The company above-mentioned are the responsible to manage our Company Building.
When I moved I tried to get information in general and in specific issues related to the common life in the building.
The answer was that 'I just got this Community so I need to study it'. After weeks waiting for the 'study' of the common things that any realtor should know and provide to knew neighbours, I had to report damages caused by another neighbour so I contact them to claim both, my answers (the normal I'd call welcome package) and to report. The replay was that 'I was on holidays for 3 weeks and that they don't provide any documentation but the bills, in English'. My replay to that was already exceptic: no warn about it? no 'out of the office' reply? not sending even the general, mandatory (at least in the countries where I lived before), documentation in Finnish provided?
I tried to short but a service like this is not provided even by a punch of children.
What can I do? Where I can ask for my rights? is there any Organization or Public Institution? 3 months already and nobody is fixing what I reported. I have still to ask for simple things that only them can do, like changing the name at my door, and I can't since they cut all communication!
I even cc other e-mail addresse of that brunch in Tapiola but it seems nobody cares!?
I can't help thinking that it might be true that the Finnish don't want 'inmigrants'. Distressing.
Thank you in advance for your help!
Realia Tapiola, dreadful service. Any advice?
Looking 4 Advice
- ex-customer
Call cops, make criminal report online, sue, discontinue contract. It's more of a economic criminal organisation than any genuine company.
Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.
Luetuimmat keskustelut
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Ugissa muisteltu kunnolla. 🔥