Mitä lisäravinteita käytätte?
Minulla menee vakiona kalaöljyä, magnesiumia ja vahvaa D-vitamiinia, joita otan ennen nukkumaanmenoa.
Olen nauttinut myös jo yli vuoden ruokasoodaa sisäisesti, pieni määrä lasilliseen kylmää vettä.
Marraskuun alusta lähtien nauttinut myös nikotiiniamidia, kolmisen 1500 mg:n tablettia päivässä. Auttanut aika lailla.
Lisäksi jo jonkin aikaa mennyt Didaa useampi tabletti päivässä, samoin Candida forte syöty loppuun ja tilalle Candida digest iHerbistä.
Otan noita kolmea, Source Naturals'in Niacinamide'a, Didaa ja Candida digestiä käytännössä aina yhdessä samaan aikaan ruokailun yhteydessä välttääkseni ruoasta aiheutuvia oireita ja toiminut aika hyvin. Kolmisen kertaa päivässä noita menee.
Edellisten lisäksi menee vielä iHerbiltä tilaamaani karnosiinia ja Nature's Way'n neemiä, goldensealia ja echinaceaa useampia kapseleita päivässä. Nature's Way'ltä on myös B6-vitamiini ja yritän muistaa ottaa sitäkin ennen nukkumaanmenoa, unohtuu kyllä usein. Kyseisen merkin purkeissa on näppärät flippikannet, joiden avaaminen on helppoa.
Eli aika paljon noita ravintolisiä menee monivitamiinitabletin lisäksi eikä tuossa tullut edes kaikki mainittua, tärkeimmät vaan.
Vasemmassa poskessa tuntuu edelleen, on siellä vielä jotain, mutta vaikutus heikentynyt käyttämieni droppien ansiosta. Ruoalla vaan saa edelleen eloon, varmimmin alkoholilla, sokereilla, hiilihydraateilla.
Vapina on vähentynyt poskionteloleikkauksen jälkeen. Ei sitä aiheuttanut käyttämäni nikotiiniamidi, koska isokaan määrä ei aiheuta oireita. Luultavasti karnosiini auttanut eniten, alkanutkin nauttia sitä säännöllisesti.
Dida ja Candida forte auttoivat heti suoliston oireisiin, elämöinti loppui heti.Tämmöinen uutuus löytyi iHerbiltä vielä: Health Concerns, Dr. Fung's Skin Balance, 90 Tablets.
Tuotemerkistä löytyi muualta tällaista tietoa, lainaus:
Health Concerns was the first company to manufacture Chinese herbal products in the United States for practitioners. For twelve years Health Concerns has established a reputation for excellence. Most of our products are available in tablet form, which is the preferred method of administration for American patients. There are over 90 formulas available for a wide range of patterns. Health Concerns' formulas are created on the basis of traditional Chinese Medicine and modern biochemistry and developed by experienced practitioners such as Dr. Fung Fung, Andrew Gaeddert, Misha Cohen, Bob Flaws, and Jake Fratkin.
Health Concerns is dedicated to promoting the benefits of herbal therapies by providing the highest quality herbal products available today. We understand that the traditional means of administering Traditional Chinese Medicine, through the brewing and drinking of teas is not often effective for Western patients and have therefore developed a wide range of products based on TCM formulas in a tablet form.
- Skin Balance'sta kerrotaan iHerbillä näin:
* Chinese Traditional Formulas
* Herbal Supplement
* Combining Modern Research and Ancient Wisdom
This is an empirical formula based on Dr. Fung's 60 years experience.
Skin Balance can be used for minor cases like pimples and localized itching to serious cases such as eczema or psoriasis. According to TCM these conditions are caused by heat, dampness, and toxins.
Skin Balance is designed to treat skin inflammation. It is able to do four things: eliminate toxins, evaluating, reduce heat and dampness, and to nourish the skin through nourishing the blood.
- Alkoi vaan sen verran kiinnostaa, että täytyy tutustua tuohonkin...Dr. Fung's Skin Balancea on jo kotona, mutten ole kokeillut vielä.
En ole näistä pillereistä mitenkään innoissani, yritän vain löytää sopivimmat.
- Kun Dida parin viikon kuluttua loppuu, alan käyttää Source Naturalsin 1500 mg:n niasiiniamidin ja Candida digestin lisäksi tätä, joka on paljon edullisempaa:
New Chapter's Zyflamend represents a scientific breakthrough in herbal, COX-2 support to promote a healthy inflammation response.
Recent scientific studies suggest that an enzyme known as cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) may affect the inflammation responses and may serve an important function in promoting normal cell growth in the colon, pancreas, breast tissue, and other organ systems. Zyflamend's ingredients promote a healthy inflammation response and normal joint function.
Endorsed by Dr. Andrew Weil
In an article published on, Andrew Weil, M.D., a leading proponent of complementary therapies, recommends Zyflamend as a way to support a healthy inflammation response:
"The hottest topic in medicine these days is inflammation...The most studied...herbs are ginger and turmeric...You could use ginger and turmeric in cooking, but it would mean consuming a lot of both herbs on a daily basis. That's not practical for most of us. So I usually recommend using them as supplements. A good supplement to try is Zyflamend from New Chapter...It combines ginger and turmeric with other...herbs and gives good results. "
Examined at Columbia University
In research conduced by Dr. A.E. Katz of Columbia University college of Physicians and Surgeons, Zyflamend demonstrated potent activity.
According to an article published in Holistic Primary Care magazine, Dr. Katz, "said he was particularly interested in New Chapter's Zyflamend, because the company grows most of its own constituent herbs organically, and obtains its extracts using a supercritical CO2 process, meaning there are no toxic solvent residues such as acetone or hexane, as is the case with other extraction techniques."
