Juoniselostuksen lyhentämien Wikipediassa

Jason Statham

Wikipedia valittaa, että alla oleva juoniselostus on liian pitkä (niin kuin se minustakin on). Miten lyhentäisit sen? Pelkkä virkkeiden poistaminen ei riitä. Noin kaksi kolmannesta tekstistä pitäisi poistaa.

"A suspected Colombian drug cartel leader is drowned while swimming in his pool by a "mechanic", Arthur Bishop. Bishop escapes the ensuing chaos by jumping into a nearby river. He later meets with his friend and mentor, Harry McKenna, who pays Bishop for his work.

At his house, Bishop finds that his new contract is to kill Harry. Bishop's employer confirms by phone that the contract is correct, whereupon Bishop requests a face-to-face meeting. Dean tells Bishop about a failed mission in South Africa, in which assassins of Bishop's agency were killed. Dean relates that only two people knew about the mission—himself and Harry—and that Harry had been paid for the contract details. Bishop reluctantly kills Harry with his own gun and makes it look like a carjacking. At Harry's funeral, Bishop meets Harry's son Steve, and decides to train him as a mechanic. He adopts a chihuahua and instructs Steve to take the dog with him to a coffee shop each day at the same time. As Steve settles in to his routine, Bishop escalates his training by taking him on a contract.

Bishop informs Steve that he has a contract of his own. The target is a mechanic for another agency named Burke, who frequents the same coffee shop as Steve. Burke's only weaknesses are that he is interested in young men and small dogs. Burke makes his move on Steve and invites him out to drinks. Bishop instructs Steve to slip a large dose of Rohypnol into Burke's drink to cause an overdose. Steve ignores this direction and instead goes with Burke to his apartment. Burke begins to undress, and Steve attempts to strangle him with a belt as Bishop had done. Steve manages to kill Burke after much effort. Dean expresses his disapproval of Bishop's use of Steve for the Burke contract, but Bishop replies that he was given that contract through Harry and not Dean.

Bishop is given a contract to kill Andrew Vaughn, the leader of a cult-like church. Steve and Bishop plan to inject Vaughn with adrenaline to simulate a heart attack, for which the paramedics would administer a fatal dose of epinephrine. A doctor arrives and sets Vaughn up with an IV of ketamine, which would inhibit the epinephrine's effects. They improvise and suffocate him, but are discovered and forced into a shootout with the guards. They slip out while the building is being evacuated and fly home separately.

At the airport, Bishop sees a supposed victim of the mission that Harry allegedly sold out. Bishop realizes that Dean had tricked him into killing Harry, and that Dean engineered the failed mission to cover up his own shady dealings. Later, Bishop is ambushed by a group of mechanics. After killing them, he discovers that Dean was behind the hit. Bishop goes home to call Steve, only to find that Steve has also been ambushed at Bishop's house. Bishop directs Steve to a hidden gun, which Steve uses to kill his ambushers. Bishop has Steve gather supplies for their new mission while he plots how to get to Dean. In the process, Steve finds his father's gun and realizes that Bishop killed Harry.

Bishop and Steve kill Dean in an ambush. Afterwards, at a gas station, Steve pours fuel on the ground. Steve shoots the gas, blowing up Bishop's truck with Bishop still inside. He returns to Bishop's house, and performs two actions that Bishop told him not to do: playing a record on the turntable, and taking the 1966 Jaguar E-Type Bishop had been working on. As he is driving away, Steve notices a note on the passenger seat reading: "Steve, if you're reading this then you're dead!" Moments later, the car explodes, killing him. At the same time, Bishop's house also explodes. Back at the gas station, a security video reveals that Bishop had escaped from his truck moments before Steve blew it up. Bishop gets in another truck he had by the beach and drives away."




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)

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