S-postin aihe: Need a serious job? Lähettäjän s-postiosoite: [email protected]
Dear applicants!
Our company .WoodExpert. is one of the largest wood-processing enterprisesin the in the CIS . We provide our products to more than 45% of the needs of all enterprises in Russia. We are actively exported to the countries of the CIS and Eastern European countries. Own area of forest plantations about 2 million hectares across the country. They are located in all climatic zones, which means that we are ready to deliver, and Siberian pine, and southern oak. Equipment of our company is certified ISO 2000, it allows us to process raw materials in all standard sizes accepted in most countries. The turnover of raw materials last year was 1500000 cubic meters, we are entering the markets of Western Europe and North and East of America. We can offer our customers environmentally friendly materials for the manufacture of laminate, timber for houses and interior decoration. Range of our products has more than 100 variants of wood processing.
In connection with the global expansion of our company, we are actively recruiting our team of new employees worldwide. In this letter, we would like to offer it for you. We are confident that with us you can be realized as a professional, and the beginning of our company will provide a good foundation to build your future.
We will not make the above requirements for person who came to us. We guarantee the training, decent pay, health insurance and a full range of social guarantees. At beginning, your salary will be 2000 euros per month. According to the results of your work is not excluded that you will eventually take one of the key positions in the branches of the company.
However, be aware that your duties will include the areas of responsibility as a presentation event, the conclusion and maintenance contracts, so please take utmost care and responsibility for the duties performed.
However, a number of requirements for the candidates is: the age of 21 years, the ability to use the Internet, quickly find the information, no debt, good credit history, ability to solve problems, take initiative. The presence of reasonable ambition will be your advantage.
If you think you could handle the job and you are interested in this position, we are waiting for your detailed resume: Please make sure to send your resume only to this address: [email protected] otherwise personnel department does not warrant its consideration. By making any decision you will be informed during the week.
Personnel Department of the company
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