Moi, tarvin apua. Suomenkieleni on aika huono, niin kirjotan tämän englanniksi. Toivottavasti se ei haittaa mitään.
Okay, first of all, please excuse my poor Finnish, I speak it a lot with my family but writing it is pretty tricky to me. =) Anyways, I hope that someone can help me with this, however vague my descriptions may be.
I am looking for a children's or possibly youth book that I remember reading way back in the day. Unfortunately, I cannot remember the title or the author, but I have a rather clear memory of what it was about.
It was about a beautiful, fair-haired girl (princess?) who had vanamo-flowers ( growing in her hair all the time. The vanamo flowers would also reflect her moods. At some point in this book she was kidnapped by some evil lord of some sort for the purpose of marriage, I think. During this time, the vanamo-flowers in her hair started to wither and die because she was so unhappy. I don't remember much more than that, unfortunately, other than the book also was illustrated. I am currently trying to collect all of these Finnish children's books that I used to read as a child, and I would be so happy if someone knew what book I'm rambling about, and who wrote it.
Kiitos paljon!
Lastenkirja - apua
- 24
I believe you are looking for a story called Anna-Linnean hiukset ("Anna-Linnea's hair"), written by Marjatta Kurenniemi. Should be found at least in the book Pieni aarreaitta 2. There's also a short children's film based on the story.- MindaTackett
Kiitos! Finally, I might be able to buy this book online somewhere. Thank you so very much for your help. =)
- 24
MindaTackett kirjoitti:
Kiitos! Finally, I might be able to buy this book online somewhere. Thank you so very much for your help. =)
Glad I could help :)
- Laspi itsekin
24 kirjoitti:
Glad I could help :)
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