Point being, astrology's "common sense" language has changed over time. What changes it isn't necessarily things working better.. it's also tied up with the cultural and spiritual trends of the time. I suspect that the philosophy of the theosophists had much to do with the adoption of Uranus (and even Neptune) into the modern astrologers notebook.
But we should never forget that someone like the assignment, rationalized a reason, and then one the philosophical debate, and then we accept something as "true." And that doesn't go for just the modern thinkers, ancient astrologers were doing it too. They had their philosophies, intertwining with their observations of the sky, to create something meaningful. But scratch too hard on the surface, and the meaning starts to dissipate...
Maybe it's not unlike cracking open someone's skull and digging around for the mind.. and despairing that there isn't one to be found.
Maailmanlaajuisesti löytyy netistä. On hyvä siirtyä laajempaan verkostoon etsiessään tarkoitusta astrologian olemassaololle. Kulttuurit ovat erilaisia erilaisilla keskusteluareenoilla.
Keskustelua astrologiasta
- For all we know.
What I see is that astrology is based on correlational studies. Although correlational analysis presents useful information, the scientific community states that you cannot draw a cause/effct relationship on them due to the fact that they don't rule out hidden variables. So, unless we can pick an adequate number of people with exactly the same charts, and then repeatedly move the planets to the positions we need for the parameters of the study, we will never be able to prove astrology in an empirical way. Fortunately, life isn't that steril. For me, a discipline like astrology which has existed longer than the written word obviously has it's merits. If it works, use it.
- JK
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