem in working of those websites you mentioned behind..the facebook is confusing the user, the purpose?
- KathyHki
What's confusing about his links? They work fine for me.
I guess you're not using Facebook - so you can't see the pages. With Facebook you can see who else is interested in the event.
Hope this helps!
Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.
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