Any Germans around?



is there anyone from Germany around here? I've been here for a while now and i haven't met anyone from Germany so far.
It would be nice to find some (young) peole, especially from Germany. If you*re not from Germany but from some other country and young and looking for other foreigners to talk to answer this post :)




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • straydogg

      id like to find sum german ppl too

      • sarah.ho

        looks like you just found someone :)

        where are you from?

      • straydogg
        sarah.ho kirjoitti:

        looks like you just found someone :)

        where are you from?

        hehe cool im not german tho? dos it matter? i study german in college i hav had only one lesson so far so i pretty much suck... but hey.... gettin better all da time im from usa u liv in germany?

      • sarah.ho
        straydogg kirjoitti:

        hehe cool im not german tho? dos it matter? i study german in college i hav had only one lesson so far so i pretty much suck... but hey.... gettin better all da time im from usa u liv in germany?

        no it doesn't matter. yeah i'm from germany but living in finland at the moment. i thought this would be an easy way to get to know someone but seems like i was wrong :D

        so what did you learn in your first german lesson?

      • straydogg
        sarah.ho kirjoitti:

        no it doesn't matter. yeah i'm from germany but living in finland at the moment. i thought this would be an easy way to get to know someone but seems like i was wrong :D

        so what did you learn in your first german lesson?

        xD maybe ur tha only german person in finland... what r u doin in finland? we wer taught sum personal pronouns and uhmm sum pronunciation stuff :g

      • sarah.ho
        straydogg kirjoitti:

        xD maybe ur tha only german person in finland... what r u doin in finland? we wer taught sum personal pronouns and uhmm sum pronunciation stuff :g

        i'm woriking as an au pair and yeah i have the impression to be the only german (maybe even the only foreigner in general) at least around here...
        why do you study german? do you have to or did you choose it?

      • straydogg
        sarah.ho kirjoitti:

        i'm woriking as an au pair and yeah i have the impression to be the only german (maybe even the only foreigner in general) at least around here...
        why do you study german? do you have to or did you choose it?

        cool so how old r u??? iv chosen it cuz i like languagez :u

      • sarah.ho
        straydogg kirjoitti:

        cool so how old r u??? iv chosen it cuz i like languagez :u

        i'm 19, what about you?
        i also like languages :) which other languages can you chose at your college?

      • straydogg
        sarah.ho kirjoitti:

        i'm 19, what about you?
        i also like languages :) which other languages can you chose at your college?

        im 19 too, hav u learnt any finish? well u can choose spanish french chinese and german at lest

      • sarah.ho
        straydogg kirjoitti:

        im 19 too, hav u learnt any finish? well u can choose spanish french chinese and german at lest

        wow, chinese? really?! that's cool! why didn't you take that? german is sooo boring if you compare it with chinese ;)

        yeah, i learn some finish every day, and of course there is this language course starting tomorrow where i will learn even more (hopefully ;) )

      • straydogg
        sarah.ho kirjoitti:

        wow, chinese? really?! that's cool! why didn't you take that? german is sooo boring if you compare it with chinese ;)

        yeah, i learn some finish every day, and of course there is this language course starting tomorrow where i will learn even more (hopefully ;) )

        i like german :f chinese wud be too difficult anyway... fo how long hav u been in finldnad now ??? do u hav finish friends dere?

      • sarah.ho
        straydogg kirjoitti:

        i like german :f chinese wud be too difficult anyway... fo how long hav u been in finldnad now ??? do u hav finish friends dere?

        i've been here for ~ 7 weeks now and no, no friends yet.

        why do you like german? what's so special about this language?

      • tell.
        sarah.ho kirjoitti:

        i've been here for ~ 7 weeks now and no, no friends yet.

        why do you like german? what's so special about this language?

        What is your city you live right now

      • sarah.ho
        tell. kirjoitti:

        What is your city you live right now

        mine? it's near tampere and i wouldn't even call it city ;) why?

      • nipott
        sarah.ho kirjoitti:

        i've been here for ~ 7 weeks now and no, no friends yet.

        why do you like german? what's so special about this language?

        Es ist völlig normal, dass ein Ausländer in Finnland nur schwer Freunde findet. Bis man sie dann hat, dauert es Jahre. Du machst also nichts falsch, die Finnen sind eben so - nicht aufgeben.
        Ich habe die gleichen Probleme, obwohl gebürtig aus Finnland - ich war zu lange im Ausland.
        Alles Gute!

    • dumdidum

      the germans here are so many that it starts to get a little annoying...but but there is a meeting every 4weeks or so in a bar...i was there only once cos i didnt see the point in whhhhyyy people who obviously dont fit together should spend an evening together only cos they have the same nationality...but maybe works for you.

      • T.Urkulainen

        Why do you think "it starts to get annoying"? Do you mean only Germans or foreigners in general ?
        I`m also German living in Finland and know only a few German people here, it`s not like you would meet Germans around every corner...
        Maybe you can`t understand why to some people it is important to speak and meet other people of same nationality (probably they have more in common you could imagine), but why would you mind to thinking about it and put an effort to go to this monthly meeting??
        Your intolerance shows that you are obviously a bit "yksinkertainen"!

      • nichts für ungut
        T.Urkulainen kirjoitti:

        Why do you think "it starts to get annoying"? Do you mean only Germans or foreigners in general ?
        I`m also German living in Finland and know only a few German people here, it`s not like you would meet Germans around every corner...
        Maybe you can`t understand why to some people it is important to speak and meet other people of same nationality (probably they have more in common you could imagine), but why would you mind to thinking about it and put an effort to go to this monthly meeting??
        Your intolerance shows that you are obviously a bit "yksinkertainen"!

        Was soll es darstellen diese Kauderwelsch,
        hier in Rubrik für deutschsprachige?

      • finnländare
        nichts für ungut kirjoitti:

        Was soll es darstellen diese Kauderwelsch,
        hier in Rubrik für deutschsprachige?

        Ja wo sind denn alle büffel hin, wir wollen deutsch lernen!

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