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Cross Match Technologies, Inc.
The Cross Match offerings consist of a wide range of biometric products and solutions, which are used to capture and process the unique physiological characteristics of individuals to establish and verify their identities. These solutions include fingerprint, palm, and full hand scanners (commonly called livescan devices), facial and iris recognition systems, document readers, and related services. These products are recognized for their quality, reliability, performance, ease-of-use and functionality.

Products and Services
Facility Design and Construction > Security > Monitoring > Facial recognition
Quickly identiy "persons of interest" comparing real-time facial images against casino-specific "watch lists."
Advertising, Marketing and Sales > Player Development > Guest Services Development > Visitor Management
Allows for the biometric enrollment and tracking of guests. Also will recognize previously enrolled guest to speed up VIP check in.
Facility Design and Construction > Security > Other > Vendor/Visitor Management Systems
Tracking of vendors/visitors biometrically and keeping complete audit trail of their visits.
Gaming Equipment and Supplies > Other Gaming Equipment > Other > Live Scan Fingerprint Machines
Live Scan Fingerprint machines that will allow you to expedite the employee fingerprint background check.
Facility Design and Construction > Facilities > Other > Vendor/Visitor Management Systems
Allows you to biometrically track vendors/visitors that come through the casino and have a complete audit trail of their visits.
Administration and Finance > Human Resources > Employee Screening > Fingerprinting Devices for Background Checks
Leading manufacturer of live scan fingerprint machines to allow for electronic submission of employee fingerprint background checks.
Administration and Finance > Human Resources > ID Products
Leading manufacturer of live scan fingerprint machines to allow for electronic submission of employee fingerprint background checks.
Administration and Finance > Human Resources > Identification > Visitor Management
Leading manufacturer of live scan fingerprint machines to allow for electronic submission of employee fingerprint background checks.
Administration and Finance > Human Resources > Risk Management and Mitigation
Leading manufacturer of live scan fingerprint machines to allow for electronic submission of employee fingerprint background checks.
Gaming Equipment and Supplies > Other Gaming Equipment > Other > Electronic Background Checks for Employees
Leading manufacturer of live scan fingerprint machines to allow for electronic submission of employee fingerprint background checks."




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • Ouhhjeeahh!!!


      China fingerprint
      Professional Manufacturer, exporter Fingerprint reader security system
      www.zksoftware.comAbstract:A casino gambling system may comprise a plurality of casino gambling units and at least one computer that may include a biometric input apparatus capable of generating digital data representing a unique physical characteristic of a user and a controller operatively coupled to the biometric input apparatus. The controller may be programmed to control access to the computer based upon digital data generated by the biometric input apparatus. The biometric input apparatus may be a camera for generating an image of a person's face, an eye scanner, a fingerprint scanner, or a microphone and a voice digitizer. The gambling units may be programmed to play a game selected from the group of video games consisting of video poker, video blackjack, video slots, video keno and video poker.

    • hääääähähähähähääää

      Noh nih....Tv1 Prisma-ohjelma ti 4.3.14......taisi tulla selväksi miksi pelikoneet toimivat kuten toimivat.....tunnistus???

    Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.

    Luetuimmat keskustelut

    1. Kuka maksaa Elokapinan töhrinnän?

      Vieläkö tukevat Elokapinan toimintaa mm. Aki Kaurismäki, Sofi Oksanen, Paleface, Koneen Säätiö ym. ? Kenen kukkarosta ot
      Maailman menoa
    2. Muuttaisiko viesti mitään

      Haluaisin laittaa viestin, mutta muuttaisiko se mitään. Oletko yhä yhtä ehdoton vai valmis kyseenalaistamaan asenteesi j
    3. Jos sinulla kiinnostaisi

      Nyt, miten antaisit minun ymmärtää sen?
    4. Valpuri Nykänen elokapina

      Aikas kiihkomielinen nainen kun mtv:n uutiset haastatteli. Tuollaisiako ne kaikki on.
      Maailman menoa
    5. Oon vähän ihastunut suhun nainen

      Vaikka toisin jokin aika sitten väitin mutta saat mut haluamaan olemaan parempi ihminen :)
    6. Jospa me nähtäisiin

      Sinne suuntaan menossa🤣
    7. Se että tavattiin

      Hyvin arkisissa olosuhteissa oli hyvä asia. Olimme molemmat lähestulkoon aina sitä mitä oikeasti olemme. Tietysti pieni
    8. Elämä jatkuu

      Onneksi ilman sinua
    9. Oot pala mun sielua

      Jos toivot, että lähden mä lähden. Jos toivot, että jään mä jään. Koen, että olet mun sielunkumppani, mutta lämmöllä my
    10. Hei T........

      Ajattelin kertoa että edelleen välillä käyt mielessä.... En ole unohtanut sinua, enkä varmasti ikinä... Vaikka on kulunu