Peter Green





    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • Greenin kiertue

      Peter Green and Friends lähtee kiertueelle 21.10. Tällä kertaa Suomea lähin esiintymispaikka näyttää olevan Kööpenhamina. Olisi hauska saada elämänsä vireeseen päässyt Peter Green (62v.) esiintymään vielä Suomeenkin.

      Tältä myspace-sivulta nuoremmille tietoa Peter Greenin nykyhetkestä ja aikaisemmasta tähdenlentomaisesta urasta:

    • T-Bird

      Kannattanee tutustua myös MAN OF THE WORLD The Peter Green Story dokumenttiin. Julkaistu Scanboxin toimesta 2007. Kesto 150 min. Elokuvassa tarkastellaan mm. menestyksen alkuvuosia, Peterin huumeongelmaa ja hidasta vajoamista skitsofrenian syövereihin. Lisänä kiinnostava extra miehen kitaroista. Kerronta asiallista, ei mitään seiskapäivää! Omani löysin kesällä Gigantista, reilulla 10 eurolla.

      • Arska`*

    • 25102009

      Peter Green in Cork 23.10.2009

      Have just returned from Peter Green and Friends show in Old Oak, Cork, 22.10.09. (robert arnopp)
      Like many I was thrilled to hear that Peter was back playing and even more thrilled to see a small note in our local newspaper that he was coming to Cork. Having previously seen him twice in Cork with The Splinter Band, and viewed recent videos on You Tube, I kept telling myself not to have unreasonable expectations of hearing the Peter of the 60's. I needn't have worried, this was not the Peter of the past but the new revitalised Peter of 2009 ,lead singer and lead guitarist in a 5 man band playing songs from his Mayall,Fleetwood Mac and solo years and covers (including Dylan and The Rolling Stones,Willie Dixon and some blues classics). The venue was a bar, hot and sweaty, standing only and sold out despite minimal publicity. Peter looked well and for the 90 minutes or so on stage appeared to me to be someone enjoying what he was doing, smiling regularly and in full harmony with the rest of the band. As usual in a bar, there there was a low rumble of chatter from the back of the audience, possibly because many weren't familiar with the non F.Mac parts of the set, but their was an eerie silence during Albatros. While the sound from Peter's Mic. was a little fuzzy his voice was much stronger than when I saw The Splinter Group, and the recent You Tube videos, which was a very pleasant surprise. I'm neither a musician or guitarist so can't comment on the technique but I have almost every track that he's played on since the early 60's and I liked what I was hearing. I would strongly recommend all Ledge members to go and see this band with an open mind, there is a freshness and warmth in their set, no question of going through the motions, 5 players clearly playing for their own enjoyment as well as the audiences'.
      P.S. Has any member any information on an early 1970 concert played by F Mac in The Savoy Cinema, Cork (Yes it did happen,I was there,but the memories have faded)

      ….Sorry for delay in replying. The Dylan song was Absolutely Sweet Marie, Mike did take lead vocals, Peter played solo and joined in the chorus as did many of the audience. It would be misleading to say these are Peter Green solo concerts as there is very much a group ethic in evidence and Peter seems very settled in that context, taking all guitar solos and 90% of vocals. There were many there recording snippets with mobile phones and I did see one guy with a small video camera but I doubt there were any "official" recordings made. There are two clips from the gig on You Tube, taken I presume on a mobile phone, but the sound quality is poor, I promise it sounded much better in reality. Mike Dodd did almost all the intros and kept things moving along with very short breaks between songs. For the softhearted there was a nice moment at the end, after the encore, they walked off at the back of the stage, Peter turned around to the audience and gave a cheery wave as you would to an old friend and got a great response from many of us elderly fans who hope to see the band again soon.
      Thank you Wouter, for the date of the Savoy concert, my main memory is of the comedy act Mick Fleetwood and Jeremy did, and our youthful hopes to see Christine Perfect. How i would love to have a recording of that night.

      Oh Pretty Woman (Cork 23.102009):

    • J.Dunbar

      Että Peterkin aktiivisesti kiertelee soittopaikkoja. Tuota on ilo kuunnella...;o)

    Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.

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