How it works
New Chapter, the maker of Zyflamend™, has extensively researched the herbal pharmacopoeia and international medical databases and discovered that the following time-tested herbs, properly extracted and blended in the correct proportions, contain at least eight phytonutrients that may safely and significantly support a healthy inflammation response:
Holy Basil:
(Ocimum sanctum) Contains the powerful ursolic acid, which significantly enhances detoxification and helps support the inflammation response.*
Unique curcumin phytonutrient complex, naturally works synergistically with green tea, significantly multiplying the healthy response to inflammation supported by green tea polyphenols.*
Supercritical extract offers numerous anti-aging constituents.*
Green Tea:
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences report green tea polyphenols contains 51 phytonutrients that support a healthy inflammatory response.*
Dual extracts offer highly concentrated, full spectrum detoxification.*
Hu Zhang:
(Polygonum cuspidatum) Richest known resveratrol source, shown scientifically to support a healthy inflammation response.*
Chinese Goldthread and Barberry:
Unique berberine phytonutrient complex, naturally supports the inflammation response system.*
Source of large number of compounds (31) that promote a healthy inflammatory response, according to USDA database.*
Unique baicalin phytonutrient complex, naturally supports healthy inflammatory responses.*
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
- Löysin jostain tuollaisen esittelyn. Tiedoksi myös, että New Chapter, Zyflamend EasyCaps, 180 Softgel Capsules maksaa iHerbillä 20,77 dollaria eli noin 14,36 euroa. Didasta sain pulittaa luontaistuotekaupassa 180 tabletilta yli 50 euroa!sanasinko kirjoitti:
Dr. Fung's Skin Balancea on jo kotona, mutten ole kokeillut vielä.
En ole näistä pillereistä mitenkään innoissani, yritän vain löytää sopivimmat.
- Kun Dida parin viikon kuluttua loppuu, alan käyttää Source Naturalsin 1500 mg:n niasiiniamidin ja Candida digestin lisäksi tätä, joka on paljon edullisempaa:
New Chapter's Zyflamend represents a scientific breakthrough in herbal, COX-2 support to promote a healthy inflammation response.
Recent scientific studies suggest that an enzyme known as cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) may affect the inflammation responses and may serve an important function in promoting normal cell growth in the colon, pancreas, breast tissue, and other organ systems. Zyflamend's ingredients promote a healthy inflammation response and normal joint function.
Endorsed by Dr. Andrew Weil
In an article published on, Andrew Weil, M.D., a leading proponent of complementary therapies, recommends Zyflamend as a way to support a healthy inflammation response:
"The hottest topic in medicine these days is inflammation...The most studied...herbs are ginger and turmeric...You could use ginger and turmeric in cooking, but it would mean consuming a lot of both herbs on a daily basis. That's not practical for most of us. So I usually recommend using them as supplements. A good supplement to try is Zyflamend from New Chapter...It combines ginger and turmeric with other...herbs and gives good results. "
Examined at Columbia University
In research conduced by Dr. A.E. Katz of Columbia University college of Physicians and Surgeons, Zyflamend demonstrated potent activity.
According to an article published in Holistic Primary Care magazine, Dr. Katz, "said he was particularly interested in New Chapter's Zyflamend, because the company grows most of its own constituent herbs organically, and obtains its extracts using a supercritical CO2 process, meaning there are no toxic solvent residues such as acetone or hexane, as is the case with other extraction techniques."
How it works
New Chapter, the maker of Zyflamend™, has extensively researched the herbal pharmacopoeia and international medical databases and discovered that the following time-tested herbs, properly extracted and blended in the correct proportions, contain at least eight phytonutrients that may safely and significantly support a healthy inflammation response:
Holy Basil:
(Ocimum sanctum) Contains the powerful ursolic acid, which significantly enhances detoxification and helps support the inflammation response.*
Unique curcumin phytonutrient complex, naturally works synergistically with green tea, significantly multiplying the healthy response to inflammation supported by green tea polyphenols.*
Supercritical extract offers numerous anti-aging constituents.*
Green Tea:
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences report green tea polyphenols contains 51 phytonutrients that support a healthy inflammatory response.*
Dual extracts offer highly concentrated, full spectrum detoxification.*
Hu Zhang:
(Polygonum cuspidatum) Richest known resveratrol source, shown scientifically to support a healthy inflammation response.*
Chinese Goldthread and Barberry:
Unique berberine phytonutrient complex, naturally supports the inflammation response system.*
Source of large number of compounds (31) that promote a healthy inflammatory response, according to USDA database.*
Unique baicalin phytonutrient complex, naturally supports healthy inflammatory responses.*
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
- Löysin jostain tuollaisen esittelyn. Tiedoksi myös, että New Chapter, Zyflamend EasyCaps, 180 Softgel Capsules maksaa iHerbillä 20,77 dollaria eli noin 14,36 euroa. Didasta sain pulittaa luontaistuotekaupassa 180 tabletilta yli 50 euroa!Tärkeä juttu vielä:
Ne, joilla ei ole luottokorttia, voivat perustaa EntroPay'lle virtuaali-Visan, joka toimii kuin luottokortti tilille siirretyn saldon puitteissa.
"Mitä lisäravinteita käytätte?"
- Vai otatteko vaan yhden pienen pyöreän pillerin päivässä?
Minä en voi käyttää niitä semmoisia ollenkaan ;)- NEN469
Tämän linkin kautta tillamalla saat ensimmäisestä Iherb tilauksesta 5 dollarin alennuksen.Tilaus onnistuu vaikka visa electronillakin, eli mitään luottokortteja ei tarvita.Paketti tulee koti-ovelle (jos satut olemaan kotona) tai lähipostiin reilussa viikossa.
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