It all starts from a broken dream
Nowhere to go, no place to seam
Collect the shards and look at me
You’ll see then why it has to be
In the darkness I weep for the past
Who could've known it would happen so fast?
No sign of the road, snow in all places
All I can do is follow my traces
Night, I smile to see the stars
But they hide, seeing my scars
Anything pleasant this doesn’t bode
A shame I can’t go the ravens road
Through times unseen, for ages I move
On planes I’ve been, in silence I groove
And then one day, in the land of blasted sights
I see the gates of otherworldly mights
Filled with hope I stagger onward
But the gates won’t move for my sword
The shards turn to ash in my hands
And I too shall remain as bones and bands
It all ends into a broken dream
Nowhere to go, no place to seam
The Lonesome road to Midian
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